Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 760: Silence (4000 words)

Missiles flying at a speed of several Mach can be detonated by the surrounding detonator, not to mention ordinary bombs, and Susanoo is a special existence composed of chakra, except for high temperature, high explosive and low temperature, ordinary physical attacks are difficult to cause damage. .


The special 'bomb' fell from the sky and did not directly hit the tall giant, but fell on the giant's side, detonating the moment it was about to hit the ground!

At the moment of the explosion, the world seemed to be silenced by a spell.

Everything is silent, all colors are stripped away, only the only light between heaven and earth is left.

"Quick, get in the car."

Morelia's 'uptown' is in turmoil, as a good senator backs out his new car from the garage.

"Leonor, go to the front row, Francisco and I are in the back row."

The mother sat in the back row of the car with the youngest child in her arms, and her movements were not too panicked. Both husband and wife were from prestigious local families, and they had cultivated the quality of being calm at all times since they were young.

"Sit tight, let's go."

The senator gritted his teeth, and slammed the accelerator under his feet, slamming forward.

"Dad, can we come back?"

"Definitely." The senator had a miserable smile on his face, and he didn't know what to do.

He still doesn't know what happened, even he is so at a loss, let alone other people.

This city of Morelia is probably finished.

"Dad, what kind of monster is that." The eldest son looked at the rearview mirror curiously.

Even if the tall giant is still far away in the lower city, its huge size also occupies all the rearview mirror, and it will not take long to walk straight through the upper city. At that time, every move of the giant will be a terrifying disaster.

"That monster is..." The Senator hadn't figured out how to answer this question, and the world in front of him was completely shrouded in light.

It's as if their vehicle is heading into a heaven of light!

Today is not a day off, the sound of reading aloud came from the primary and secondary schools in Morelia City.

It's just that the sound of reading is also covered up by the sound of explosions, and the scene of the exchange of fire in the slums is comparable to that of countless children lying on the windows and looking at the tall giant.


"It's Godzilla!"

Unlike the ignorant children, the teacher in the classroom knows how dangerous the current situation is: "Don't lie on the window, run after the teacher!"

Some courageous teachers did not leave their children to flee by themselves, but moved students around like old hens protecting chickens.

The school suddenly became a mess, every step was crowded with the figures of students and teachers, and a few irrational people tried to jump from the windows.

A third-grade student with a schoolbag stopped, his right hand stretched out from the crack of the window, and his eyes looked at the tall giant in the distance.

His eyes widened, and his eyes were full of worship, and worship of giant humanoid objects was something that was engraved in his bones.

"beep beep~"

The children's electronic watch they were wearing beeped, and it was the parents at home who were contacting the heart, and all the residents of Morelia City were in chaos.

But before answering the phone, the little boy raised his head curiously. He saw a sudden light in the distance and a rising mushroom.

He gave a thumbs up, the height of the mushroom was far beyond the tip of the thumb.


The world is quiet!

The city of Morelia was shrouded in extreme light.

The light repels and annihilates all matter, even the huge giant disappears in an instant in the explosion.


Even in a theoretically safe area dozens of kilometers away, Turner and the others still felt suffocated. The air they breathed in seemed to be mixed with unspeakable harmful substances, and the hair all over their bodies stood up under psychological effects .

"Cough cough." Turner coughed a few times under the influence of psychology, and the atmosphere in the command room was too quiet, almost deadly embarrassing.

The souls of Morelia City seemed to be instantly transferred to the command room.

A staff officer took out the cross and closed his eyes: "Amen."

The voice of the staff officer's confession was not loud, but it was especially harsh in the quiet command room.

Turner wanted to scold him sharply, but he swallowed the words again, because not only the staff officer, but the others in the room also prayed.

The command room has changed from a murderous decision-making body to a confessional room of the church, but there is not much sense of disobedience.


Forget it, Turner sighed inwardly.

No electronic equipment can enter the center of the explosion, and no one knows exactly what happened.

And how many people will be killed by this bomb?

Although it was entirely possible to put the blame on the Black Angel afterwards, Turner doubted whether he could return to the warship without incident, instead of being arrested and killed by the furious Mexilica government.

The Mexican government did not know that the fighter jets that came with the bombs were loaded with neutron bombs, and Turner was uneasy, but as long as he got to the warship, he could return home safely.

Moreover, even if they return to the country, they will probably spend the rest of their lives in repentance. This is different from the previous two explosions of justice. The ordinary citizens of Morelia City are truly innocent.

Sitting peacefully at home, he was suddenly taken away by the ultimate weapon, and **** descended on the world.

Turner had already prepared himself mentally when he received the assignment in China, but the pressure in the end was much heavier than he imagined. The heavy pressure made him completely unable to breathe. You have to pull yourself out of your negative emotions!

"Amen." Confessing in a low voice, Turner regained his confidence, "If Mesilica hadn't sacrificed this time, then it would be our people who would suffer in the future, don't you want to watch your wife, children, parents? Caught in the flames of war? We sacrificed the lives of a small number of people, but the safety of most people was saved, and it was an act of justice!"

"There are always sacrifices in the world, but I don't want these people to be our countrymen!"

"Are you going to be Amelika's sinners!"

"Let us, let me take responsibility for the ultimate weapon!"

Turner's voice echoed in the command room, and everyone who had been demoralized was a little cheered up.

After all, it is people who have nothing to do with them who died. Besides, the Middle East battlefield and the North African battlefield, nowhere did the civilians die far more than the casualties in Morelia City. The psychological discomfort was only the shock brought by the ultimate weapon.

Deaths are only statistics after all!

"The hydrogen bomb has been dropped."

"Electronics can enter."

After more than half a century of development, the ultimate weapon has derived many versions, including the neutron bomb, which is purely for the elimination of living force, and the upgraded version of the atomic bomb, the hydrogen bomb.

In the city of Morelia, a hydrogen bomb with excellent explosion was used. Although the neutron bomb is more environmentally friendly, the strong radiation only has an effect on living things, and it is necessary to rely on the hydrogen bomb to destroy the giants.

In a city after the neutron bomb, all the buildings may be intact, but everyone in the city will die in a short time, and after a period of time after the neutron bomb, the armed forces can enter, and a few months later The radiation of the land will basically disappear.

The modified drones quickly flew into the sky, and the radiation-affected pictures kept making hoarse squeaks. These expensive special drones could only last for a short time.

Looking at the picture sent back by the drone, everyone in the command room who had just been cheered took a breath, and the picture that came into their eyes was devastated.

The city of Morelia has become a wasteland world, with broken walls and flying sand.

A huge tiankeng appeared in the center of the explosion. When the rainy season comes, the tiankeng will become a reservoir. The urban buildings on the edge of the explosion collapsed. The vehicles on the street were pushed together by the shock wave. Where to go, the city heart that was still noisy just a moment ago didn't even make a sound.

All life and death honors, wealth and honor are instantly erased.

Only a handful of lucky people who escaped from the city looked blankly at the exploding city. Everyone understood what just happened, but everyone couldn't believe what they saw.

How could someone make such a maddening decision.

"Cough cough."

The terrifying radiation reaction "spread" in the crowd, and the survivors looked at their bare hands, and the fear in their eyes could not be eliminated.

"I, I... ah!"


The diameter of the tiankeng that exploded was astonishingly deep and terrifying, and even penetrated to the groundwater level, digging out groundwater that was seriously polluted by production and living activities.


Groundwater suddenly spewed from several places in the Tiankeng, but the poor color of the groundwater made the scene of the wasteland even more desolate.


A space suddenly distorted, like a stirred water surface, and Takahashi fell out of the safe space pitifully.

Her right eye was full of red, and her delicate face was drawn with blood. Not to mention anything else, this face alone was frightening.

The injuries on her body were no stronger than her face. There were large areas of burns, and her bones were broken in pieces. She couldn't hold it any longer and fell to the ground.


Takahashi opened his mouth wide and closed his right eye in pain.

Susanoo was defeated, and he mobilized Shenwei twice in a row. The second time he hid his whole body in a safe space, the pressure on his right eye had exceeded the limit.

She had never felt so out of strength before.


But now Takahashi doesn't even have the strength to cry out in pain.

Takahashi Pity is not an expert in military weapons. Before he became extraordinary, he didn’t even know what an automatic weapon or semi-automatic weapon was, but he became a good doctor after a long illness. Takahashi Pity has basically had personal contact with various conventional weapons of mankind. Gotta be a half-expert.

So when she saw the light, her brain instantly reacted. This is an unconventional weapon - the ultimate weapon of mankind!

Even if he used all his strength to bring himself into the safe space, the power of the weapon explosion in the end still affected his body a little, and if he hadn't used divine power... I'm afraid he would have completely evaporated from the world.

But only the spread is scary enough, and the ultimate weapon is a collection of human cruelty.

But what if he survived by luck, the empty Takahashi, who felt the power in his body, gave a pitiful smile: "This is... completely slaughtered by others."

The sky above his head is blue and clear, the soil under his body is also very soft, and his fingertips can still touch the coolness of the water, but it is too quiet.

It was quiet, not even the sound of ants. The religious groups, believers, gangs, and civilians were all leveled in an instant, and there were no more joys and sorrows in the city of Morelia.

This is the ultimate power of the primate of all things. I am afraid that apart from the real gods, no extraordinary can master such terrifying power.

"Kite...Is this your purpose?" Takahashi raised his palm pitifully, and the ring reflected a bright light under the sunlight, which was huge like an artifact, "So many people died, what is it for. "

Takahashi pitifully turned his head to look at the edge of the sinkhole, where the sound of the drone was heard.

Several drones that were resistant to radiation interference slowly descended, and high-precision lenses were aimed at the tiankeng for detection.

The scope of the tiankeng is large enough, and Takahashi is inconspicuous in it, but several drones can find themselves in a few minutes.

"They... definitely didn't expect me to survive the nuclear explosion." The blood from the corner of Takahashi's pitiful eyes couldn't be stopped. "But this time..."

Unprecedented weakness, even a small pistol can kill himself.

"I'm really die here."

Takahashi's pitiful and beautiful eyes looked to the west, as if he could see through the mountains and mountains, across the Pacific Ocean, and see the land of the island country written all over his unwillingness.


Island Country, Ota Ward, Tokyo, Headquarters of the Supernatural Agency.

The Minister of Four Islands looked to the east, the east of the island country was the endless Pacific Ocean, and then Amelika came to the country.

Shiroshima Kiyomi stood across from the four islands with a serious expression. The information my grandson Liang discovered was too important, and... too strange. She expected Mizuno Sora to be extraordinary, but she didn't expect Mizuno to be involved in so many incidents. A close contact.

Such bizarre information was not safe enough to say on the phone, only she personally reported it to Minister Shito.

"Re-investigate Adachi District, suspected of being extraordinary?" Shishima shook his head, "Not now."

Frost Island Kiyomi's lips twitched a few times, resisting the urge to ask why.


"I see his living materials... It's not a high-risk anti-social personality, it's just that there are more things involved, and peaceful contacts are adopted."

"Peace Shimoshima Kiyomi silently meditated on peace, pondering how to make contact.

Indeed, Mizuno has also been in contact with her several times. She has a refined and easy-going personality, and she has a faint sense of righteousness in her body - Shimoshima Kiyomi nodded suddenly: "Minister, could Mizuno Sora be Minister Lily Ruo?"

"Minister Lily Ruo?" Shidao was slightly stunned when he looked at the information in his hand.

"Yes, look. Compared with before, Mizuno Sora's personality has changed greatly, and it seems that he is occupied by something. Moreover, his first contact with the extraordinary event was the Chi Zhenghui incident. Minister Yuriruru executed justice and annihilated evil. teach."

Sishima listened to Shiroshima Kiyomi and nodded in agreement, this subordinate was very inspired, and no matter how imaginative what he said, he could trust it!

"There is a possibility. Shiroshima, you have experience in dealing with extraordinary affairs. I can trust you. If Mizuno is really lawful and extraordinary, he must win our hands. No matter how bad the situation is, let him remain neutral."

"Hi Yi!"

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