Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 290: The storm is coming


Frost Island Kiyomi suddenly opened her eyes, panting heavily, the late spring sun shone cold sweat on her forehead.

I was really tired these days, and I fell asleep in the car.

A group of teams drove on the north-south highway running through the island.

It is not far from Tokyo to Fukushima Prefecture, so there were always people worried about the situation in Tokyo at the time of the Fukushima nuclear accident.

"Senior." Bai Tian Yuji looked over anxiously. The class leader fell into a deep sleep just after passing Chiba County. She never dared to disturb the class leader's sleep.

Speaking of all the section chiefs in the island nation's security system, how many of them are as hands-on as the section chiefs.

Or they are too young in Lesson 5 and have not formed a spontaneous ecosystem. It would be good if the other officers at the top of the police did not resign, let alone expect them to lend a helping hand to Lesson 5.

"Need some motion sickness pills?"

"No, it's just a little hot." Shimoshima Kiyomi touched her forehead and stood up from the seat.

She had a nightmare, and the picture in the dream was so real.

She dreamed that a screeching angel appeared in the sky of Tokyo.

The screaming angel fluttered its wings and dropped thousands of feathers on the residential area of ​​the industrial area. After killing the angel with great pains, a huge black shadow hung from the sky and stretched out into the sky in the Tokyo Bay. On, the real gods come into the world.

The pressure is too high, it seems that I need to see a psychiatrist recently.

For a person like Shiroshima, the tragedy that happened in the Kyoto Public Security Service was known at the first time.

Facing the tragedy of dozens of tragic deaths, Shimoshima Kiyomi didn't feel much.

When you enjoy the status and the respect and money that this profession brings, you must be prepared accordingly.

I hope that this time in Fukushima Prefecture, it can be completely eliminated.

"Senior, Osaka has arrived."

Yuuki Shirata was a little excited. The head of the paranormal countermeasures department in Osaka was not one or two levels higher than the section chief in terms of administrative rank, but he was now a hot and super popular star.

The super science (magic) fantasy IP in the United States has to write the Minister of Defense into a series of plans, ah, but the Minister of Defense is powerful in reality, but he can live for a few minutes in a world where the war between gods and gods destroys the world at every turn. .



"This is a shameless sneak attack, undeclared war."

Inishi Eita's indignant scolding, if it weren't for the inappropriate example, he would like to compare the Pearl Harbor incident.

"Now do you understand why you have to destroy the black angel?" Ima Nishi Yingtai pressed her chest in pain, and said with hatred, "She is an unstable factor that is completely out of our control, and this time she dared to attack the downtown area. The Public Security Bureau, next time, dare to drop bombs on your factories, banks, and even on your heads."

As the brigade leader of the special brigade, Eita Imaishi has always been a hardliner. This is not only his personal choice, but also an invisible hand that is pushing him forward. Only his indomitable toughness can make him better in this country where civilians are in power. high status.

"The black angel **** the feathers, probably because the feathers make her more powerful."

"How powerful will the black angels be in the future? Will they continue to attack other people in order to collect feathers? That's for sure."

Ima Nishi Ying Taiyi pointed out that these big men must have hidden angel feathers in front of them. The black angels even dare to attack the government, and you dare to hide feathers privately.

Even the radicals such as Eita Imaishi have darker speculations about the black angel's precise attack on the Kyoto City Hall. Excluding the black angel's ability to actively detect and locate feathers, the remaining possibility is that the black angel has the ability to infiltrate their government, and knows the hiding place of the feather through a special channel. Will anyone in the audience collude with the black angel? .

At first, not many people agreed with the angel's battle plan. Due to the running of individual bureaucrats and the Three-Self and the ambiguous attitude of the Mifang, the trial in Fukushima was finally put on the agenda. The officer made a lot of effort.

Under the increasingly harsh domestic environment, the status of the Three-Self has gradually changed. Among them, Lu Zi, who has never been regarded as a dog, has changed the most.

Under the continuous supernatural shocks, there are problems in the economic data of the island country. Although these problems will not affect ordinary people for a while, a great progress of the modern government is that it will take precautions instead of trying to make up for it when it comes to an end.

But on the other hand, as long as enough benefits are given, the capitalists can even sell the rope to hang themselves, and a large part of the power of this country is closely related to the capitalists.

Everyone knows that the existence of angels has a catastrophic impact on the national economy. If things go on like this, the island country may enter a great recession, but the angels have not directly attacked them, and the current economic losses are not unacceptable. And it’s not just me who was hurt. When everyone was stunned, I couldn’t help but feel a lot more comfortable. People don’t suffer from poverty but unevenness. One person’s happiness is often based on other people’s misfortunes. highlighted.

It doesn't matter if you hang up high, and even in the eyes of some upper-level officials, the words "if we don't use fighter jets to provoke angels, the other party will not destroy our fighter group" are very marketable.

They were the most selfish, cold-blooded and ruthless group of people. Before the war, they used national righteousness to drive 100 million beasts and shouted 100 million total jade pieces. - In the matter of squeezing the people, we squeeze ourselves, and the foreigners squeeze it, and even follow the foreigners to squeeze more. As for the happiness of all the people, it has nothing to do with them.

Even the poorest and most backward African countries can guarantee a handful of tribal chiefs the most modern life possible.

"I propose that Fukushima Prefecture plan to fight against the angels and act in advance!" Ima Nishi Yingtai looked at everyone in front of him aggressively, "The time is not on our side, the more we the angels will become stronger."

"Plans must be moved forward by May 11."

Eita Imaishi's words made other people whisper. The layout of Fukushima Prefecture was already underway. To be on the safe side, it was also to avoid the ten-day Golden Week of the island country, and deliberately chose the 11th.

"I agree."

"I agree."

More and more people raised their hands.

"I object." A bureaucrat representing the royal family stood up. Although the members of the royal family should not be involved in politics, and even the majors they study should not be related to political economy, the emperor still has one or two spokespersons in the bureaucracy. , "The yuan will be changed soon. Are you making such a mess to make other countries see jokes?"

It's fine if you win, but what if you lose, congratulate the new emperor with a tragic defeat?

Showa was defeated, Heisei was lost, and Linghe was going to have a big event at the beginning?

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