"Against your Pikachu, it's more than enough with this."

"Come on, Caracalla!"

"Pikachu, use an electric flash!"

"Caracalla, use the Bone Boomerang!"

"Stay away!"


Pikachu made a quick move and quickly avoided the bone boomerang.

"Right now, Pikachu uses Iron Tail!"

"Not good!"

The superior arrogant exclaimed.

Caracalla's main attack method was mainly the bone rod in his hand, and the bone rod was spinning out at this time.

"Caracalla, use the head hammer!"

Superior arrogant hurriedly.


Pikachu's iron tail and Caracalla's head hammer collide together.


Pikachu jumped down and stared at Caracalla with a wary expression.

And Caracalla was hit by the iron tail at this time, and his figure stood unsteadily, shaking in place uncontrollably.

"Caracalla, what's wrong with you, hold on!"

The superior arrogant shouted anxiously.

However, after shaking for a while, Caracalla finally fell to the ground and lost his combat effectiveness.

"Is this your elf? I can't even beat Pikachu, who can only be used as a pet for girls.

Ash didn't forget to taunt.

Ash has never been a person who will suffer losses, and the superior arrogant mocks ahead, and he must return this feud immediately.

"I... I lost. The

superior arrogant slumped on the ground weakly.

"Caracalla has worked you, come back."

Saying that, he took out the Pokeball and took Caracalla back.

"I really didn't expect that Pikachu actually won with a trick other than electrical."

"This is not written in textbooks and reference books."

The superior arrogant said weakly.

"Didn't you even write a textbook? It's really amazing! Licking

the dog Xiaochun also sighed on the side.

At this moment, a large cloud of smoke appeared around.

"This... What is this thing? The

superior arrogant asked in surprise.

"Since you sincerely asked."

"We will tell you with mercy."

"To prevent the destruction of the world."

"To protect the world..."

"Come out, Appa Snake."

"Get on, Pikachu!"

"Appa snake, use acid bombs!"

"Pikachu uses 100,000 volts!"

"Wait, stop the little ghost!"

"We haven't finished our lines yet!"


In a burst of explosions, Team Rocket's trio ascended smoothly.

"How so!"

"Little ghost head, you wait for me!"

"Meow, I didn't say any of my lines!"

"What a nasty feeling!" x3

The sun sets.

"I finally know that there are still many things in this world that schools can't give us."

The superior proud man sat on the height of a city wall, looking at the setting sun in the distance, and sighed infinitely.

"I'm going back to my hometown and starting a training trip with an elf like Ash."

"Superior arrogant, I hope to meet you in the arena of the Elf Alliance in the future."

Xiaochun stood aside and said with a sincere face.


Honorary Pride walked over with Xiaochun and said, "Ash, Xiaoxia, look forward to fighting you again next time." "Good


Xiaoxia replied.

"Then I'll wait for you."

Ash also said with a smile.

But the next time we meet, be prepared to be ravaged.

Ash said silently in his heart.


Bidding farewell to the superior arrogant and the others, Ash and the others continued to move forward again.

However, they seemed to have deviated from their normal route again and entered a heavily vegetated forest.

There are no roads around, and the grass is half a person tall.

A few men could only move cautiously through the thick grass.

Ash's aura sensing swept around, but fortunately there was no danger around.

Only a few grass and insect spirits forage in the distance.

"We must have lost."

Xiao Gang said helplessly.

"If you think about it on your knees, you know we're lost!"

"I said, we should go to the right at that fork in the road just now."

Xiaoxia said dissatisfied.

"It's okay, go in this direction, you will definitely go out."

"Getting lost is also an integral part of travel, so you can see different scenery and meet different elves."

Ash said with a smile.

"Ash, your mentality is so good."

"But I can't walk anymore."

Xiao Xia muttered.

"Okay, okay, then let's rest first!"

Saying that, several people walked to a few rocks on the side and sat down to rest.

"Hey, there's a walking grass!"

Ash said as he pointed to a walking grass drinking water not far away.

"Wow, so cute!"

"Decided, I'm going to take it!"

Xiaoxia immediately stood up and said.

Hearing the voice, he walked in fear and quickly fled.

"Go, Jewel Starfish!"

Xiao Xia immediately threw out the Pokeball.

The jewel starfish jumped directly in front of the walking grass and directly startled the walking grass.

"Jewel Starfish, use the water gun!"

The level of walking grass is too low, and he is dizzy by the water gun shot of the jewel starfish.

"Jewel Starfish continues to use the impact!"


The walking grass was directly knocked out and fell to the ground and lost its combat effectiveness.

"Good opportunity, take the opportunity to accept!"

Xiao Xia said and threw out the Pokeball.

Just when the Poké Ball was about to hit the walking grass.


A vine whip flung over and sent the elf that Xiao Xia threw over and flew out.

"What's going on?"

Xiaoxia said in surprise.

And Ash had already looked at the frog seeds that appeared next to the walking grass with a clear face.

Before Xiao Xia could react, the Miao Frog Seed slammed the jewel starfish out with an impact.

Xiao Xia hurriedly ran over to catch the jewel starfish, but the jewel starfish was already paralyzed.

"Cheer up, jewel starfish."

Xiaoxia shouted weakly.

"Then, let me take you in!"

Ash said, ready to send Pikachu.

And the magic frog seed did not love war at all, and ran directly with the walking grass into the grass on the side.

Ash was not annoyed, he knew that the magic frog seed could not run away, and it would not be long before he would naturally encounter it again.

The three continued to walk forward, and when they passed a drawbridge, Ash immediately sensed that something was wrong.

"Xiaoxia, Xiao Gang pay attention, this suspension bridge doesn't seem to be strong, I think we should change the route."

Ash suggested.

"It's okay, I look pretty strong!"

Xiao Xia said and had already walked to this suspension bridge.

Xiao Gang also walked up, shook it and said, "It should be fine, we can definitely go quickly."

It's just that as soon as Xiao Gang finished saying this, the rope on the side of the suspension bridge suddenly broke, and Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia fell towards the river below at the same time.

"Xiao Gang, Xiao Xia!"

Ash stepped on the rope in a flash, and grabbed Xiaoxia, who was about to fall, up with one hand.

Xiao Gang, on the other hand, had already fallen into the rushing river.

"Xiao Gang!"

Xiao Xia shouted anxiously.

Ash took Xiaoxia, stepped on the rope of the suspension bridge, and jumped to the opposite side of the bridge in a few vertical jumps.

"What about Xiao Zhi, we are going to save Xiao Gang!"

Xiaoxia said anxiously.

"Don't worry, Xiaogangjiren has his own natural appearance, and it will definitely be fine."

"We will go down the river to look for it, and we will definitely find Xiao Gang."

Xiao Zhi comforted Xiao Xia and said.


Xiao Xia said worriedly.

Suddenly, Xiao Xia seemed to remember something and stared at Xiao Zhi with a strange look.

"What's wrong? Look at me with that look?

Ash asked curiously.

"Ash, how did you pull me up just now?"

Xiao Xia asked as she stared at Ash with a scrutinizing eye.

"That's how it dragged you up!"

Ash said, and also demonstrated it in passing.

It was too thrilling just now, and Xiaoxia didn't react for a while.

In retrospect, Xiaoxia found that something was wrong!

As if stepping on a rope, as if walking on the ground, Ash brought himself to the other side of the bridge.

Is this something that a normal person can do?

"Okay, don't care about these details, let's go find Xiao Gang first!"

Ash hurriedly changed the subject.

Xiaoxia also woke up for a while, now is not the time to delve into this matter, looking for Xiaoxia is the most important thing.

Saying that, the two hurriedly descended to the river below and looked downstream along the riverbank.

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