Reborn Tokyo Golden Age

Chapter 142 Shaking Hands and Making Peace

"How many?"

Hearing the words special money, Bai Chuanfeng immediately regained his spirits.

"1 million U.S. dollars." Because he was talking about overseas copyrights, Norio Ohga also directly asked for the price in U.S. dollars.

"10 million dollars," Bai Chuanfeng opened his mouth wide.

Hearing Bai Chuanfeng's asking price, Ohe Norio was almost choked, kid, are you serious?

Norio Ohga shook his head helplessly, "4 million dollars, Shirakawa-san, Sony has sincerity, please respect this sincerity."

"Dahe-san..." Osakane Kozo, who was sitting next to him, wanted to stop him. The price almost caught up with his bid for the acquisition of Shirakawa Electric just now.

"Deal!" However, before the other party finished speaking, Bai Chuanfeng directly agreed.

With such a quick answer, not only Norio Oga, but also Kozo Osone, who wanted to stop him, froze for a moment.

"According to what Da Hesang said, for 4 million US dollars, Baichuan Electric will release the overseas market authorization of Walkmans."

If we only talk about overseas market authorization, Bai Chuanfeng's initial price in his heart is almost 10 million US dollars.

However, because Sony also released the restrictions on local patents, it also gave away the authorization of CD technology for free.

Such a total, 4 million US dollars + local patent + CD technology authorization, such a big gift package can be exchanged for the authorization of the Walkman's overseas market.

Bai Chuanfeng roughly calculated that this deal is definitely not a loss.

In fact, in his opinion, a free license of a CD technology patent is worthwhile, which is the market size that can be equivalent to the Walkman in the future.

Although the future of the CD market has not been proven, Sony does not know how it will perform, but Bai Chuanfeng knows.

In a few years, those idol stars will sell millions of records at every turn, which is the best proof.

So since the value for money is excellent, there is no hesitation. In his opinion, $4 million is just an extra, so don't worry too much about it.

As for why Bai Chuanfeng didn't want to be a little darker and insisted on asking for prices.

Sony is not a fool. If the price is too high, it will not allow everyone to sit together and have a good talk like now.

Therefore, accept as soon as it is good, Bai Chuanfeng does not intend to make a fortune by blackmailing people.

In exchange for the soil for survival of Shirakawa Electric, and the authorization of another mainstream audio format in the future, he is already very satisfied.

"Bai Chuan-san is indeed a happy person, since that's the case, then let's leave this matter as it is."

Seeing that Bai Chuanfeng readily agreed, Norio Ohe did not continue to struggle with the bid just now.

"It's a deal," Bai Chuanfeng smiled and stretched out his right hand.

Norio Ohe suddenly laughed when he saw Bai Chuanfeng acting like this. This way of socializing reminded him of the time when he was studying abroad.

"It's a deal," he smiled and stretched out his hand.

So the two sides shook hands and made peace.

The battle between Shirakawa Electric and Sony for the Walkman authorization has come to an end for now.

Now that the negotiation was over, Bai Chuanfeng also planned to leave, but Norio Ohga stopped him.

"Shirakawa-san, your company's earphones are very thoughtful. Sony really wants to cooperate with Shirakawa Electric in this field, I don't know..."

Bai Chuanfeng was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that Sony wanted the patent authorization for earphones.

Shirakawa Electric's earphones have registered a patent for their appearance and structure, and the principles of the earphones are the same, so they cannot be patented.

But the appearance and structure are okay. Not only that, Bai Chuanfeng also registered all kinds of earphones in the later generations, such as in-ear type and back neck type.

As for the benefits of registration? Don't you think it's here?

"Baichuan Electric can authorize the patent of earphones, and the specific fee details will be contacted by each other's teams at another time."

Bai Chuanfeng readily agreed to the patent authorization of earphones, because he knew that the patent was not difficult.

If Sony is pushed into a hurry, it is very likely that it will do everything possible to avoid it, and then argue with you.

No need, blocking is worse than sparse. Why did Bai Chuanfeng refuse to lie down and collect patent fees?

Not only Sony, but any company that came to Baichuan Electric to talk about authorization in the future, Baichuanfeng still agreed without hesitation.

We need to take a long-term view, and everyone's interests are related, so it will be easier to do business in the future.

Seeing that Bai Chuanfeng readily agreed, Ohe Norio nodded in satisfaction.

Both of them are not stingy people, which made him feel like a hero.

After the matter was settled, Bai Chuanfeng also took his leave and left.

Seeing the back of the other party leaving, Osone Kozo couldn't help turning his head to look at Norio Oga.

"Da Hesang, is this..."

Norio Oga knew what he wanted to say, "Osone-san, although Sony paid some price, it was all worth it.

The popularity of Walkman abroad may exceed our imagination, and the board of directors attaches great importance to overseas markets. "

Just recently, a foreign company has contacted Sony actively, wanting to represent their Walkman channel for sale.

Compared with the vast overseas market, 4 million US dollars is nothing.

What's more, only 1 billion yen for 4 million US dollars, which is much less than the previous budget for the acquisition of Shirakawa Electric, but it also solved the patent problem.

This deal is a good deal no matter what. As for spending another few hundred million yen to acquire the assets of Baichuan Electric.

To be honest, Sony really doesn't like it. After all, the reason why they wanted to acquire Baichuan Electric in the first place was because of the Walkman patent in its hands.

"The authorization of CD technology..." Osone Kozo didn't understand why Norio Oga valued CD technology so much, but easily authorized it to Shirakawa Electric.

"Osone-san and Sony are not without competitors, and it is not just CDs that are involved in the battle for the next generation of audio formats."

Later generations may only know that CD was popular for a long time before the millennium, but they don't know that CD also experienced fierce competition at the beginning of its development.

At this time, there are more than a dozen Japanese companies participating in the next-generation record standard competition in their own country alone.

Among them, Sony's main rival is JVC, which is also known for producing high-quality consumer electronics.

In terms of market reputation alone, Sony is not in vain at all.

And now JVC engineers are developing AHD discs. According to the information that Norio Ohga knows, the information density of AHD discs is already higher than that of CDs.

What's even more worrying is that many industry experts in the neighborhood believe that AHD's sound quality is better.

But if that's all it is, Sony will not jointly develop CD technology with Philips.

The two giant companies are really forced to jointly deal with JVC, in addition to the fact that their research directions are the same, another reason that cannot be ignored is that Panasonic is also standing on the united front with JVC.

Sony, Philips VS Panasonic, JVC, just think about how fierce the competition is.

Therefore, authorizing Baichuan Electric's CD technology is purely to attract a younger brother to the CD alliance.

In addition to Shirakawa Electric, Sony also sent invitations to Pioneer and Denon.

It's just that, the authorization fee can be ignored, but it is by no means free.

Norio Ohga is very clear that the more manufacturers participate in the format competition, the more advantageous it will be.

Don't worry too much about some immediate benefits.

Coming out of the Sony Building, Bai Chuanfeng turned around and looked back, and it was finally over.

The turbulent patent dispute, which lasted for more than a month, finally came to an end.

Although there was anxiety, pressure, and suffering during the process, fortunately, the final result was not bad, and even exceeded expectations.

CD, another piece of blue ocean is waiting for him.

Who said that Sony is domineering, he is obviously the big brother of Bo Yuntian.

"Go back." Bai Chuanfeng waved his hand with an indescribably relaxed tone.

"Okay" everyone responded loudly, and everyone was smiling.

Baichuan Electric avoided the fate of being acquired, and also solved its worries. Compared with a behemoth like Sony, in their view, that is a victory.

"Mr. Muto, I have caused you trouble during this time." The stone in his heart fell to the ground, and the first person Bai Chuanfeng thanked was the Meiji University foreign aid team.

"Having such a result is not a bad thing, as for us, it's just a matter of little effort.

In the future, I will manage my club well, and I hope to be a guest of Shirakawa Electric again one day in the future. Not in Ota Ward, but in a mansion like this. "

Kiyoshi Muto glanced at the towering Sony Building beside him, and his eyes were not without encouragement.

"I will definitely." Bai Chuanfeng nodded solemnly, he had no doubts about this.

"Okay, see you later then."

"Seniors, go slowly."

After seeing off the Meiji seniors, Bai Chuanfeng turned around with a smile, "Today I am treating guests, and I will not return if I am not drunk!".

"Oh~" The relaxed crowd cheered happily.

They were happy not because of the president's treat, but more because the pressure in their hearts was gone, and there was a good result. Everyone desperately needed an excuse to vent.

Seeing their cheerful faces, Bai Chuanfeng also laughed happily.

The harvest this time is really not bad.

To be honest, Bai Chuanfeng didn't want to tear himself apart with Sony unless it was a last resort.

After all, it is a very unwise choice to fight against a large company, especially when Baichuan Electric is still very weak.

And Sony, as he thought, did not ignore the patent held by Shirakawa Electric.

So the two sides tacitly limited the issue to the negotiating table, and even if the follow-up off-the-market moves were made, there was no stance of chasing after them.

After a little testing, we probably weighed each other's weight, and it can't be resolved in a short time. Then returning to the negotiating table is a natural choice.

That is, since then, Bai Chuanfeng has been thinking about it in his heart.

How to talk to Sony, what can I get in the end, or what I want most from Sony.

So it is obviously CD technology, but the plan of lying to win has not been completed, but it is not a loss to be able to authorize for free.

All obstacles have been resolved, and all hidden dangers have been dissolved.

Then the next step, Shirakawa Electric, set sail!

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