The black flat door was drilled out from the ground, and the glass-covered stone lantern was propped up from the center of the body.

"I found it, here it is!"

The hoarse voice scratched the human ear, the black tentacles shattered the glass, and the stone lantern clucked into Ping Jiangmen's body.

The material of the stone lantern is crisp, and ordinary people can cut the stone lantern with a weapon, but the huge earth grudge has not observed the artificial explosives attached to the stone lantern.


With a detonation order, the already installed high-explosive explosives exploded.

Not only high explosives, but also combustion-supporting chemicals, the black body of Earth Resentment Yu was burning fiercely, and even the surrounding ground was swallowed by the flames.

"Taste the flames of human technology, monster!"

The rushing rainy season could not extinguish the flames that ignited in the gate mound. This time, it stabbed the weak point of the ground grudge. Under the continuous flames, the sturdy entity shrunk visibly with the naked eye.

During the burning, Ping Jiangmen screamed in pain.

But half of this painful performance is acting as a clone. If you really let go of your hands and feet and use Mizuno's various ninjutsu, the burning flames will not be too easy to solve.

"It's over! Ping Jiangmen's head has returned to his body!"

In the terrified eyes, countless fine black lines suddenly spewed out of Di Guyu's neck. After they converged into a spherical shape, a white mask protruded from the spherical sphere.

This is the ghost image mask of the Heian period. Seeing this mask with grinning teeth and red eyes, the hearts of the soldiers trembled, and the terrifying breath pressed the air down.

"This is my head, my strength!"

After the already tyrannical Ping Jiangmen stabilized his head, he became taller and stronger. The comparison of the originally low courtyard walls was like a stepping stone.

The flames on his body were instantly shaken away, and his momentum rose, like the world's number one **** of war.

"I've finally returned to this land!"

"You, all of you must submit to my power!"

The white mask glanced at the soldiers, laughed wildly, and then escaped into the ground.

This momentum cannot be said to be worse than before his death. Although the Ping Jiangmen also held some military power in the local area, under a single order from Kyoto, they were directly put out by the noble family in the Kanto region with their 'family members'.

When it comes to the dangers of rebellion, the symbolic meaning far outweighs the actual impact.

"And my armor, my pocket, and my weapon!"

"How can it be so fast? Ordinary attacks are useless against the goalkeeper."

"Where is he going? The imperial residence is to the west."

If you can't destroy the Ping Jiangmen here and let it pass through, not far to the west is the Imperial Palace!

This place and the Imperial Palace are only separated by a moat, which may have been useful in front of the army in ancient times. Today, it is purely a part of the landscape of the Imperial Palace, and it can be crossed in one step with the physique of the Ping Jiangmen.

There are only a few police officers in the imperial residence, and the rest are doctors and others who serve the royal family, as well as the offices of the palace hall are also in the imperial residence.

Ping Jiangmen broke into the imperial palace, like a complete massacre, and in the sacred imperial palace, it is a joke to use heavy firepower to wash the ground, otherwise the gods will not be able to save the economy of the island country.

Decades ago, even the Japanese military set fire to the city of Tokyo, deliberately avoiding the imperial palace.

This damned monster, dare not confront the army head-on, only dare to go underground, where is this the heroic figure who opposed the emperor thousands of years ago.

He's just a thief who only steals.

"Won't let you go any further!"

Just as several officers looked at the ground with expressions of despair, a crisp female voice suddenly sounded.

The sound came from an infantry chariot in the center of the street. Compared with ordinary infantry chariots, this infantry chariot imported from Mifang was used as a command vehicle, with heavier armor and insufficient firepower. Life-saving ability is top-notch.

Sitting in the car, as long as it is not hit by the crazy heavy fire, it is usually not life-threatening.

The voice of Tateishi Shinoyoshi's words carried power in the speaker, and it really sounded like a partner of justice.

"Lord Tateishi."

"Yeah." Tateishi Xiao nodded, and cold sweat broke out from behind his ears because he was nervous.

"I'll force it out of the ground."

Others can't attack the underground, but Tateishi Xiao, who has mastered Jing Dun, is different.

Through the splint of the armored vehicle, the surging force smashed into the ground.

"Crystal Wujiao Road!"

Roots of crystal clear black crystal pillars pierced from the ground, and the black ground grudges roared out from the ground.

The sharp edge of the crystal pillar slashed into Qi Yu's body, but it only penetrated a little, but did not penetrate completely.

The grudge Yu, who made the army helpless, had to surrender before Jing Dun.

"Crystal sword!"

The crystal pillars plunged into the body, the crystal knives enough to cut steel, kept stirring in the sudden explosion of resentful Yu's body.

If it is flesh and blood, this is already the death penalty for opening the intestines and breaking the stomach.

But the earth resentment is different. Even with such a heavy injury, under the constant replenishment of chakra, the immortal earth resentment is still struggling to wriggle the black substance on his body, and the black giant hand grabs the crystal pillar and clenches it tightly .


The hard spar was directly crushed by one hand and turned into powder.


The clone sensed the pain from the body, and couldn't help being a little annoyed, and the vicious eyes became more and more vicious.

Seeing the hateful gaze of the ground, Tateishixiao raised a deep fear from the bottom of his heart. This was the real Mizuno. Even if it was just a clone, the suppression of Tateishixiao was limitless.

will die.

Tateishi Xiao held her breath, her whole body was icy cold, fear was like an invisible hand, choking her destiny's stamina, trying to completely pull her spine out of her body.

Looking at the rushing grievances, even being in a heavily armored infantry fighting vehicle could not give her a sense of security.

will die here.

The other party is a level general, a resentful spirit who has been ranked in the forefront throughout the What kind of confusion did he make in his head, that he thought of coming to face such a big terror.

To be honest, the history may be even older than Lord Shenshu.

The courage that Tateishi Xiao finally raised was gone under the charge of Heikemen.

"Crystal Pentagonal Prison!"

Ground Grievance, who was running, was covered in black crystals, and the momentum of his charge weakened.


Tateishi Xiao showed a happy expression. She had done experiments with small animals. As long as she was trapped in the pentagonal prison, her whole body would become shreds as the pentagonal prison wore off, and even the blood would crystallize. This is an irreversible process.


The black spar suddenly cracked, and a frantic roar came out of the crystal, and the black giant hand attacked the armored vehicle with an irresistible might.

Tateishi Xiao's hair exploded, and the blood flowing in her veins could not help freezing.

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