Pikachu watched all this in horror the whole time.

Although it was expected, these guys must be strong and terrifying.

But I didn't expect it to be so strong.

When he looked up, he fixed hundreds of flaming finches, and with another wave of his hand, all of them were solved.

Is this really the strength that a normal duck can have?

Also, why do these guys next to them all look like they should?

Is this normal?

Ignoring Pikachu, who had been subverted by the three views, Ash spoke, "The old story is over, let's go!" Saying

that, Ash took back the Poké Ball one by one and loaded the Poké Ball back into the other space.

Leaving Pikachu alone on his shoulder.

Ash took Pikachu and moved on.

However, Pikachu, who was lying on Ash's shoulder, seemed to have something in mind, but he was also rarely stable.

Ash didn't care.

After seeing the power of Reachable Duck, Ash believes that Pikachu's concept must have changed.

Pikachu's qualifications are very good, and the future is an existence that can seal the gods.

So Ash has begun to make changes to Pikachu from now on.

The first thing is a change in mindset.

If you want to become a god, of course, you must have the spirit to become the strongest.

"Boom..." After

walking for a while, the weather soon overcast and a large dark cloud covered the sky.

"It looks like it's going to rain down."

"Pikachu, let's find a place to shelter from the rain first."

Ash said, his breath swept and found a cave not far away.

Before the rainstorm came, Ash took Pikachu to the cave.

However, there is still a person in the cave.

I saw a cute girl fiddling with her bicycle.

Hearing the movement, the girl looked up and saw Ash.

"Hello, I'm Ash from Shinshin Town, and this is my partner Pikachu."

"It's going to rain soon, so I'm going to take shelter from the rain in the cave, is it convenient?"

Ash asked with a smile.

Different from the naivety of normal ten-year-old children, Xiaozhi is mature in mind, has an indifferent temperament far beyond ordinary people, and has the calmness of being a strong person.

Xiao Xia on the opposite side was stunned, and her face couldn't help but hang a touch of shyness.

"Hello, I'm Xiaoxia from Hualan City."

"I'm here to shelter from the rain too, so it's totally okay."

Xiaoxia stood up and said.


Boom..." "Boom

..." The rainstorm fell in an instant.

The cave suddenly fell silent.

After the two were silent for a while, Xiaoxia took the lead in speaking, "Your Pikachu is so cute." Saying

that, he wanted to reach out and tease Pikachu.

"Be careful, my Pikachu personality is not very good."

Ash spoke.

As Ash spoke, Xiaoxia had already reached out and touched Pikachu.

The crackling electric light in the imagination did not happen, and under Xiaoxia's touch, Pikachu actually had a very comfortable expression.

"Wow, that's so cute."

Xiaoxia said happily.

Looking at Pikachu's somewhat intoxicated look now, Ash couldn't help but secretly say in his heart, hehe... Slag rats....

"Ash, are you a rookie trainer who just came out on a trip?"

Xiaoxia asked while stroking Pikachu.

"Yes, I just left today."

Ash smiled, "What about you, Xiaoxia? Are you also new to traveling?


Xiao Xia nodded and said, "I want to become the strongest Water System Pokémon Master in the future!"

Saying that, Xiaoxia exuded a strong confidence.

"It's a good dream."

Ash smiled and nodded.

In this way, the two quickly became acquainted.

The rainstorm came and went quickly, and after a while, the rain stopped.

"The rain has stopped."

Standing in front of the cave, Ash looked at the sky and said.

Xiaoxia pushed the bike out and asked, "Ash, where are you going next?"

"I should go to Tokiwa City next."

Ash said.

"Is that so?"

"I'm going to Tokiwa City too, so let's go together."

Xiaoxia said with a smile.

"No, I still have something, and we will see you again in Tokiwa City when I have a chance!"

After saying that, Ash waved at Xiaoxia, and quickly ran towards the distance.


Looking at Xiao Zhi who was far away, Xiao Xia stomped her foot in dissatisfaction.

Ash left because he found traces of King Feng.

Since it has met, it is fate!

So... Take it!

"Pikachu, are you ready?"

While running, Ash asked Pikachu with a smile.


Pikachu is still confused, what is ready? What do I need to prepare?

Just when Pikachu was stunned, Ash pulled out a high-grade ball.

The corner of Ash's mouth smiled slightly, and he threw the senior ball in his hand.

"Come out, Emperor of the Sea, Gaioka!"


The heaven-shaking roar resounded throughout the universe.

Announcing the appearance of the strongest emperor of the sea.

"Boom..." The

originally clear sky was instantly covered with dark clouds again, lightning and thunder, and torrential rain poured down again.

"Pikachu hold on!"

Without waiting for Pikachu to reply, Ash leaped and already flew to stand on top of Gaioka's head.

"Long time no see, Gaioka!"


Gaioka growled, echoing Ash.

"There's an uphill battle for you next, so please!"


Gaioka roared loudly, indicating that there was no problem at all.

"Gaioka, break through the clouds!"


Gaioka's huge fins danced in the air, as if swimming in the sea, rushing towards the sky.

Because of the heavy rain that hit again, Xiaoxia, who was about to leave, was forced to return to the cave to take shelter from the rain.

"This damn ghost weather, isn't it already clear just now? How did it start to rain heavily again. Standing

at the entrance of the cave, Xiaoxia complained dissatisfiedly.

Suddenly, Xiaoxia's pupils contracted, and a look of horror covered her face.

"That... That is..." I

saw a huge Pokémon swimming in the sky in the distance.

That's right, it's a dip.

For Xiaoxia, who aspires to become the world's strongest water system Pokémon master since she was a child, knowing water system Pokémon is the most basic condition.

And the Pokémon that are flying in the sky in the distance turned out to be the legendary strongest king of the sea, a divine beast with the ability to create the sea, Gaioka!

But isn't Gaioka a legendary Pokémon from the Fengyuan region?

How did it appear in the Kanto region?

In Xiaoxia's shock, she vaguely saw that there seemed to be a figure above Gaioka's head.

How can it be?

How can it be!

Was Gaioka accepted?

What kind of terrifying character can subdue the legendary mythical beast Gaioka?

Shock, adoration, yearning....

Suddenly, Xiaoxia became more determined to become a water Pokémon master.

One day, she will also have such power to look down on everything.

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