Asi, he is going to die here.

Park Piaole didn't know what to think, the pain on his face first, and then a sour smile.


The flames brought a dazzling light, and the light reflected on Pu Piaole's gray cheeks, the eyes were indifferently bright, and the reflections were not red flames, but the boundless blue ocean.

"I saw……"

Pu Piaole saw the coast of Tamla Island. In front of the beach was the boundless ocean. There were tourists and children playing on the beach. Every day, the old mother was nagging endlessly, the boss who had nothing to do all day, and his favorite Wan Suli, and finally Snake Ji, who strayed to the beach, and the night after night she spent with Snake Ji in the hotel.

Back then, the world was all blue, and you could smell the sea breeze.

If there is a chance to do it again, what choices will I make, or will it be the same as now?

In the erratic vision, Snake Ji stretched out her slender hand to block in front of the two of them. She had drained the Chakra and natural energy in Snake Ji's body, so what's the use of reaching out like this.

"Snake Princess..."

If you can do it all over again, the choice remains the same!

【Water Escape: LV5】!

The azure world suddenly opened in Pu Piaole's eyes, and the oncoming sea of ​​fire was rendered blue.

"Park, what is this?"

The feeling of numbness emerged from Snake Ji's body, her connection with Pu Piaole suddenly sublimated, and the power of the surge rushed out from every cell in the body like the sea, and hundreds of millions of cell rivers converged together into a vast ocean!


Pu Piaole's dried blood vessels suddenly became full, the gurgling blood flowed again, and an indescribably powerful force was transmitted from Snake Ji's body.

But the body is still too weak. The fight just now consumed the whole person's life. No amount of chakra transmitted at this moment can repair the damage to the body. No matter how much air is filled in the tires full of holes Also to no avail.

"Water escape..." He pushed his hands forward, "Big burst of water!"

The scorched earth around the body suddenly appeared with ripples of waves, the ripples spun, a wave, a thousand paths, ten thousand paths, the sea of ​​fire that should not have water appeared in the sea!

It's like opening a portal in the depths of the ocean, connecting it with the space here, and the endless sea water pours back into the world.

The sea that was summoned collided with the sea of ​​fire!


The world of red and black appears the whiteness of water vapor, and the sound of sea water crashing on the shore!

The wall of water and the wall of fire are deadlocked, and the disadvantage of the sea of ​​fire appears faintly!

The strength of one person is against the heaven and the earth!

The helicopters in the sky have long since evacuated from this war zone. They can't even cheer on the terrifying and extraordinary battlefield, and they will be swallowed by flames if they are not careful.

Although it was not possible to shoot at close range, this confrontation between the sea and the sea of ​​fire could be clearly captured from a distance. The sudden explosion of Park Piaole made the hand of the lieutenant general tremble uncontrollably.


The sea and the sea of ​​fire perished together, and the water splashes from the impact exploded to the point where the sky turned into droplets of rain, and then poured and poured rain down over the sea of ​​fire.

"It's getting stronger..." Before the raindrops fell on Takeo Moribe's head, it steamed into water vapor. His right arm was red and fierce, and Garuda, who was in the sea of ​​flames, met his opponent! This is the strongest move he has ever had.

What happened, he was still weak before, but now a stronger force has erupted, which can defend the anger between heaven and earth.

This is even stronger than... Minister Yuriru! Takeo Moribe

Ye Yezi, who had already moved to a safe place, looked up at the battlefield, even if it was dozens of kilometers away inland, the battlefield shrouded in flames and black smoke was clearly visible.

"This power..." Ye Yezi's shoulders were trembling, are all the government superhumans fighting against such powerful monsters?


There was a heavy rain in the sky without warning, and the pea-sized raindrops smashed on the windows of the car.

"Their battle can even be affected here." Ye Yezi no longer thinks about official treatment, bodyguards, she just wants to go back to her previous life, even if it is to be a little idol with no future hope.

The world is too scary.

The world in front of the convoy was blurred, as if heading towards the abyss of a cliff.

"Water Escape Water Mantis!"

With one hand staring at the big explosion water rush, Park Piaole's other arm is attached with a mantis-like water blade.

High-pressure water guns can easily cut through steel in industrial applications, and water mantis ninjutsu has an equally deadly sharpness.

A figure in the sea of ​​steam and fire advanced by leaps and bounds, he rushed through the sea of ​​​​fire, and the extreme body contained the last ray of astonishing vitality.

Garuda was bent backwards by the top of the sea, and it was only because of the continuous repairs provided by Takeo Moribu that it did not explode on the spot.


Takeo Moribe's eyes widened, and the figure of Park Piaole suddenly rushed out of the sea of ​​fire in front of him.


The water mantis arm knife and the sea of ​​​​fire rubbed out steam, and the sharp sickle wrapped in the curling steam cut flatly to the neck of Takeo Moribe.

It appeared so suddenly!


The arm knife made an incision on Takeo Moribe's cheek, went three centimeters deep, and hooked it out with blood and flesh.

But fortunately, the fatal blow to the neck was avoided. Park Piaole appeared suddenly, and the ninjutsu used was deadly enough.

But even with the blessing of shadow-level in terms of physical skills, he is an uncompromising soft board. He has been fishing on the bottom of the sea and he has seriously tempered his body. When Nanzaoyang served in the army The three punches and two legs that have been learned are close to none.

"Cough cough."

Seeing Takeo Moribu dodging his attack, Park Piaole coughed.

must kill you!

It wasn't that Park Piaole deliberately used his weakness to attack, but his physical strength no longer allowed him to fight the war of attrition. If he was in a full state to fight Takeo Mobe, he would not be afraid, but if he continued to fight the war of attrition now, he would be dead.

If he dies, so does Snake Princess!

Only with the unexpected sneak attack of the water mantis just now, it cannot be said that the winner can be determined with one blow.

Just a little bit, just a little bit.

"Dead! The water breaks!"

Where does Pu Piaole still have the style of ninja fighting, he pounced on Takeo Mobe with his teeth and claws, and Shui Duanbo violently swept around, obviously with a posture of perishing together.

"The fire is extinguished!"

Taking advantage of the power of the arrogance to extinguish the fire, Takeo Shoubu stepped back and wanted to hide himself in the blazing flames. The Shoubu had experienced hundreds of battles, and at a glance, he could see the current situation of Park Piaole. Procrastinate, and victory will naturally be yours.

But Park Piaole was already determined to die, and he didn't flinch when the fire was extinguished.

"time is limited……"

The loss of life is accelerated, anyway, it is a death both horizontally and vertically, and if it has reached this stage, there is no second person who has searched the entire Tanluo Island!

I am a big man that Tamra Island has never had before!

It's just estimated that no one in my hometown will give him a statue!

"Garuru! Explosion!"

Moribu's eyes are like flames, full of the coldness that everything will return to fire after death.

The Garuda dragon who was rushing over roared and detonated itself without hesitation!


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