[This guy was trying to recruit you just now, it sounds like it's in your favor, why didn't you agree to him? 】

Zatou jumped in the air with a knife, and he didn't know how he defended his position. He moved his body several times to avoid the branches and obstacles of trees, and he was as vigorous and agile as an ape.

Yaodao's question had a playful tone, as if he was sorry for Zatou Yatoku's refusal of Eita Imaishi's solicitation, and he seemed to be joking that Zatou Yatoku got into trouble.

A knife slashed the opponent's eyes, revealing his whereabouts.

[After cutting such a knife, don't you regret it later? Your figure is all exposed, I'm afraid you can't escape now, even if you have the power I give you, you can't escape, stupid, too stupid. 】

"will die."

"I'm going to die here." The famous knife around his waist swayed, and he calmly said his ending, accepting death with peace of mind, just as he calmly accepted the countdown of the transformation experiment when he was in the underground base, and he regretted it. It's just that I didn't eat a few more good meals before I died, "I already have an extra life."


"He's here!"

Zatou's voice was not afraid of death. The surrounding dark forest had become a hunting ground. He was the prey, and Amelika's blockade was the hunter.

Behind him, the voices of the Self-Defense Forces and Amelika soldiers could be heard one after another, and there were also helicopters hovering in the sky. Spotlights swept through the woods, and from time to time they swept over Zahtou.

When the ancient dignitaries were hunting, they would send their left and right servants to the hunting ground to drive the prey together, and then bend their bows to shoot them. This kind of collective hunting has existed since ancient times in the Paleolithic period. Sometimes it is used for beasts, and sometimes it is used for humans themselves.

Front, left and right, rear, all directions form a defense line, and the infantry in the forest is retreating, it seems that there is a big move.

"Since I'm already a dead person who has died once, why should I die for the greed of the living?"

Zatou suddenly pulled out his famous sword and swung it in front of him. A big tree in front of him was cut off in an instant, and he stepped on half of the tree's corpse.

"Besides, if being weak is wrong, is being strong righteous?"

"The happiness and well-being of all the people and the pursuit of a normal country. Nowadays, people like Xi use high-sounding words to tie themselves to the country and arbitrarily decide people's life and death, except that they will die because of birth, old age, sickness and death. People like them, It's different from the gods that he promised himself."

"In an accidental war hundreds of years ago, one of their ancestors was canonized with glorious glory because of a fierce accidental fight, so after a few hundred years of shelter, it was them who went to war and welcomed the enemy's It was them, and now it is they who are thinking of restoration, they used the nation and the state to build a slogan that transcended class, and drove 140 million oxen and horses to build their own pyramids."

[What Eita Imaishi said made you the **** of this country, standing above 140 million people, tsk tsk. 】 Yaodao tsk tsk admiration, 【Your mortal emperor is like this, although the rulers are only mortals, but if such a god, it is not a problem. 】

"The so-called gods in his mouth." Zantou put his hand on the handle of the knife.

"If you stand above the heads of mortals and enjoy worshipping, making a fortune, and being trapped in the network constructed by mortal society. The so-called gods are just another ugly fantasy of human beings."

"It's just that some people pin their beautiful fantasies on power on ethereal idols of gods, wrap a mortal in gold leaf, stick with gems, and fantasize that divinity will emerge from a dead mummy."

"The gods in his mouth are still a member of this social system. They are pinned on the ubiquitous networks of various colors. No matter how powerful they are, they are still tightly wrapped in the greed of seven billion mortals."

"The peasants working in the fields imagined that the big man should use a golden hoe, the gods should be powerful, the gods should be in control, the gods should not grow old and die, and the gods should enjoy the worship of the world's material resources. This is the **** of Jinxi Yingtai."

[…] Mizuno fell silent, the first owner was a megalomaniac, the second was a gambler, and the third became a philosopher.

But this guy's understanding of the gods seems to be extraordinarily novel.

[Zatou, what does the **** in your heart look like. 】

"The real god." Zantou Yidao's words without any hesitation, it seems that he has already drawn a picture of the **** in his heart, "He should be an existence beyond the entire society, not controlled by the human social system. Bondage is not an idol of clay sculpture, it ignores the productive forces and the relationship of production, no longer retains human greed, and can reverse the social network of human beings alone."

The light of the searchlight was reflected in the white pupils of the head knife.

"Life and death, pain and joy, are indistinguishable to the gods."

[Then you said that, none of the immortals that appear in the world can be regarded as gods in your eyes. 】

The head of the seat smiled: "You think I'm such a homeless man, and I'm still blind. Can I watch the programs on the TV? At most, I just listen to other homeless people talking nonsense. I don't know where I got the news, it's a mess."

"But from what other homeless people said, those monsters, ghosts, gods and Buddhas that appear all over the world..."

"They're all just clay sculptures with different skins and the same interior."

Mizuno's heart skipped a beat. Although this head was blind, he saw something unusual.

If it wasn't for knowing that the seat head was talking about virtual fingers, Mizuno would have jumped in place.

Zatou said a lot, as if he was not blind but dumb. After gaining a mouth, he wanted to say all the things he had never said before.

Like, explaining last words.

Say your last words to your life.

And with the chattering of the head, his figure jumped out of the woods.

The woods were not only filled with troops from time to time.


The lights of countless searchlights shone at the head of the seat, the barricades were defended, the armored front was arranged 100 meters away, and the dark muzzles were turned at the same time.

When they were tracking the footprints outside, they were already ready to go, and Amelika's army was really moving.

The sound of mechanical rubbing, the pulse of human muscle blood pumping.

From left to right, from top to bottom, all around are death gods standing with knives~www.wuxiamtl.com~ They hold their bodies high, ready to harvest the soul of the head with a knife.

"Fujitora Renichi, you murdered fifteen innocent people at the Yokosuka base." A full-fledged voice came from the loudspeaker, "Now our army will commit anti-social crimes..."

[So your real name is Fujitora Renichi. 】

"No, I'm Zatou Yidao." Zatou Yidao held the wooden handle in his left hand and slipped his right hand down the scabbard.


The tip of the scabbard hits the ground, and the guide rod guides the head forward with a knife.

This way you don't have to worry about tripping over rocks.

"Crimes Against Humanity..."

The trumpets listed one crime after another.

Zatou's footsteps were vain, but his breathing was calm. In front of the dark muzzle, the blind old man stooped slightly.

"Kill you on the spot!"

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