Reborn Tycoon Rise

Chapter 37 Buyout

Shen Baoxin's office is in a pure Chinese style. When he walked in, the first thing he saw was a pure wooden red sofa. The room is also very large, about 30 square meters. There is a wooden door behind the quaint desk, and there should be an inner room inside.

Shen Baoxin greeted with a smile: "Xu Sheng, please sit down. Lao Cha may have to come back later. We can have a casual chat first. I heard that Xu Sheng's first time to submit an article was for our Mingpao. It's a pity that his men didn't catch it." What an opportunity!”

Xu Zhidao: "It's nothing. Mingbao is strict, which is normal. But there won't be any trouble for the person who rejected me at the beginning, right?"

In fact, Xu Zhi had almost forgotten about that person. Although he rejected his manuscript at that time, it was just for work needs. After all, he was a stranger. It was a courtesy to help you, and it was his duty not to help you.

Putting himself in his shoes, he couldn't be a good person, but the other party was quite polite to him at the time, explained the rules of Ming Pao, and recommended him to find a small newspaper, so Xu Zhi still didn't want the other party to cause any trouble for him. , in some large companies, many things are done indiscriminately, and Xu Zhi is afraid that Ming Pao will do the same.

Shen Baoxin waved his hand and said with a smile: "No, employees just do what they are asked to do. This is also a matter of our regulations."

Xu Zhi smiled and said: "It's not really a problem. It's impossible for a big newspaper to accept everyone's manuscripts. I stayed at Jiahe Daily for a few days and received a lot of messy manuscripts. It looked really troublesome. "

The front desk came in and handed over two cups of brewed tea. Shen Baoxin suddenly said: "Prepare another cup, the chairman will be here soon."

"Okay." The front desk responded immediately.

Shen Baoxin blew a few puffs, took a sip of strong tea, and said, "I heard that Xu Sheng is filming a movie?"

Xu Zhi nodded and said, "Yes, the filming has been completed. It will be released on the 15th of this month. Director Shen, if you are interested, you can go to the cinema to see it."

Shen Baoxin smiled and said: "Okay, then I will definitely go see it, but I still admire Xu Sheng for having his own career at such a young age."

Xu Zhixiao: "It's just for fun, it can't be considered a career. Ming Pao is the real big business."

Shen Baoxin said: "We also came out step by step. In fact, Xu Sheng is very smart. Finding a powerful person to join the joint venture will indeed save countless troubles. When Lao Cha and I founded Ming Pao together, we encountered many difficulties. Later, By bringing in other shareholders, it will slowly grow. The more promising it is, the more likely it is that you will choke to death if you eat alone!"

Xu Zhidao: "Then I'm lucky. I just have no money, so I cooperated with Zou Wenhuai."

Shen Baoxin smiled: "Many times, luck is also a part of strength. Without certain strength and preparation, even if opportunities and luck come, I'm afraid I won't be able to seize them."

Xu Zhi didn't say any more and said, "Actually, there is one more thing I want to ask Director Shen for help."

Shen Baoxin said: "Oh, what's the matter?"

Xu Zhidao: "My movie will be released soon, and I want to buy the front page of Ming Pao to promote it."

Shen Baoxin frowned and said, "Do we have to have the home page?"

Xu Zhidao: "It's best to be on the homepage!"

Shen Baoxin shook his head and said: "The home page is the most important advertising resource of a newspaper. Generally speaking, the newspaper on the home page has been sold a month ago, and now it is basically too late."

Xu Zhi was already prepared and asked: "What about other positions?"

Shen Baoxin said: "I don't know about this. I'll ask later."

After saying that, Shen Baoxin wrote it down in a notebook. This is just a small matter, just ask the secretary.

"Xu Sheng, I wonder how many words there are in the book Kunlun?"

Xu Zhi replied: "Almost more than one million!"

Shen Baoxin smiled and said: "I heard that Kunlun has been completely written. I wonder if it is true?"

Xu Zhidao: "The information in Ming Pao is really powerful. Only a handful of people know about it."

Shen Baoxin said: "Jiahe is one of the top companies in the film industry. Zou Wenhuai's entry into the paper media industry will certainly attract a lot of attention. So although we don't know the content of your cooperation, we can still guess something based on some of the information we found."

Zou Wenhuai and He Guanchang may keep it secret, but there are too many people involved in establishing a newspaper. Some things are not considered secrets at all in the eyes of many people, and they may be revealed over a drink.

Since ancient times, the detection of trade secrets has never been as complicated as on TV. The most common trick is to drink alcohol.

Xu Zhidao: "Although the novel is almost the same, there may be some revisions in the later stage. I heard that Mr. Cha has also been overhauling his previous novels. Director Shen should understand what I mean."

Shen Baoxin smiled and said: "I understand, there are not many Kunlun novels written in newspapers now. Today I want to talk about the physical book release of the prequel Iron-Blooded Heroes."

Xu Zhi asked: "Isn't the number of words in Iron-Blooded Genius a bit short?"

A normal physical book has about 200,000-300,000 words, while Iron-Blooded Prodigy only has 130,000 words, which is a bit too little.

Shen Baoxin nodded and said: "Yes, but it doesn't matter. It's better if the book is thinner. This is not a problem."

Xu Zhidao: "Then how can we cooperate?"

Shen Baoxin said: "There are two ways. One is that we Mingbao will directly pay a sum of money to buy it out, and the other is to share it. For each book, Xu Sheng can get a share of it."

Xu Zhidao: "What aspects of copyright are they?"

Shen Baoxin said: "All copyrights, global, including those translated into foreign languages, belong to us. Even if it is a sharing agreement, Xu Sheng can get his share of the share, but the copyright still belongs to us."

Xu Zhidao: "Ming Pao's appetite must be too big!"

Shen Baoxin said: "Xu Sheng may not understand that once we promote a novel, we will promote it across the board. If the copyright is not all in our hands, wouldn't we be making wedding dresses for others?"

Xu Zhi asked: "Then I don't know what the buyout price is and what the share price is?"

Shen Baoxin said: "If you buy out, the price is 300,000, including the follow-up Kunlun book. And the split is more complicated, involving Hong Kong and overseas splits, and the split is different in each place, and the specific aspects need to be A lawyer builds a contract.”

Xu Zhidao: "Kunlun hasn't finished yet, are you willing to buy the copyright?"

300,000 may not seem like much in future generations, but this was 1977, and a 1,000-square-foot mansion in Xiangjiang now costs about the same, and in 2019, the value can exceed 15 million (depending on the location of the house, a conservative estimate).

Shen Baoxin laughed and said: "Zou Wenhuai dared to invest several million to run a newspaper. Can't our Mingbao afford hundreds of thousands?"

Xu Zhi asked: "Is this copyright permanent?"

"Yes, it is valid forever, but according to international copyright law, the copyright of personal works is within 50 years after a person's death. According to Xu Sheng's age, it is estimated that Kunlun's copyright should last for more than a hundred years! Almost the same Forever." Shen Baoxin explained with a smile.

Xu Zhi asked: "Director Shen should know that the current Kunlun serialization speed is not very fast. Even if a physical book is published, it will definitely have to wait until it is serialized. This is a long time."

Shen Baoxin said: "We know this. If the cooperation is successful, we will launch Jagged Heroes first. According to the serialization speed of Jiahe Daily, Kunlun with 200,000 words will be available as a book in two months. This is also in line with our publishing speed. I wonder if Xu Sheng has decided whether to choose a share or a buyout?"

Xu Zhi asked: "I don't know the sharing agreement. It seems hard to determine!"

Shen Baoxin smiled and said: "To put it simply, almost here in Xiangjiang, Xu Sheng can get 5 cents in publishing fees for selling a book, while overseas, it is almost 3 cents! Of course, it may actually be There is a gap, this data is just a reference.”

Xu Zhi frowned and said, "That's it?"

Shen Baoxin smiled and said: "This figure is already very high. There is more than one book in a set. The terminal selling price of a book is only two or three yuan. The price may be higher in RB and Europe and the United States. In Asia, the price is too expensive. There is no market at all. The price of Gu Long’s novels is about the same, which seems very small, but there are hundreds of millions of Chinese in Southeast Asia alone, and this year Kim Yong’s novels are also very popular in RB Korea after being translated, and your Kunlun is also Maybe it’s not bad, the annual purchase volume of these people is definitely not low, so even if a book costs only a few cents, an income of tens of thousands a year can still be guaranteed, of course, it must be really good-looking.”

An income of tens of thousands a year is definitely a gold-collar level in Xiangjiang in this era, but these are just big cakes at the moment. In the future, the publisher will have the final say on how many books are sold. Can you still go out to prove it, let alone The overseas sales volume is so high that even the Hollywood box office can cheat you, let alone the physical book sales.

The safest way is to get the money all at once. Perhaps in the future, as Xu Zhi becomes more famous, he won’t be able to falsify too much and his income will be higher than the buyout. But in the late 1970s, gold was everywhere in Xiangjiang. Money is king.

Xu Zhidao: "Then I choose to buy out."

Shen Baoxin nodded and said, "Okay, but Xu Sheng's novel has not been completely finished yet. Even if we buy it out in one go, we will have to wait until the book is released before we can fully pay the royalties."

Xu Zhi refused: "If that's the case, why should I sell the copyright? After the Kunlun serialization is completed, Zou Wenhuai will probably be able to establish his own channels. Why should I cooperate with you now?"

Shen Baoxin frowned and said: "We don't have to wait until the novel is finished. We can calculate it based on the number of words. Part of the fee for Iron-Blooded Prodigy can be given to you now, and you can also get the corresponding income when the first volume of Kunlun can be produced."

"No, either you give it to me once, or we don't talk about this cooperation." Xu Zhi firmly refused. Not surprisingly, the income from Drunken Master will be available in two months. Even if the box office is not as successful as in history, I guess I won’t care about this book patent by then.

Shen Baoxin was silent for a moment and said: "Okay, let's each take a step back. I can give you the money directly, but you must also serialize a novel of no less quality than Kunlun in our Ming Pao. We will not give you a lower manuscript fee." .”

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