Reborn with Naruto In Tokyo, Japan

Chapter 865: Change (3000 words)

"Holy Lord, please give me the peace to accept what I cannot change, give me the courage to change what I can, and give me the wisdom to tell the difference between the two."



As the priest closed the books, there was a uniform sound of Amen in the church.

Because of the traditions left by the former colonists, the priesthood is held by men, who are proficient in English and the local Aboriginal language.

In the land all over the Shidu Cult, the sound of praying Amen was a bit abrupt. The six states in the northeast were not large, but there were various religions in the location.

The Shidu hinterland to the west is all dominated by the Shidu sect, while the Suizawa country to the south is dominated by the Xingyue sect, and Myanmar to the east is a Buddhist country of Theravada Buddhism.

The title of the Museum of Ethnography and Religion is well-deserved, but this is not to show the frailty of the people living on this land.

It's just that the believers who listened to the priest's speech did not realize that the priest's situation today is slightly wrong.

At the end of the service, the believers stood up in twos and threes and went out together. The light rain outside the church had completely stopped. Of course, the bus to the town was not just for simple prayers. These Khasi women who hold the financial power of the family also have their own tasks. , they need to purchase living materials such as salt for the family.

Compared with other areas in Shidu, the population density of Meghalaya is not high. The population of the state is only three million. The abundant rainfall has formed a landscape of virgin forests and waterfalls. Unfortunately, it has not been developed into any money-sucking. It also limits the development of planting industry and population.

The same scene of primitive tribes can still be seen on this land. Fortunately, a little brilliance of modern society also shines into the vast forest. Even if every village is not connected to electricity, at least—— It is N-hand discarded clothing shipped from unknown countries.


Watching all the believers leave, the priest gently closed the door of the church.

He then looked inside the church. The church was empty. According to the previous arrangement, it should be time for him to clean up.

But the priest just walked to the side door and opened the small door with a frown.

A tall and tall man in his thirties stood outside the door, with a full beard covering his true age.

"Muke, you're here again." The priest turned sideways and let Muck enter the church.

"Even the listed castes can come to the Lord's Church, why can't I come." When speaking of the listed castes, the man named Muke was sarcastic.

It was ridicule but not contempt, and there was no contempt for untouchables in his tone.

"Everyone is equal in front of the Holy Master, and the souls of kings and beggars are of equal weight." The priest said filthy words that could make the priests of the Sect of Poison rage.

In the villages in the hinterland of Shidu, if the pariahs enter the temples of Shidu sect, they will be beaten fiercely in public. by this natural law.

"Yes, this should be the goal and direction we are looking for." Mook sat on the bench, speaking the authentic 'central language', which sounded similar to the local indigenous language, Meghalaya English is quite different.

Although in the ears of outsiders, Shidu English has a curry flavor, but Shidu people have also developed a set of authentic Shidu English (hinglish), which is mixed with various local grammars and words, which is different from British English is also different from American English.

"People are born equal. There is no need for us to use a system that existed two thousand years ago. Although I don't like the Holy Bishop, there is no reason why our citizens can't understand this simple fact."

The priest waved his hand: "Mook, I know what you want to do, you want to change the status quo, but this... what does it have to do with us, even if you want to change, please go to the west, where the caste system is the most serious Go, not to small isolated places like ours."

The six northeastern states also have a caste system, but the persecution is relatively light.

"Because it's too serious there and the conservative forces are too entrenched, it can't succeed." There was still warmth on the bench where Muke sat.

"If we don't speak up, everything will work as usual, but if we turn up even a few decibels, they have a reason to attack the rebels."

"Only by starting from weak areas can the whole business be successful."

"You know better than me the situation in the six states in the northeast. This place is backward, poor, and has very different customs from the central region. There are many resistance organizations, and the central government has never managed this place with all their heart."

"Well..." The priest pondered, "I seem to have heard the whole theory somewhere."

"This is just a universally applicable truth." Muck has an extraordinary fanatical pursuit of truth, "Father Aja, you should have experienced this cannibalistic system, a shameful system more than I do!"

Aja didn't say a word. Mook suddenly appeared in the town a few months ago. He obviously did his homework. As soon as he entered the church, he knew that he used to be a lowly Dalit surname, that is, a pariah.

A lifetime is only suitable for a job like a cleaner. Although there have been precedents for Dalits to become prime ministers, for most Dalits, this is just a fantasy.

Aja is not a native of Meghalaya. He is a rare villager of the Holy Bishop in the hinterland of Shidu. The villagers of the listed caste have become untouchables in the surrounding villages after they believe in the Holy Bishop. Although I climbed to the university step by step through the entrance examination, both in school and after graduation, I have been subjected to substantial caste discrimination.

Obviously he has a higher education level, better work ability, and more conscientiousness than those of the higher castes, but in the end, when he encounters difficult things, he is still pushed directly to block the sword. Xia Aja simply went to Meghalaya, a state where holy bishops are prevalent, as a priest.

It has been 30 years since he took root and settled down here, got married and had children, and gradually gained a little reputation among the common people.

To be able to find himself among so many famous people around Jowai City, Muke obviously worked hard.

"If before, we could only create a little trouble for this unfair system on a small scale, but now we finally have the strength and the support from the gods." Muke's body is sitting upright and looks like It is the magical colonizer in oil painting.

This Muke is indeed mysterious. The only thing that Aja can be sure of is that Muke is not a local, and his temperament is not the bandit spirit of the rebel groups in the six northeastern states, although it is not accurate to look at the caste level according to the skin color. , but Muke's fair skin is probably not a poor person of low caste.

At least the rebels Aja has seen who want to overthrow the caste system are mostly dark skinned.


"Yes, god."

The priest laughed: "Mook, I still can't believe what you said. There are gods living at the foot of our land? This is not a trick to deceive ordinary people... Amen, Amen."

The priest found that there was an error in his words, how can he be said to be deceiving the believers, there is no doubt that gods have appeared in today's era.

Moreover, even in the past, the priest himself believed in the existence of the Holy Lord, but the Holy Lord was closer to 'Brahma' in his concept.

Brahman is not so much a god, but rather the "existence" in Parmenides's mouth, the Tao in Huaguo Taoism.

Brahman is immortal and can neither be produced nor destroyed.

There is no real **** in the world, if there is, it must be the law that maintains the operation of the world.

"Why don't you believe that He has already entered my dream to give revelation, and the day of recovery is just around the corner." Muke said the words of crazy religious people, but he couldn't see the devotion of the mad believers in his eyes.

It is more like a scholar who has been baptized by modern civilization, and in his eyes, the gods seem to be just a force that can be used.

"God... this is too..." Ajia smiled bitterly.

Different from the closed mountain people, Aja knows that miracles are emerging in an endless stream all over the world, and many lucky people have been selected to become famous in one fell swoop.

But this is only a small probability event. He doesn't believe that in a small place like Meghalaya, or anyone around him can encounter such a small probability.

This is more like Muck's method of gathering support to deceive everyone. Anyway, groups are always blindly obedient, and a group of people is far better than a single person.

"Trust me, I'll let you see the miracle." Mook stood up, "Tomorrow at eight o'clock, come to Salman's house, and I have to inform others."


"Yes, just tomorrow."

Leaving the doubtful Aja inside the church, Mook stepped out onto the street.

He had prepared a black umbrella, but looking at the clear sky, it should be useless. The rainy days that Meghalaya hurriedly came and hurried away reminded him of Breton Island.

It's just that a hundred years of independence have passed, and this country is still sleeping like a coffin. The breath of decay is so overwhelming that it is impossible to reach or even surpass the original suzerainty.

No heavy No strong medicines, this country will never change!

It takes 100 years, 200 years, hundreds of years to change a system that has been lagging behind for thousands of years. How can we catch up with other powerful countries under such circumstances?

Mook tossed his umbrella and walked on the road with his head held high.

On the other side of the street, there was a figure in tattered clothes hurriedly passing by, and the appearance of his clothes was soaked, which made Muke take a few more glances.

I am afraid that there is no umbrella at all, and the poor man was covered in the sudden heavy rain.

It is because there are such miserable people that this country needs to change!

In the hurry of the three burials, the eyes did not forget to observe the surroundings, and this journey is not a kind of cultivation.

On the side of the road, some people looked numb, and some people were high...

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