Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 509: fight its 2

Since the north is close to Lucia, and the navy of Lucia is free, the army in the Far East cannot threaten the island country, but the air force is different. In **** for tat, the island country deploys the most air force in the north, with a few cutting-edge fighters. With a group of master fighter jets, from time to time, there are several rounds of two-person turns in the air with Lucia from the north.

However, this is also the essence of the big country in the west, and the air force on hand in the island country is really not enough, so it simply lies on the ground and accepts its fate.

Taking off from the base in Hokkaido, the tail flames of the fighter jets scorched the sky.

After a quarter or two of automatic cruise, the pilot's communication channel received a message from the conning tower: "Call Fat Tiger, call Fat Tiger."

"I'm Fat Tiger, I have heard it." The lead pilot, codenamed Fat Tiger, responded.

The code names of their formation were all looking for inspiration from a certain national animation. Originally, he wanted to be called 'Out of Mushan Yingcai'.

"It is expected that in ten minutes, three fighter planes from América will join the formation, tentatively numbered 1, 2, and 3."

The air force of another country is flying around its own territory, and it is unbelievable to join the formation of its own country, but Amelika is so domineering in her own country.


What else can I do, the situation is stronger than people, waiting for Amelika's father's air force to join in, it's pitiful, they have practiced this situation many times during the exercise.

The fighter planes in the formation slowed down. As expected from the command tower, in exactly ten minutes, three incoming yellow indicators first appeared on the radar screen, and then turned into green representing safety. This is Amei. Rika's Air Force.


Amelika's Air Force sounded like she was in a good mood, like a vacation in Hawaii.

But the island country air is gloomy and bleak from here, such as going to the funeral of a loved one.

The high and low formations are moving at high speed among the mountains. Except for the green in the eyes, the whole world is a cross of blue and white. After a long flight of fatigue, maybe you will get into the mountains and forests as soon as you lose your mind.

The atmosphere in the formation was a little silent. Although the pilots also spoke plastic-flavored English, this time, after all, it was a real 'battlefield', and not all the pilots were the death squad 'Okusan Doro', so they were inevitably apprehensive.

In the blink of an eye on the radar screen, the established target of attack appeared. It was the allo-infected area that had been marked long ago. The pilots didn't know what they were going to bomb, but they just had to obey the order!



All the fighter jets in the communication channel spoke the same words, and the América pilot sounded very angry.

"Locked successfully!"


Except for the ground-penetrating missiles, the bombs and rockets of the rest of the fighter jets were detached from the wings.

Like a seagull catching a fish, it first descends slightly when passing through the target forest, and then immediately rises when it reaches the height of the bombing.


The first pulls up and the second pulls up right behind!

The sound of the airflow was like thunder, and everyone in the forest did not close their eyes slightly, but Tateishi Xiao simply covered his ears.

Either white or screeching bombs fell to the ground, and after a death-like silence, the flash of the explosion preceded the sound of the ear-destroying sound, everything in the sky and the earth was shaking, and the center of the explosion completely fell into the world of flash.

If there is an old man in Tokyo in his old age here, I am afraid it will bring back childhood memories again.


The huge explosion was not over yet, and the fighter jets that followed it dropped sub-bombs, and the ground exploded with gorgeous fireworks.

A series of big and small explosions beat the eardrums like a drumbeat.

I don't know if it was the sound or the air current, but the trees on the edge of the explosion fell down in a neat and uniform way into the distance.

The bald bombing target became the bald head in the mountains.

Continuous bombing hits within a two-kilometer radius, such dense modern scrubbing, the real version of **** descends.

It only took a few seconds from the plane dropping bombs to leaving the bombing zone, but the forest was already scorched to the ground.

Under the cover of clouds, the island nation's fighter jets left the battlefield.

Half a minute later, the people lying down in the surrounding forest slowly stood up. Except for Tateishi Xiao, they were all extraordinary people who were different from ordinary people. They were far away from the center of the explosion.

Tateishi Xiao's eyes were firm, holding the scepter like a priest in the team in an online game. She was about to open her mouth to speak, but Meisha next to her snapped.

"Let's go."

The scepter exudes a warm power, and the pain on Tateishi Xiao's body is quickly eliminated. Even if the power runs, he can't feel the fatigue and burden of his body.

The forest in front of him turned from green to black, and then turned into a miserable appearance of lying on the ground, and what finally appeared in front of him was the vast scorched earth.

"It's terrifying." Tateishi Xiao's mouth widened, and there was always a difference between what he thought and what he saw with his own eyes.

If I didn't set foot on this bombed land with my own eyes, I couldn't imagine what it had become.

The spar that originally covered the ground and trees has disappeared. The spar has not been further tempered, but evaporated from the world. There is no greenery on the ground. The trees at the end are broken at a glance, and the ground seems to have been cut off. a layer.

Is the power of this kind of technology really capable of being countered by the supernatural?

Before he really became extraordinary, Tateishi Shino's **** was already sitting on the extraordinary side.

After a quiver, Tateishi Xiao thought of the legendary Takahashi Pity. It seems that Takahashi Pity only solved multiple modern fighters in an instant, forcing the air power of the island country officials to change.

"Isn't this possible, the technology that kills humans."

With a light murmur, Tateishi Xiao followed the team forward.

As soon as they stepped into the bombing area, the bodies of the bodyguards changed, and all of them turned into monsters with ferocious skeletons that turned out. With guns in their hands, and the world where the bombing ended, it really felt a bit like a wasteland world.

"Does the scepter respond?"

Tateishi Xiao hugged the scepter shook his head slightly: "No response."

"Is it wiped out all at once?" Misa asked herself, holding the bone spur in her sleeve.

No, although it is definitely impossible for him to survive the bombing, but for the remnant souls that he has never met, Misa believes that it will not be so easy to solve.

In terms of strength, the opponent is at least the level of the Bone Girl.

With Lady Bone's elusive ability, she could easily escape from a mere bombardment, and the remnant soul must have its own way.

Really disappointed Misa.

Mizuno, who was hiding in the ground, was dizzy. The government was really cruel. He had already ordered the clones to use the earth escape to drill five meters underground. A group of clones were killed five or six on the spot.

In the case of not knowing that the government is going to bomb, even the body will be directly bombed here.

The unit destructive power released by this intensive bombardment is not inferior to the tail beast bomb in the original book.

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