Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 420: angel its 1

White butterflies fluttered up and down outside the office window.

"What is this?"

The teacher sitting by the window drinking water was startled by dozens of butterflies outside. Fortunately, it was just butterflies, not other flying insects.

Otherwise, if it is a group of flies, it will bring a disgusting impact on the visual.

"Rare, take pictures, take pictures."

A female teacher who was grading homework took out her mobile phone and pointed it out the window, but only took a few photos, and the butterflies flew away with a frightened clatter.

On the river bank outside the school, the tall Yumu and Ang are walking side by side. Yumu has a strong body, but his hair is white and his face is old. Unfortunately, there is a big gap between the two of Miyuan Ang, otherwise they look like father and son. .

"Ang, don't you understand why I apologize?"


Ang nodded and replied sternly.

"How can you be so sincere." The dean lightly kicked Ang's ass: "Ah, you stupid guy, why don't you understand why you are full of buns in society?"

"I'm the dean and your boss, so at this time you should pretend you don't understand and follow my words."

Tamaki taught Ang how to be a human being: "I don't understand why you apologize."

But I am afraid that Yi Ang is still squatting at half the house, and these principles of being a man have little chance of being able to enter the workplace.

"Yes, I don't understand why you apologize."

Although the cooperation this time was not in place, it was like a cassette tape, but it was still going on.

"Because in this world, apart from the Internet, you can't be quick to express your love and hatred." Dean Devil pretended to light a cigarette and held it in his mouth. imitating the movements of movie stars.


"As the young teacher said, I can easily refute the other's mother."

"But after the refutation, let's make this matter bigger and make the children in the orphanage stand against the classmates? Or label all the children in the orphanage as 'poor' and let all the classmates see it Children in welfare homes cry?"

"Speaking of which, Caizi doesn't know about the fact that we were called to school."

"Besides, the other party is also stern. The louder the person, the easier it is to retreat. Don't worry, she didn't dare to do anything if she didn't get a favor this time."

"Speaking of that little boy who bullied Caizi, don't feel unwilling... With such a mother, this kind of punishment is the bad luck that has been saved for several lifetimes."

Ang nodded and kicked a stone off the road.

He is the closest person to the dean, so it can be seen that under the appearance of a devil, Yumu is also a 'little person' who will gloat in misfortune.

The orphanage was not far from the school, so the two walked for a while before arriving at the gate of the orphanage.

Looking up at the three-story orphanage, the dean lowered his head slightly and opened the padlock of the courtyard door: "Ang, go and clean up the attic, it hasn't been cleaned for a year or two."


The window of the clear glass in the attic has been opened at some point. If it is windy and rainy, the rain will be blown into the attic.

Yonehara Ang obeyed the dean's orders like a robot, not wondering why the dean suddenly remembered the attic, nodded and walked to the orphanage.

"I also have to learn to cook by myself. I can't wait for my mother to do everything." Yumu shook his head, turned and closed the courtyard door.

A strong white wind blew around Tamaki, and half of the field of vision became pure white.

White came very fast, like a ghost in a supernatural movie.

Fortunately, Yonehara Ang had already returned to the orphanage, otherwise he would have screamed in fright at this time.

"Ah, have you come down from the attic already?" The white eyes just made Yumu's heart beat violently, but it immediately returned to its normal frequency.

The old policeman's psychological quality is very strong.

"When did you find me?"

The white butterflies gathered into Takahashi's pitiful appearance, and she squinted at Tamaki.

What happened on the second floor last night was caught in Takahashi's ears, Sanqianzi was exposed, and Mi Yuanang wanted to go to the attic to check, but Sanqianzi's strict and meticulous dean of the devil gave a strange sloppy look. past.

Takahashi, who is hiding in the orphanage, is pitifully frightened. Whenever there is trouble, he becomes suspicious.

"The next day." Tamaki smiled, "Miss Takahashi, don't look at me like this, I used to be a police officer for a while anyway."

The appearance of the Tamaki iron tower really fits the image of the police, especially the prison guards in people's impressions.

"Caizi and Sanqianzi thought they were good at hiding, but they would hide some food every night, even the dull Ang felt something was wrong."

Tamaki talked eloquently, even in the face of the murderous black angel, he still did not change his face.

"For the safety of the children and for self-protection, I installed a lot of surveillance cameras outside the hospital and in the corridors when the orphanage was first established."

"You understand, our orphanage is of a special nature. A little scandal will ruin this effort."

"From the surveillance, I saw two children drag the unconscious you to the attic. The two little girls also spent a lot of effort."

"You don't have to worry about safety either. I've never revealed anything to the outside world. If I hadn't guessed that you've come down from the attic I wouldn't have asked Ang to clean up."

"Otherwise, you won't be so peaceful these few days."

The clear and organized words came out of Yumu's mouth. Just like his words, Yumu recognized Takahashi's poor identity. If the news was revealed to the official, Takahashi's side would have ambushed the official trap by now.

"Why?" Takahashi Pity and Yumu are separated by three or four meters, but whether it is one meter or ten meters, Takahashi can maintain the deterrent of instant killing to ordinary people, "You didn't say, you used to be a police."

"Because I don't want the orphanage to be in any danger, you know about the predicament of the tram." Yumu smiled, "That's a philosophical issue, not a political issue. The life of you and the children in the orphanage is more important, the government can easily decide. make a choice."

As long as the angels can be caught, a group of orphans is nothing, and the situation where a huge state machine makes way for a few weak people only exists in people's beautiful fantasy.

"I'm just an ordinary person. I don't have the cruel determination to report you, nor the courage and ability to drive you away, so I can only pretend not to see it." Yumu stroked the sign of the next welfare home and said, "You want to Have you left?"

"I'll leave after saying goodbye to the two little guys."

Yumu paused and breathed a sigh of relief, what he just said was exactly what he thought.

Tamaki once struggled in his heart whether to report this matter, but the former policeman finally chose to keep the matter hidden, just like the prisoner he once hated.


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