"Xiao Gang, do you feel that Ash talks one by one, as if he is brainwashing."

Xiao Xia said with a strange expression on her face.

"Hmm! I also feel that I don't even know that Ash sold me. The

expression on Xiao Gang's face was also very strange.

Instilled in Ash's chicken soup for the soul, Bob rekindles his fighting spirit and prepares to embark on a journey to collect badges.

Even more envious after learning that Ash had obtained two badges.

Later, Bob invited Ash and them to visit his training ground.

And just when Xiao Ming opened his training ground, he found that three figures were sneaking inside.

"Who are you?"

Xiao Ming said loudly.

"Was it discovered?"

"If that's the case!"

"To prevent the destruction of the world."

"To protect the peace of the world."

"Carry out love and true evil."


out, Appa Snake, use acid bombs!"

"Come on, Pikapi, use 100,000 volts!"

Once again, Ash sent the elves directly without talking about martial arts.

"Wait, let's finish the lines first!"

"Little ghost head stop!"



In the violent explosion, the Rockets, who had just appeared, flew out again.

"Abominable little devil."

"How so."

"Meow... I didn't say a word.

"What a nasty feeling!" x3


"The next time I come back here, it must be when I become a top elf master!"

Xiao Ming stood in front of the door of the Taoist Hall and said confidently, "Xiao Zhi, you have to be careful, don't be caught up by me."

"I wish you hurried up to catch up, otherwise it would be too boring!"

Ash looked confident.

The hands clasped together.

"Ash, then we will have a period later."

"Well, there will be a period later! I look forward to the next time I play against you!

After Xiao Ming finished speaking, he turned around and left without any nostalgia.

"Ash, he's in good shape right now!"

Xiaoxia said with a smile.

"Ash, you've added another competitor."

Xiao Gang also said.

"Competitors? Hopefully!

"To be honest, it's hard to be my competitor."

Ash said with a smile.

After bidding farewell to Xiaoming, the three continued their journey.

However, the three of them seemed to have a problem with their path and entered a misty forest.

"The three of us seem to be lost, where is Dead Leaf City?"

Xiao Gang complained weakly.

"Don't worry, you'll always go out along the way."

"It just takes a little more time, a little less."


Ash said indifferently.

He had already swept the vicinity with his breath, and there was no other threat in the forest except for a few weak elves.

The three were walking slowly in, and Xiao Gang suddenly stopped.

Under the surprised gazes of Xiao Zhi and Xiao Xia, Xiao Gang quickly pulled something out of his backpack.

Tables, chairs, tablecloths, teacups, small cakes, and outrageously a vase with a bouquet of purple flowers inserted into the vase.

"At three o'clock, it's time for snacks!"

Xiao Gang stood up holding a coffee machine and said, "I like to drink Blue Mountain coffee brewed by the elbow coffee boiler the most."

"It's too early for you two kids to drink coffee, so just drink coarse tea."

Said placing a teacup in front of Ash.

"I prefer apple tea."

Xiaoxia said expectantly.

"Xiaoxia, don't go too far, we are in the forest now, how can there be such a thing."

Ash said speechlessly.

Xiao Gang, on the other hand, turned his back to the two and gently shook his fingers.

"Of course there is!"

Xiao Gang turned around, holding a teapot with a pickup pattern and a teacup with a Moru moth pattern in his hand and said, "This is a combination set of various tea water imported from abroad.

"But the more important thing than tea than coffee is water."

"Last time we passed Tsukimi Mountain, the spring water there is notoriously delicious."

Xiao Gang said and turned around and pulled it out of his backpack.


Gang took out a bottle of water from his backpack and said, "So, I packed a bottle when I left!" "

The best refreshment for tea is muffins."

"But sometimes, it's nice to have a stylish must."

Xiao Zhi looked at Xiao Gang with a dull look and said slowly.

It is worthy of being known as Xiao Gang of the mobile kitchen, and Xiaozhi expressed his convincedness.

And Xiaoxia's eyes had begun to appear with stars, and her face was full of joy and longing.

"It's great, it's really fantastic."

"Drinking afternoon tea like this is like being on the Champs-Elysees."

Xiao Xia looked intoxicated and fantasized.

"But what!"

Xiao Gang suddenly broke Xiao Xia's illusion and said, "Whether it's making tea or coffee, we don't have the most important fire!"

"So I need to trouble you two to go and collect some firewood and come back, okay?"

Before Xiao Zhi could agree, Xiao Xia suddenly stood up and said, "When it comes to work assignment, it has always been my grandfather who goes up the mountain to cut firewood, and my mother-in-law who washes clothes by the river.

"Women do the work about water, and men are responsible for finding firewood."


Xiao Gang said, holding the pot in one hand and a spoon in the other, "I'm in charge of cooking!"

"So, you two just said let me go collect firewood, spare such a big circle."

Ash said with a smile.


Xiao Xia smiled sheepishly.

"Okay, then I'll go!"

"Pikachu, let's go collect firewood."

Ash said to Pikachu on the side.


Pikachu replied and jumped onto Ash's shoulder.

The forest fog is still relatively large, but Ash has the aura to probe and see and smell domineering, and he is not worried that he will get lost.

So walk slowly around the forest to see if there are any dry dead branches suitable for firewood.

"Huh, is there anyone else?"

Ash's breath swept and found that there were five people in the fog in front of him.

After walking a little further, I saw a bright light flickering in the fog.


Pikachu pointed to the bright light in front of him, indicating that he had found the situation.

"Okay Pikachu, then let's go over and take a look."

Ash said and walked in the direction of the bright light.

In the fog, I saw a teenager running the treadmill, and four other people were surrounding him.

One of the red-haired teenagers, holding a card with a Bobo pattern in his hand, asked, "What kind of elf is this?"

"This... Is this a supersonic bat? Because

of the fog, the teenager on the treadmill couldn't really see it, and said uncertainly.

A green-haired boy said, "The elves living in the fog are not only supersonic bats, but also other elves.

"That... So is this Bobo?

The boy said uncertainly.

"That's right, but you still have to distinguish the type of it."

"Continue to answer below, what is Bobo's trick?"

The red-haired boy continued to ask.

"Bobo's tricks are violent winds, flying sandy feet, flashes of electricity..."

said the teenager on the treadmill gasped.

"That's common sense."

The red-haired boy continued to ask, "At what level will Bobo evolve?"

"Also, what is Bobo's name after it evolved?"

The red-haired boy's question seemed to stop the boy on the treadmill at once.

The green-haired boy on the side kept urging, "Okay, hurry up and answer!"

"Otherwise, the treadmill will accelerate!"

Under the unkind faces of several people around, the treadmill under the teenager's feet suddenly rushed.

The teenager stood unsteadily and fell directly off the treadmill.

"Eh... It hurts!

"I'm sorry... I forgot. The

boy who fell to the ground said with a look of frustration.

Several people around also sighed helplessly.

But apparently, the red-haired boy did not accept his apology.

"Is it okay to forget a sentence?"

"Are you still a student of the academy?"

"You're so bad that we don't want to study with you anymore."

The red-haired boy said very heavily, and the boy lowered his head in shame and said, "I'm sorry..."

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