Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 715: You are an angel (4000 words)

Diego's head was a little dazed, his eyes were dry and his thoughts stopped. This was a normal reaction when faced with things that he couldn't understand and beyond imagination.

On his dirty face, his eyes widened in confusion, his dry lips opened and closed, and after half a second, he shouted like a thunderbolt, "You nonsense, my mother is fine when I went out this morning!"

The grown man working on the farm next to him panted, "I read it right, the whole farm was burned!"

"And your mother..."


Throwing away the half-eaten avocado in his hand, Diego sprinted toward the farm on both legs.


This area is based on avocado farming. Diego’s family lives in the avocado plantation. He is not tall, but driven by urgency, his legs have the demeanor of a football player.

"You're not talking nonsense, I saw Diego's mother this morning too."

"Diego, wait for me!"


The little friend behind him was thrown far away by Diego, and he ran the distance that used to take more than ten minutes to complete in less than three minutes.

Before reaching the farm, Diego's running speed slowly slowed down, and he stared at the burning farm.

Pieces of avocado trees, a small broken house where he and his mother depended on each other, and a small piece of corn planted behind the house are the rations for him and his mother to improve their lives.

But at this moment everything is burning in flames, and memories are fuelwood, adding strength to the fire.


Micheken State is in the tropics, and the weather is hot all year round, and the burning plantations make the hot weather even better.

The fluttering tongues of flame spit into the sky, and there seems to be a figure in the shadows wailing and running in the flames.

But everything is an illusion, let alone walking in such a big flame, even the thick smoke inside can make people directly coma.

"This is Sanchez's farm..."

"Quick, put out the fire!"

"The water is coming!"

"Clean up Friday first, so that the fire can't continue to spread."

"It's hot! There's a can of gasoline in there, get that thing out of the way."

The fire continued, and residents around Sanchez’s farm came to put out the fire with various equipment, and the fire must not spread to other plantations.


Seeing that Diego wanted to rush into the fire, the people around him quickly grabbed his small body.

"Your mother is not inside!" a middle-aged uncle with a big beard shouted to Diego, "Diege, your mother is not in the fire!"

"My mother ran out?!" Diego looked at the adults who were calling him in surprise.

"I knew my mother was fine. She was so devout and prayed every day. God would not let her be burned to death..."

Like the former sovereign country, Mexico is also an evangelical country, and Diego is wearing a cross necklace given to him by his mother.

No matter how poor you are, you can't do bad things. All poverty and suffering are God's tests.

Good times mean the trials are over, God bless, bad days mean the trials continue, and God is still watching.

"No... your mother is hanging over there."

Running a few steps in the direction of Uncle Beard's fingers, Diego's big eyes almost cracked.

He held his small head up, his heart almost stopped beating, and the blood in his whole body was cold.

The kind mother was no longer kind, but stared at the ground with a painful face, her hands and feet were strangely folded back and twisted, and her face was white and purple.

Not only the mother, but also the farmer Sanchez's family and other workers, and even playmates of the same age as himself were not spared.

Even Dora.

The farmer's twelve-year-old daughter, Diego's dream goddess, was also brutally murdered, and her clothes were shredded and dirty...

She always liked to wear pink clothes, with a blue-purple backpack behind her, and short hair, but all the good things were hanging up at the moment.


Looking at Diego, who was squatting with his head in his arms, with pity, the other people onlookers shook their heads and sighed.

"He's Diego, he seems to be the only one who survived... If he's also on the farm, it's probably over."

"It's too miserable, how could such a cruel thing be done."

"Seven or eight... a total of nineteen people..."


"It was done by the Gitans family, and here are the letters they left. It's really not hidden at all. How did poor Sanchez provoke Gitans and the others..."

The adult holding the letter was about to read the contents carefully, but his lower abdomen was suddenly hit, and Diego hit his stomach like a rocket.

Diego's two hands grabbed the adult's clothes: "Who is Gitans and what is written on it?"

Diego didn't know much, so he could only let adults read letters. The world had not yet been formed in his mind, and he could not understand the meaning of adults' mouths.

The oriental woman also walked to the fire without knowing when, the eyes under the sunglasses did not know what kind of gaze, and there was no panic in the chaotic country alone.

Even looking at the hanging corpse, the oriental woman is still so calm, such a cruel picture, even the natives of Mitchiken can't bear to see it.

The rabbit died and the fox hurt its kind. Who knows if the next victim will be ordinary people like them.

The crowd around the fire also saw strange Oriental women, but now the fire fighting is the most important thing, and the others are put aside first.

Her eyes then turned to the hanged people. The corpses hung from the trees looked like vines in the countryside.

"Gitans is... a big drug lord, you are still young and don't understand."

"It should be that the avocados of the Sanchez family were not sold to them, or the protection fee was not paid, or it was made to us..." The man holding the letter analyzed various possibilities. Cruel things will always happen in this land. occur.

Whether it's avocado or Shansi Miao, as long as the business they fancy will be involved in blood and war.

Killing people on the street, shooting the mayor sitting in a private car, dismembering the body and mailing the pieces to the family... These are the daily tasks of the Mexilica gang.

As usual, Diego dared to be so messy, this adult slapped Diego on the forehead long ago.

But at this moment, there is only pity in the hearts of adults. It's better to let this little guy vent his emotions. After all, without his mother who supports his life, Diego may not be able to live on this land for too long.

"I'm going to kill them, I'm going to kill Gitans!!"

Little Diego was like a cub with a hideous face. Even if the adults tried hard to stop him, he frantically bit the adults' arms with his teeth.

"You little bastard! What are you doing to bite me!"

Under the pain, the adults had to let go, and Diego climbed the tall cedar tree in three steps.

Tears mixed with snot and sweat from running, Diego frantically bit the hemp rope with his teeth and hands.

The hemp rope fibers were slowly bitten off, and then the corpse fell heavily to the ground.


Diego followed, rolling down the tree, clasping his mother's hand, the cross necklace around her neck gleaming in the firelight.

Such a devout person did not pass the test of the gods after all.

The figure of the oriental woman disappeared again at some point, she was like a mysterious shadow looming.

With the power of shadow magic, Takahashi poor and Tobi stood side by side on the small cliff.

From the cliff, you can completely overlook this small village and town. The fire is only a corner of the village and town, and it is a small part of the whole land. It is painful for those who are in it. It was just a moment of slack.

There are avocados everywhere here, and each fruit symbolizes wealth. Although the profit is not comparable to the 'national flower' of Mexilica, it is not dangerous, and there is no need to worry about being attacked by the government of your country, especially the government of Amelika. So 'rightfully' to be targeted by gangsters.

"This is the chaotic Mexilica." Yuan looked at the sky with emotion and said with emotion, "The government has lost its power, and all the middle and grassroots are occupied by various organizations, even the regular army can't match the organization... Even the regular army and the police can't compete with them. Infiltrated by them, with collusion everywhere, this country can be said to be rotten to the core."

"This time the slaughter is for avocado-driven interests, and the next time it can be blood-stained saplings, or even wheat."

"As long as wheat can bring huge profits, they will also go to assassination, war, and slaughter villages for wheat. Whoever does not hand over wheat to them will be brutally slaughtered."

"This is the truth of the blood in your world."

Takahashi was pitiful and speechless, and he still watched the burning plantation without any waves.

This slaughter is insignificant compared to the lives she has tainted in her hands, and other people's affairs are even more irrelevant. She is a calm neutral, chaotic neutral.

"It's hard to imagine such a thing in the peaceful country you live in, but from my point of view, your entire Orient and Europa regions are the outliers in the world, living in a strange peace."

"The land area occupies one-tenth of your entire world, and in this one-tenth of 500 million square kilometers of land, the real peaceful land area is only 50 million, and the rest is in starvation, war, chaos , poverty, despair, one percent peace, ninety-nine percent chaos."

Mizuno made a clever use of proportions, after all, 90% of the world's area is ocean.

"Isn't there a solution?" Pity Takahashi finally spoke.

"It's too embarrassing for you to ask me a person from another world. The big people in your world have not come up with a solution. What can I do?"

"This kind of thing, even if the real gods appear, there is no way to solve it."

On the surface, the problem of Mesilica is that the political instability has lost control of the people, but it is essentially driven by the economy. The big powers in the north have crushed the industry and agriculture of Mexilica with an unparalleled situation. Except for the service industry, a Nearly all 200 million people are unemployed.

The quality and price of the industrial products produced are inferior to those of the neighbors to the north. Not to mention agriculture, self-production and sales are fine. Under the large-scale agriculture of the neighbors in the north, the agricultural products produced by the neighbors in the north cannot be beaten, and they are even transported across the ocean. Other countries are much cheaper than their own products.

Mesilica's unemployed surplus laborers were simply organized by groups to grow saplings, which were then processed and exported to Amelica, and then exchanged the funds for Amelica's industrial and agricultural products.

From production, sales, organization, supply and demand, the entire link is perfectly and harmoniously closed. The economic foundation determines everything. Chaos has been engraved in the foundation of the country. This is an inextricable knot.

Even if there is a political strongman in Mexilica one day, one million troops will be used to eliminate all domestic groups and destroy the Shansi Miao industry, but as long as an industrial and agricultural system is not established, it will not take long for the unemployed to spontaneously reappear again. A new group is born, and the kingdom is thrown into chaos again.

This is the objective law of the economy, like the gears of industrial machinery, pushing relentlessly forward.

Even with the external factors of the neighbors to the north, Mesilica's future can only be said to be bleak.

"So what do you want me to do in Mexilica, just to see the tragedy on earth?" Takahashi took off his sunglasses pitifully.

The kite curled her lips: "You are really a ruthless woman, even this kind of human tragedy can't awaken your sympathy."

"It's not like you said." Takahashi looked at Tobi pitifully, "If the problem is not solved from the root cause, this kind of tragedy will still happen every day, it's just a matter of probability."

"Yeah." In Takahashi's impression, Tobi is a very eccentric person who escapes, with a nervousness in his escape, making it difficult to understand the next move, "I haven't told you what my goal is."

Poor Takahashi was slightly interested. She knew that Hela's wish was to rebuild Norse mythology, which everyone around the world probably knew.

"My wish is for world peace and never to have strife again, just like Mesilica."

This is Tobi's wish, not Mizuno's wish. Mizuno used the wishes of the characters in the original book without any shame.

"Why can't Mexico be turned into a peaceful country, if humans can't do it, let's transform it."

The kite's emotions were excited: "Don't you find this wish very Let more than 100 million people get out of the sea of ​​misery, first mexilica, and then we can continue to the south, turning the whole of Central and South America into a A country of peace, without war, where everyone lives and works in peace and contentment."

"..." Takahashi was pitifully silent, and she re-acquainted with the strange person in front of her.

It's not just a weirdo.

He's still an innocent and eccentric person with a head in the water, and he actually holds such thoughts that elementary school students don't have.

"So why did you bring me here? I don't have the ability to help you achieve world peace, and..."

"A feather is not so valuable."

Yuan suddenly clenched her fist and became elated: "No, you have this ability, no one is more suitable than you, don't forget your identity!"

"You are an angel, an angel of evangelism, an angel who brings peace to the world and resolves disputes. In Mexilica, you are not only civilians, but even gangsters worship you."

"Poor Takahashi, you don't realize your own power at all!"

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