Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 341: The demon sword hinders the master

"Dadou Shilong, a native of Ishikawa Prefecture, has won many awards in national kendo competitions. His father is still alive and runs his family dojo. He owns the equity of two breweries in Ishikawa Prefecture."

"After testing, the demon sword did not dehumanize Shi Long Dadou's body. Although it has been improved, Shi Long Dadou's physical fitness is still within the limits of human beings, but based on the ability he has shown so far, this People's ability to break through in frontal combat is stronger than the bone girl Misa, Takeo Moribe."

"These are the damage maps of the things that were cut off by Shilong Dadou at different distances. The sword energy can extend up to 52 meters."

"100mm homogeneous steel plate, concrete, water? Flame?"

The further back, the more exaggerated what Shi Long Dadou cut off, it has jumped from a concrete object to a particle level.

Exaggerated, wouldn't the next step cut off the light?

Is it necessary to cut off the eternity with one knife?

"Being able to cut off the water flow, isn't that the same as... Minister Lily Ruo?"

Minister Yuriru once slashed a waterfall dozens of meters high in Meguro District with the power of gods and ghosts.

"Hiyi, the nature may be the same, but there is still a gap in the amount. Shilong Taito can't achieve the ability to sever the huge water current like Shibubori, so Shilong Taidou's swordsmanship is far from perfect At the level of Minister Lily Ruo's projection, but it has a good effect in cutting flames."

Of course, he didn't reach the level of Minister Yuri Ruo, although it was also a LV3 swordsmanship, but at that time, it was Mizuno Shui Dun who was able to cut the waterfall with one blow and played Double Reed.

Even with the current LV4 swordsmanship, Mizuno can't achieve the level of breaking the waterfall with one sword.

He is all about acting.

The demon sword was controlled, and at the very beginning of being controlled, it showed extremely strong destructive power, forcibly elevating ordinary people to another level of life.

The anti-tank Iaizan is really no joke.

"Can you cut bullets?"

"Only tested to the level of a semi-automatic rifle. Shi Long Dadou has shown considerable difficulty at this step. It is predicted that the automatic rifle will no longer be able to be cut down by swordsmanship."

"It's strong enough..."

This is really strong enough.

In terms of combat effectiveness, it is equivalent to forcibly creating a high-mobility infantry division, and it is a superman with only one person who sneaks into combat without logistics!

Under the infiltration operation, Shilong Dadou can play the role of the front army of the group army.

Extraordinary is the country's alternative nuclear weapon.

The power of the demon sword is so terrifying, if this ability to create a powerful and extraordinary power is in your own hands...

"How is Kamhara flying?"

"There is no problem with life safety, but the left eyeball is completely damaged..."

Although the people in the last round of Feixiang Kamhara were losers, the headquarters did not give up on them. Those who can reach the last step are young swordsmen with excellent swordsmanship in the island country. Maybe they will be useful in the future. Bad situation - what if this stone dragon died in a fight?

"This demon knife, please lord."

Somehow, the official thought of Luma in the Three Kingdoms.

With the demon sword in hand, how long can you live? After all, as long as the demon sword is still in the hands of the government, the owner is not important. If this one is dead, the next one will be selected. Once energy is produced, everything will become cheap.

Osaka Prefecture.

"Sister, why hasn't Dad come home yet?"

Moribu Mako's fat little faces were twisted together, and his big eyes were filled with unease, and he held back so that he didn't let himself cry.

She hadn't seen her father for several days. Although she had been separated from her father for a while before, her father returned in a few days, and it's been almost half a month this time.

Her mother has passed away, and she has been living with her father since she was a child.

The uncles and aunts here, the teachers and children in the kindergarten are all good to themselves, but it is better to be by my father's side.

"Come on, I'll be back soon."

Hirao Eiko touched the head of Mako Moribu, this little guy is beautiful and cute, and he is completely different from Takeo Moribe. I don't know how he gave birth to this little angel.

Eiko Hirao was also a little anxious. Unlike children, she understood the cruelty of the adult world. There must be something wrong with Takeo Moribe.

In fact, insiders in Osaka have never regarded Hirao Eiko as a teenage high school student. The ability to make up his mind to run from Tokyo to Osaka in a short period of time is more than that of many adults. Ordinary people want to stand out. Can only rely on this way of gambling.

No matter how she inquired about Moribu's trace, the person in charge always gave an ambiguous and ambiguous reply. With the silly character of Takeo Moribu, he must have been used as a gun by the government.

What is the head of the supernatural headquarters, isn't it just a gun for the government? To give some petty profits, you will risk your life. Hanging a carrot in front of the donkey is the effect.

The only thing that is certain now is that Shoubu has not died, otherwise the government would have told her.

Don't die, you idiot.

Whether it's for Xiao Zhengong or for Hirao herself, she has not yet enjoyed the glory and wealth of Hirao Yingko.

Thousands of acres of mansions, 100-meter beds, and countless handsome and handsome servants.

In the special care ward, Takeo Moribe's condition is neither good nor bad.

Standing upright on the bed, the state is a little scary.


Under the condition of nutrient drips, Moribu was lying on the bed expressionlessly most of the time, but occasionally his brows were wrinkled and his expression was painful.

Like a nightmare in a nightmare.

"Is it still in the same state as before?"

"Well, from the EEG, Moribu's state alternates between light and deep sleep, but he still can't wake up."

"I'm so sorry, we've tried everything we can, but..."

"You've done a great job. The supernatural state of affairs is not something that our common sense can measure."

Shoubu did not wake up, the supernatural power of the government was equivalent to cutting off a key part, and Shilong Dadou still needed to observe for a while.

Speaking of which, this Shilong is not a good character in terms of his past actions.

A wolf in sheep's clothing.

Last time, Takeo Moribu was seriously injured and was picked up by Tamamo-mae. Why didn't he see Tamamo-mae this time? The government has been looking forward to contact with Tamamo-mae. UU reading



"The left hand of the Minister of Defense is up!"

"He's waking up?"


A black space, a red flame, a figure with black and white hair, a figure with black hair in a fiasco.

The two stood opposite each other like mirrors.

In this world without squares, the two guards stand opposite each other. The huge orange-red fox is as motionless as a stone, quiet and eerie.

How long have you been fighting?

a year? one day? a month?

There is no time scale in Takeo Moribe's mind, time is fake, space is fake.

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