Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 194: dead decent

"It works, it really works."

Minister Shito watched with joy as the kotengu was trapped on the ground. The more the tengu struggled, the more excited the old man became.

This is a special capture net for supernatural beings. It is made of the same material as the aircraft carrier arresting cable. Even fighter jets weighing more than ten tons and landing at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per hour can be blocked by the arresting cable within three seconds. Supernatural No matter how terrifying the creature is, it can't have such an impact.

Seeing that Yatengu's face was "blushing red" and couldn't get out of the predicament, Shido and the people around him were in high spirits.

The idea of ​​blocking ropes was already used when Shiroshima Kiyomi captured the "Shaoye Jade Lion", but limited by the equipment at the time, it was only blocked a few times like a tripping cable, with little effect, like this special net gun It was only recently developed, and the first time I used it, it worked wonders.

In order to be on the safe side, I then wrapped a few times with a catch net.


"Don't approach, use shooting, delay the Yatengu, and then send people to the room to investigate!"

His four island swords are not old!

Can you still eat!

According to the faces of the people in the video, Lesson 5 has already locked the addresses and traces of Yokoyama Hiroshi and Nishioka Makoto. This place in Katsushika Ward looks business as usual on the surface, but in fact it was secretly opened up as a "bunker". If Sagawa and the others did not summon anything, it would prove that this was just a farce. What awaited them would be the National Iron Fist, but if they did summon something, this is the battlefield!

Anesthesia bullets were constantly being fired from the windows, and even ten elephants could be taken down.

The kotengu who was shot roared and struggled, completely opposite to the murderous appearance just now.

"Stop struggling."

After being shot more than ten times in succession, the fiercely struggling Kotengu stopped abruptly. He stared at the surroundings with scarlet eyes, and his burly body was deformed and twisted.

"What's wrong with the Crow Tengu?"

"It works."

"Why do I feel like this is going to explode..."

Before the word "self-destruction" was uttered, the crow tengu under the heavy net "exploded".


"Quack quack!!!"

Crow Tengu exploded into countless crows and flew away.

The specially made cables could not trap the small crows. Under the astonished eyes of everyone, hundreds of crows quaked and flew into the sky.

I can't break free, can't "bird escape" escape?

Mizuno's face blushed in the distance, but at least he saved his face. Ninjas are not Saiyans who are qigong waves, and they must learn to use their brains.

" to catch this."

"Magic? This is!"

"Magic uses pigeons!"

The crow tengu turned into a crow and flew away, leaving only the fifth class staff to stare blankly.

Seeing the Kotengu turned into countless crows and flew away, Shishima and the others were stunned.

The Akatsuki was the first absolutely evil ghost they encountered - the sacrifice of the living, the backlash against the summoner, all of which were the actions of a complete evil spirit, letting such a ghostly evil spirit escape from this place and wandering in Tokyo, No one can fall asleep soundly, ordinary people, commoners, and upper-class people are all hunted by the kotengu.

If the Crow Tengu is really the "God of Punishing Evil", then the upper class people need to be even more afraid.

"Use all means to shoot down the crows in the sky."

Although the crow is traditionally a filial bird and a sacred bird, in order to prevent the crow disaster, there are activities to kill crows in all parts of the island country. Now the four islands can't wait to kill all the crows in Tokyo.

"Can't do it, can't do it!"

It is impossible to completely burn all the crows to death with a flamethrower. Who knows which crow is the real body of the Crow Tengu. As long as a fish escapes and ascends to the sky, it may become a Crow Tengu. No one dares to joke about this probability.

Besides, they didn't carry equipment that could shoot flames into the sky.

According to the evil nature of the kautengu, the future of Tokyo City is bleak!

"Issei Sagawa's younger brother caught it!"

The four vicious criminals were killed by the Kotengu on the spot, leaving only Sagawa Issei's younger brother. Regardless of the traces of the Kotengu, these few people who can summon evil spirits must have a live.

Sagawa's younger brother still wanted to run away, but two operators secretly stared and chased after him.

How can a man in his seventies compare to a young operator? The two operators from Lesson 5 threw him under him before they finished running to warm up.

"Don't run!" An operator pressed the back of the old man's head.

Another handcuffed it.

"I don't run, I don't run." Sagawa's younger brother bared his teeth, "I... a seventy-year-old man can still run."

The mastermind of the whole summoning ceremony was Sagawa Ichisei. Although the mastermind is dead, Sagawa's younger brother is still there, and the magistrates who can summon evil ghosts are also very interested. Even if they don't need to sacrifice living people to die, it's good to know about it, um , just to find out.

Just as everyone sighed at the disappearance of the Yatengu, a black figure suddenly appeared in the gap between the buildings.


The 4-meter-tall Koutengu reappears!

The black feathers that fell from the sky confuse everyone's The high tengu nose released endless ridicule.

It suddenly fell and stepped on Sagawa's younger brother's shoulder, and his hands with sharp nails pinched into Sagawa's neck.


Sagawa's younger brother clutched his neck, his brain still hadn't reacted to what happened.

Danger is the danger of death.




Sagawa's head flew into the sky, with a cervical spine at the end.

The blood from the neck sprayed into the sky and then poured down. The two police officers who detained Sagawa dazedly let the blood fall from the sky, drenching themselves.

what happened? The human brain shuts down on the spot when it encounters something incomprehensible.

Killed a carbine, and killed Sagawa brother in front of the fifth lesson.

This is a provocation in Chi Guoguo, a government power that ignores the human world.

The funny thing is that they thought they had driven away the kotengu and thought they were hunters with shotguns, but the kotengu used the carbine to tell the poor humans who was the predator at the top of the food chain.

In this game, I am the hunter, and you are the prey.

After "Pusi" killed Sagawa's younger brother, it was Yatengu who looked at the two paralyzed operators.

"Here, there are two more."

The Crow Tengu smiled cruelly, pressing his blood-stained hands on the face of the paralyzed operator who was paralyzed by the sudden attack, as if lovers were stroking each other ambiguous and tender, wanting to swallow them in one bite.

But the words he said made people shudder. This was a conversation between lovers. It was clear that meat eaters were choosing products in the vegetable market, judging which pieces of meat were fresh and which were delicious.

"No, don't eat us, we didn't kill anyone."

Another operator raised his pistol and shakily aimed at the kotengu. Even if you die, you have to die decently.

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