Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 274: I want to go to school

If you call yourself at night, there must be something urgent!

Whether it is the 23rd district of Tokyo, or the Northeast region, it is unlikely that Osaka is there. Takeo Moribe is sitting in Osaka.

Hearing the minister's voice, Shimoshima Kiyomi hurriedly put on her trousers and was about to run to Chiyoda District. The matter was urgent, and without her Shimishima Kiyomi going, I'm afraid no one would be able to control the situation.

"Minister, I'll go right away!"

"Don't can come over tomorrow morning."

I have my pants on, can you tell me this?

It doesn't look like it's in a hurry.

The next morning, Shimoshima Kiyomi drove a scooter to Chiyoda in the sympathetic eyes of her sister.

In the office building of the Ministry of Public Security, everything is orderly, and there is no rush.

Shito was sitting in the office, and Furui Wubo's face was as serious as usual.

"This is a special task, different from others in the past. Although this task seems simple, it is actually quite difficult."

"Spy on a school."

"Hiyi!" Shimoshima Kiyomi stomped her feet, there must be something wrong with the school where she can be personally monitored by the head of her class.

There are supernatural beings in the school!

It is very likely that he is disguised as an ordinary high school student, but in fact he is a monster who is making waves in secret. Now he has finally been caught by their police, and his task is to monitor the high school student and beware of him doing terrifying things.

"In Adachi Ward... Runtoku Girls' High School."

"Don't be too nervous, it's just that you need your guidance for the first few days, and then you can give it to ordinary operators."

Yotsushima pushed several documents in front of Shiroshima.

Picking up the document from the table, Shimoshima Kiyomi widened her eyes.

"Is it still possible?"

Miss Mochizuki applying to re-enroll in a regular high school? !

"Miss Mochizuki, it's that Mochizuki."

Shimishima Kiyomi frowned and looked at the information. Mochizuki knew the story that happened to Mochizuki. She felt sympathy for Miss Mochizuki in every way, but Mochizuki, a seventeen-year-old girl, was going to high school. Also deadly.

For Mochizuki's high school enrollment plan, the fifth lesson has to be specially assigned to monitor, to some extent, the current emperor's grandson can't keep up.


The paranormal countermeasures department in Osaka was established with cheers, and the people of Osaka and even the Kansai people fell into joy, and even the people of Kyoto participated in the carnival of the Kansai people.

Although Tokyo has received a lot of benefits from Kansai in order to make concessions, but looking at the "popular minister" launched by Osaka, he still can't help sighing in his heart.

Why don't they want to launch their own popular stars in Tokyo? The existence of extraordinary people can not only calm people's hearts, but also in Osaka's real estate, stocks and other industries have risen rapidly, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.

But looking at the two cards in his hand, he couldn't show it as easily as Takeo Moribe.

Although Mochizuki Misa's bone ability is strangely handsome in some aspects, Misa's experience is too miserable, which directly proves that the Tokyo government is inefficient and sits by while all kinds of dark things happen. Moreover, Misa has a withdrawn personality, and has many people under her command, so it is not suitable for him to stand in front of the world.

Ito Mashi has a clean family, and has been a priest for generations. He is naturally tied to a chariot with the island country officials. However, Ito Mashi's healing ability cannot be easily shown. If the people know that Ito Mashi has the magical ability to cure diseases, However, it is only used for nobles, and it is not a genius.

Besides, Asa Ito doesn't like to make public appearances.

It would be nice if Minister Yuriruo, who protects the country, was in their hands. It happened to follow the film of the May 1st period and became an extraordinary representative of Tokyo in one fell swoop.

The bigwigs in Tokyo are still thinking about the gains and losses, and there is a headache from the military base in Yokosuka.

"Yes, Miss Mochizuki said...she wants to go to school..."

Mochizuki's request struck everyone's heads like a hammer.

A thunderbolt in the clear sky.

Being able to make such a request, it seems that the personality of the bone girl is indeed developing in a normal direction under the subtle influence, but is this overkill?

"No, how can this be allowed?"

"Have you all forgotten how many lives she got on her hands? If there is a massacre in the school, who can stand it?"

"It's okay to say that in the base in Yokosuka, the defense force is comprehensive, and she has no chance if she wants to make waves."

"Too dangerous."

"Do you want to refuse Mochizuki's request?"

A sentence instantly blocked the mouths of other people. They were just discussing here. Could it be that the bone girl can finally put out this idea?

There are not many cards in Tokyo, even if the bone girl Mochizuki seems far inferior to the Black Angel now, and was defeated by Takeo Moribe in the battle, but many studies today still rely on Mochizuki's cooperation, let alone in her. Behind him stood a more terrifying Bone Girl.

Even if he only appeared once, the background of the so-called Huangquan by the big bone girl makes everyone have to pay attention. It is the existence mentioned by the Bodhisattva and Yuzao Qian, and there must be other mysteries. Huangquan, as the name suggests, is the dead place to stay.

Since it is another world where the deceased is, will these big men also go to Huangquan after their death.

With the big man behind him, every request made by Mochizuki has a heavy weight.

Decades ago, two peace bombs were thrown at the country, and in the end, I had to yell at each other and offer money to buy my life. I sat and watched national women get raped. I have even experienced this kind of thing. Accepting Mochizuki's request is not too much.

The discussion on the table instantly became less heated. Since the opposition is useless, what is the point of the opposition? This is not a political struggle, and the opponent has to be refuted.

"In that case..." An officer rubbed his eyes, which was really depressing.

"What school do you put Mochizuki in?"

If it is an ordinary girl considering the admission rate, it must be a high school affiliated to various famous universities, or a school for high-level children and members of the royal family, receiving the top elite education.

But the nature of Mochizuki is different. If Mochizuki is placed in the school where high-level children attend, everyone here will not agree. Who wants to have a time bomb buried in the school where their grandchildren attend.

And the worst-case scenario is that Mochizuki starts killing people in the school, such a high-level top school is absolutely not good, if the shadow of the parents does not even have this privilege, then they are different from ordinary citizens.

But ordinary public schools don't even need to be considered. There are too many scumbags in that kind of school, and Mochizuki is accidentally angered, which is another **** killing.

"Actually, why don't we ask Mochizuki about her thoughts? Since she has proposed that she wants to go to school, she should have made up her mind about which school she wants to study in."

"good idea."

A ball kicked back.

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