Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 797: Polar Bear (4000 words)

The latest website: It doesn't matter if you are thirsty or hungry, the members of the Xiao organization who are placed in the island country will definitely trigger an extraordinary battle and fly into the territory of Lucia quickly. Contact, and in Siberia also urgently dispatched government personnel proficient in the island's national language to rush to the helicopter.

It's just that the location where this weird big bird flew is really confusing. After calculating the flight route, it was found that it was heading towards a rarely known arctic region, where there is nothing of value except for some small villages and towns.

He even said madly that if Takahashi pitifully cast the final weapon in this small village and town, it would definitely be concealed with the power of the state. If it was not deliberately exposed, no one would know that there was a big explosion there.

And just as Lucia's aircraft was tracking the big clay bird, a small boat slowly docked on Lucia's long eastern coastline.


The hull crashed into the frozen sand on the coast. This is by no means a suitable place for a large army to land, but there is no problem with landing a small army of armed forces.

The hatch slapped the sea and splashed water, and several people with oriental faces landed vigorously and swiftly.

Different from the ordinary Fira's unbearable Island Self-Defense Forces, these elite personnel showed a well-trained and elite atmosphere with their gestures, and it was more than enough to serve as guards on both sides of the gate of the Imperial Palace.

And just after a few people took the lead to get out of the cabin door, Tateishi Xiao also walked out.

She was wearing thick winter clothes, and the air she exhaled formed a white streak in the air. She had never been to such a north and cold place since she was a child. If she came here as the previous self, I am afraid she would be lost when she got off the boat. Will be frozen out with a cold and high fever.

And even with the protection of several new-generation experimental subjects by his side, Tateishi Xiao's heart is still uneasy.

Not only because this operation is equivalent to an 'invasion', but also because of the unknown enemy that will be faced, but there is no way to choose, Tokyo has decided to send itself, and now it is in the territory of Lucia, there is no way to retreat.


There were three military terrain vehicles in the hatch roaring and rushing to the land. These three vehicles were carrying sufficient supplies and would support them to the target location.



Sitting in the closed car, Tateishi Xiao felt a little warm.

This time, it is a quick action. We must get the things before those terrorist existences and materials are exhausted. Otherwise, with the strength of their team, the members of the Xiao organization will definitely be wiped out. The opponent was caught off guard.

Moreover, Kamhara Feixiang and others were transferred to Amelika, Takeo Moribe lost his combat effectiveness, and Misa was on the island. It was the time when the supernatural power of the island country government was at its weakest, so they had no choice but to push Tateishi Xiao forward to catch the ducks on the shelves. This is not the same as the life that Tateishi Xiao has always hoped for, and he embarks on the road of machismo in peace.

"It's crazy." With a breath of heat, Li Shixiao took out the divine leaves given by Lord Shenshu.

The tip of the leaf points to the northwest, and the tip of the leaf will sway as the vehicle bumps, but the pointed target is still clear.

Compared with the time when he was in the island country, the brightness of the leaves has improved a lot after landing in Lucia, and it seems that the closer the distance, the higher the brightness.

"The sooner the better, the sooner the better." Looking at the heavy snow outside the window, Tateishi Xiao carefully held the leaves.

After finishing this big business, she must ask the government for a vacation!


Lucia - Republic of Sakha.

More than three million square kilometers of land, with only one million people living, this piece of land is absolutely sparsely populated.

Almost every inch of land here is permafrost. In addition to filling color blocks on the map, the biggest role of the vast area is to extend the supply line for the attacking enemy, causing supply difficulties.

And all the towns... or gathering points are almost distributed along the Lena River. If they can endure the rare high temperature, this is definitely a good place to hide.


A blond girl walks home slowly on a pile of snow and frozen soil. The road from school to the village is bumpy, and in summer it becomes a terrible muddy road. From a military level, it is definitely the enemy. A marching nightmare.

And if it's too late, you might encounter dangerous creatures like wild wolves on the way.

Considering that the entire territory of the Sakha Republic is a primitive forest environment, it is only common to encounter wild wolves. Kill the wild animals around.

The surrounding villages occasionally reported that someone was attacked by wild beasts, and it happened every year.

Dorophia is in the eighth grade this year. In terms of Lucia's eleven-year schooling system, there are still three years before graduation. By then, she will be able to enter the university after passing the exam. However, in terms of the education level and infrastructure of the Sakha Republic ...Even if I can go to university, the traffic inside and outside is terrible, and every time I go to school, it will be a huge torture.

Maybe they haven't left the Sakha Republic after a day and a night. If they take the train to the city of a thousand tops, they will be mentally and physically tortured for days and nights.

Most of the local people choose to work after receiving compulsory education, and continue to work in the traditional fishing, animal husbandry and wood industries. Anyway, there is basically no contact with the outside world, and there is nothing worth comparing. Live the most ordinary life.

All demand for money is reduced to a minimum, and even the houses in the village are mostly made of round wood, and the materials are sourced locally. These native woods that can be sold outside the village can be seen everywhere around their village, and they are more expensive than concrete. Cheap.

"I really want to visit the City of Thousand Tops, it's better to be able to work and live there..." Dorophia shook her head, imagining the sight of the City of Thousand Tops she saw on the Internet, "So saying Why did the ancestors come here, not the criminals who were assigned, but to come to such a cold place."

It is a pity that from here to the city of a thousand peaks, there are thousands of kilometers. Even if the city of a thousand peaks is not a prosperous city in the world, it is like a heavenly city to Dorophia.

The bustling scene is destined to be seen only on the screen. Many people in the village will never go to the city of a thousand peaks in their lives. Even the scope of the Sakha Republic has never been out. Work and eat.

Most of the settlements in the Sakha Republic can no longer be said to be as simple as the countryside. It is just that a few human beings appeared by accident in the desert of civilization, which is abrupt and unsuitable for the environment.

"I must let my family support me to go to the City of Thousand Tops after graduation, or I can go to other big cities."

"I can't stay in this hellish place anymore."

Speaking of which, Dorophia's footsteps are getting faster and faster. This is a high-latitude area. It gets dark very early. Humans can survive in such a place. Ha Zi is very thanks to the power of science and technology. It's been a few years, but it's hard to guarantee that there won't be any accidents.

She can already see the small wooden houses in the villages. The villages in these remote areas have a small population, that is, dozens of households with more than 100 households, and each other's houses occupy a large area of ​​grassy orchards.

It is the pinnacle of pastoral scenery created by painters and poets, and it is an ideal human life worthy of acclaim to criticize the city.

Although it looks full of poetic and picturesque, the price of a whole house and courtyard may not even be able to buy the toilet in the city of a thousand roofs.

Just walking, Dorophia found that the village today was different from usual. The road was quiet, as if hiding from the cold, and curled up into a warm home. Even if the weather has become cold recently, it will not be like no one. Exaggeration, when it is dozens of degrees below zero, everyone is still living and taking a hot bath in the cabin.

Just when Dorophia realized something was wrong, the door of the wooden house beside her was suddenly pushed open, and a big hand grabbed her collar!

The big hand is strong and powerful, and it appears very suddenly.

Dorophia was dragged into the hot room, and the momentary warmth made her want to sneeze.

"Uncle Valery."

Opening the big fluffy hand on her mouth, Dorophia looked suspiciously at the bearded uncle behind her.

"What's up?"

Valery is also a resident of the village. In terms of relationship, Dorophia and Uncle Valery are still related. A village is that big, and it is normal for everyone to know each other.

It's just that Uncle Valery, who has always been cheerful in his impression, now looks serious, it's too abnormal, and he doesn't have the smell of intoxicating alcohol, so he's not in a state of drunkenness.

"Don't make a sound." Valery made a silent gesture, pointing his finger out of the side window.

Dorophia followed her fingers and looked over, it was a bear, a white bear.

And this bear is huge, much bigger than the wild brown bears that Dorophia has seen. This is definitely a polar bear.

It is moving its huge body to rummage through the things piled up outside the wooden house, and it seems to be looking for something to eat.

And that wooden house is his home, his parents and younger brother seem to be in the wooden house.

The polar bears all went south into the human village to find something to eat. This is what happened to the poor living environment - Dorophia became more and more determined to escape the village and live in the big city.

At least wild wolves and polar bears will not suddenly appear on the side of the road in big cities, and there is no need to worry about being carried away by some strange beasts. The place where urban people live is really magical. Is there really such a place in the world?

"One more."

From the corner of Dorophia's eyes, she caught a glimpse of a polar bear. It was a little smaller, and it might be a female or an underage individual.

"More than two, look over there."

There were indeed not only two polar bears in the village, but also other predators of the same type roaming. With Dorophia's knowledge, the scene that was happening was enough to make national news.

"Is this a polar bear attacking the village?" Dorophia opened her mouth wide and looked at the polar bears wandering in the village one after another.

Although there is always ridicule on the Internet about the mutual growth and mutual restraint between Lucia and Xiong, Xiong will detour when he sees Lucia, and there will be some humorous things from time to time in the news, but there is no such warm scene in reality.

Faced with furious bears, ordinary people without protection can only obediently be caught and killed.

Even just after hibernation, the weakest bear can slap half of a human face off with a slap.

And if you attack an adult polar bear at close range with a shotgun, you may be killed by the polar bear.

Bears may not be the most powerful predators of the same tonnage, but the beauty of nature is big, and weight is strength. The tonnage of adult male polar bears ensures that they can dominate the terrestrial carnivorous world. Polar bears tearing lions and tigers apart is no joke.

So even if someone in the village holds a shotgun, but no one dares to shoot and fight to the death before the last step, wait for the bears to leave after eating and drinking. Here comes these scary guys.

"Dad, I've already called the police."

Valery's son held his phone and looked curiously at the wandering polar bear outside the window.

The police on the phone were full of confusion when they heard the polar bear's "attack", but they should still call the police as soon as possible, but because of the vast land and sparsely populated situation in the Sakha Republic, the police who sent the police did not know how long it would take to arrive.

This was a novel experience for him, probably similar to watching a performance of rare animals in a zoo, but this time it was not the animals who were locked in the house to watch, but themselves.

"Dad, will they attack us?"

"No." Valery said, taking out a shotgun from the room and holding it to his chest. He was not a soldier when he was young, but he was very good at hunting. "As long as we hide in the room, there will be no problem. Bears are very intelligent animals."

Although Lucia also has certain control over guns, but in a region like theirs in a republic that is far away from the sky and the emperor, the government's control is powerless. To survive in such a dangerous place, it is necessary to use guns to defend against beasts.

"But how can there be polar bears here..."

Dorophia is already a mature middle school student, so she naturally knows the habits of polar bears.

This kind of bear only lives in the arctic It only occasionally climbs on land in summer. It is not that polar bears are not interested in food on land, but that despite their large size and strong fighting power, they cannot compete at all. Niche relative brown bear.

Many brown bears are powerful. Countless years ago, the brown bears forced the polar bears to the island. The polar bears curled up on the ice like a pitiful worm. It was like a place where tigers gather and there would be no lions. compete.

"Who knows..." Valery put down his shotgun, "In this day and age, it's not normal for strange things to happen."

"It's not surprising that penguins are walking on the road in groups."

Dorophia took out her mobile phone and took pictures of the outside world. Although it wasn't an extraordinary battle, this scene was still very eye-catching, and it could be played for several days at school tomorrow.

But just as Dorophia was concentrating on filming, a giant bear roared not far away.

The roar was deafening, and her hand holding the phone couldn't help loosening.

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