Shidu, the capital of New Delhi.

New Delhi knows that there are no more than 20 monsters in Meghalaya, and they are basically concentrated in the central institution, whether other civilians, or high-ranking people, do not know what happened in Meghalaya, just Even the sensitive foreign media have no idea. It is not because of the high administrative efficiency of Shidu, but because governments around the world have reached a silent tacit understanding.

However, under the administrative system like gears, many unknowing little people also participated in the operation of the whole thing. It was like a production line with tens of thousands of links. Only the big people at the terminal understood what kind of products to make, but they were only in the most At the bottom, they don't know what they'll end up making.

"We have found the information on Muck." The staff of the intelligence agency did not know why they were looking for the information of this guy named Muck. He only knew that he only needed to complete the task seriously. "He is from New Delhi, and he is from ten He disappeared nine years ago, and this is his detailed information, which has already been included in the criminal file, so it is not difficult to find out."

Wet poison government can barely be regarded as the middle class in more than 200 countries and regions around the world. Although there is no way to do too meticulous work, at least some basic files can still be completed. Besides, people like Muke work in the police system. For those who have passed, the files are not difficult to find at all.

The only thing that makes all the central bosses such as the old fairy of the magic flute angry is that this Muke has been active in the six northeastern states for so many years, and even recently made strange behaviors of spreading disaster language, but the local government agencies are like dead people. Generally do not know the report.

"Muke Shantaru, born in New Delhi, is an official family and a Brahmin family. The Shantaru family has a lot of foundation in other local states. He himself has been studying in Breton since he was thirteen years old. During this period, he fell in love with another woman from the wet poison family, and returned to China at the age of 24 to complete the marriage."

"He was supposed to inherit part of the family's political or economic legacy, become a wealthy businessman or serve as a government official in New Delhi, but Mook, who studied law in Breton, chose... to become a police chief in a small place in Madhya Pradesh, It's too idealistic."

"Only such a natural and noble person can enjoy life. If you want to hide behind the scenes, you can hide behind the scenes. If you want to do something on a whim, you can change your body immediately."

The staff didn't know what Muck represented in the eyes of the central boss, and they commented with gusto.

Looking at this resume, he couldn't help but feel envy in his heart. It was like a script in a fairy tale. It was smooth sailing for a lifetime. It was unimaginable sweetness for little people like them. Some people were born noble. Even if this cup accumulates virtue and does good deeds, the chances of being reincarnated into such a good family in the next life are still pitifully low. After all, it is not known how many people are waiting in line.

Almost all the citizens of the entire Shidu are waiting to submit to the past and do good deeds to cast a good baby in the next life. With the conscientiousness of this staff, there are more than one billion players ahead.


He flipped through the documents in his hand, and his face couldn't help but sigh with emotion. The first half of the document could be called a smooth fairy tale, but after that, it took a sharp turn, and the style of painting changed instantly.

"Not long after he became the local police chief, Muke... shot a colleague?" It turns out that this is a murderer, no wonder it will be recorded in the criminal file, why is it necessary to kill a small role just to be angry with his identity, "He shot and killed three colleagues in the police station with a gun late one night, and at the same time attempted to assassinate a well-known local businessman, but the assassination failed."

"Why haven't I heard of this case before." It was another colleague who spoke up, "It stands to reason that it should make headlines and become a hot topic."

"No way, after all, this happened ten years ago, and even if it happened now, it would take a chance to be in the news. Besides, in our country, one person in every tens of thousands of people commits suicide, and homicides remain high. Who would Concerned about the murder of a local police chief."

"Tsk tsk, this case was handled too perfunctorily. After murdering several colleagues, Muke Shanta crossbow disappeared without a trace. Oh, I think he activated the power of the family to remain anonymous."

Behind every murder case, there is a story that is either painful or twisted. After careful consideration, it is a script that can be adapted to the silver screen.

The case records retrieved by the intelligence agencies are frame by frame in the script. All the suspicious points of the case that can be collected in the Muke Shantaru murder case are brought together in front of everyone.

From the decapitated corpse at the entrance of the village, to the quiet night that was found in the corpse, to concealment and cover-up, torture and concealment into honor murder, after more than ten years, there is no doubt about this case, or in other words, there has been no such case from the very beginning. Doubtful, the perpetrator doesn't care about exposing the whole case to the outside world.

"Hey, this is too brutal." The intelligence agency staff shook his head and said, "If my daughter encounters this kind of thing, I will definitely kill all these So this is like Only people like you who were born in a big city like Kolkata have ideas." A staff member who grew up in a backward and remote traditional area sighed, "The old people in my hometown would probably swallow it up if they encountered such a thing. You know, daughters are useless in their minds."

In the wet poison tradition, a daughter needs a large dowry to marry, which is an unbearable burden for a poor family. In a better situation, the daughter is simply not allowed to marry. In extreme cases, murdering a daughter is not impossible. The latter would also be counted as a light sentence for honor murder.

The file is an honor murder case, and the three fathers involved were also sentenced to more than ten years in prison.

"I have read the entire case file and some hidden things. Guess what the real situation is?"

The murder case more than ten years ago has no real sense to them, like a strange story that happened in the distant deep space.

"Don't give a shit, tell me quickly."

"The four girls were indeed raped and killed, and they were indeed the hands of a local wealthy businessman, but at that time, the participants were not just the wealthy businessman and his thugs. Remember the three policemen who were shot and killed?"

"You mean?"

"Yes, the police also participated in the brutality that night."

Several staff members exchanged surprises, and the uniformed boss pushed open the door and walked in: "What are you talking about."

"It's nothing, sir, just remembered a funny thing."

"Are the materials ready? Send them to me as soon as possible."


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