Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 147: Captain Dragonfly

Osaka Prefecture, Chuo Ward.

Kameda's death was forgotten by colleagues in the trading company just a few days ago. Everyone was just a colleague at work, not a friend who made friends in times of need. It was only when they passed by the construction site where the accident happened that they thought of turtle. Tian died in a car accident here, but that's all. When the construction site was completed, Kameda's imprint on the minds of the trading company members completely disappeared.

"Senior Shoubu, what do you think of this?"

The company really sent a new recruit to Takeo Moribu, but this newcomer is not the two crony who came in through the back door as Tachikawa said, but a professional counterpart who graduated from a first-class university, a real professional counterpart. Only then did Takeo Bu understand what it means to be handy, and this newcomer can draw inferences from one fact without his painstaking explanation.

I am afraid that after working for another year and a half to become familiar with the work, I will surpass myself.

"That's good." Takeo Moribe nodded with a smile, "It's just that the sentence starting from line 582 is a bit redundant, so just correct it."

Looking at Takeo Moribe with a smile on his face, another colleague in the office sighed dejectedly. According to the rules in the office, the most cowardly Takeo Moribe should have two crony belts, but now it is Moribe Takeo. Takeo took the capable newcomer, but he took the two crony.

"It's all written." The colleague who was successfully promoted to the number one useless colleague hammered his thigh. He stared at the siege work handed in by the two newcomers with dazed eyes, "It's messy and illogical, What the hell, even the interface called...the interface? The interface will not be called!"

The useless colleague resisted the urge to smash the keyboard and worked hard to patch up this pile of buggy things.

He couldn't afford to offend the two juniors who came in through the back door. It was just after noon when the two disappeared again, and all the work was on him.

"I can bear it, what else can I do, bear it."

"Why did the two ancestors come to the R&D department, can't they just be sent to the leisure department..."

As for the change of Takeo Moribe's status in the office, he really can't envy it. Takeo Moribe's identity change is really... too dramatic.

Colleagues in the trading company all know that Takeo Moribe had a bad luck a few days ago and rescued the boss of a consortium from the river. This is simply a fairy tale!

Afterwards, many colleagues present said this incident with a look of "sadness" on their faces, as if if it weren't for Takeo Moribe's actions at that time, they would be the ones who would save people in the end, and the **** luck should have hit their heads. Other colleagues who heard about it later were even more embarrassed, sighing that he was not there, otherwise, let alone saving people, even the car could be fished for him from the bottom of the river.

Takeo Moribe just smiled unconcernedly about his colleague's aftermath behavior. If the society was really filled with this kind of mutual help, it would be too late for him to be happy.

"Senior Moribu, would you like to have a drink tonight?"

"Everyone in the office is planning to get together."

The junior handed in a project that had just been revised, and the guard nodded with satisfaction after checking it.

"Well, tonight..." Moribu thought for a while and nodded, "As long as you don't work overtime, it's fine."

After having money, Takeo Moribe also learned to enjoy luxury for himself, such as going to an izakaya every night for a set meal of 1,000 yuan.

After get off work, Moribe was not the only person who went to the izakaya. Most of the people in the office were called to go to the izakaya for a drink. After drinking this, divide it into a few small circles and then drink the second one, and even the third one. As the number of sessions increases, there are fewer people and the circle is more closed, and the bad words about the workplace are becoming more and more presumptuous.

However, the leaders of the office were also present during the first session of the izakaya. Everyone only talked about some meaty jokes at the most. After laughing, they said non-nutritious empty words. On the surface, they seemed very harmonious, but in their hearts they didn’t know what plans they had. , The little shrimps are even more afraid to drink too much. If they are drunk and say something bad about the leader, they will commit suicide at the tower!

"Fujioka Keito, who jumped off the rails..." A slightly drunk little leader smiled, "You guys, do you still have any impressions?"

"Ah, yes."

"His widow and daughter, tsk tsk." The little leader said mysteriously, "I got a lot of money recently."

"Ah? Does the company give you a pension?"


"Suicide is returned to the pension. When did the company become so humane?"

"Ha, how is that possible."

The little leader didn't sell anything either. After eating an edamame, he said, "It's the legendary fly freak who threw coins at her house recently."

"It's a mask..."

Takeo Moribe drank a glass of wine. He wanted to correct the wrong name from the leader's mouth. It was the Kamen Rider who threw the coins, not the Flies Freak!

"It really exists. I thought it was all boring and choreographed."

"It must be some rich man who made fun of it. Isn't this kind of thing often seen on TV?"

"When can you give me The people at the wine table began to talk eagerly about the dream of dropping money from the sky.

A staff member put down his glass and whispered, "Speaking of the fly freak, I actually saw him a few days ago."

"It's Kamen Rider..."

Takeo Moribe raised his hand.


"Tell me now."

A group of men gathered in front of the staff who spoke. An izakaya is a place where you can make noise and brag.

"Just the night before I passed by the park near Emisu, I saw a homeless man being beaten by several youths. The beaten was so pitiful that I couldn't stand it any longer. Then I just stepped forward to stop it. At that time, the dragonfly monster suddenly appeared out of the darkness, he shouted to let go of the homeless man and rushed at me, and then went up to three, five and two to solve the other party. Hey, that is, the dragonfly monster started too fast, or else I'm in the limelight"

Takeo Moribe remembered that he did rescue a homeless man a few days ago and left behind money, but this colleague... He recalled that at that time, there was a black figure who was so frightened that he hid behind the trees in the park, and he was still wretched. Watch carefully, it can't be him.

Takeo Moribe gave up his efforts to correct the misnomer his colleague was calling him. It doesn't matter whether it's the Fly Monster, the Dragonfly Monster or the Dragonfly Captain. Anyway, as long as everyone remembers that there is such a hero in the city.

The topic quickly spread from The Fly Monster to other urban legends in Osaka. Takeo Moribe bowed his head to eat, and while he was listening to these interesting rumors, a touch of white outside the izakaya window caught his eye.

A white Mitsubishi car, the license plate number is Osaka...

Takeo Moribe stood up abruptly and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

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