Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 66 Development Concept


Marshal Xu lowered his voice, and sparks suddenly shot at He Cheng, causing jingles to clutter.

The bullet casings splashed all over the floor, but He Cheng was still fine.

"You, what kind of monster are you!"

Marshal Xu wanted to question, but was punched in the stomach.

It doesn't hurt, was his first thought.

Dying was the next thought.

Watching the zombie in front of him open his mouth, a stream of black air spurted out. The black air circled around Dashuai Xu's neck like a spiritual being, and fell on his neck as if weaving a scarf. The black air soaked into his clothes and burned on Dashuai Xu's skin. A wave of heartache came over me.

The pain goes deep into the soul.

"Let them all put down their guns," He Cheng ordered.

"Everyone put their guns down! Put them down!"

Marshal Xu looked at the black air, which was like a thin needle, slowly drilling into the skin, and he was so frightened that he hurriedly ran around.

Suddenly, Marshal Xu's right hand holding the gun suddenly hit He Cheng's mouth. His panic turned into a look of joy: "Go to hell!"


Gunshots rang out.


He Cheng opened his mouth and the bullet was spit out, clinking on the ground.

The air was as quiet as night.

The outer skin is not afraid of bullets, and the mouth is invulnerable. What kind of monster is this!

Marshal Xu was so frightened that he forgot to blink, and thoughts of death swept through him from the depths of his soul.

"Do one thing for me. If you do it well, I will spare your life!"

"Please, please give me orders!" Marshal Xu agreed immediately. He did not expect that he would be scared if he turned into a zombie.

How should I resist this monster in front of me?

"Send all your soldiers out and find Renjia Town and Zombie Forest for me."

Renjia Town is easy to find, but there is no guarantee that Zombie Forest will be in Renjia Town.

"Yes! I will definitely complete the mission! Hehe" he laughed awkwardly, and the black air on Marshal Xu's neck was finally removed.

That night, two of his men left with Marshal Xu's military orders.

"Control all the vampires and count how many there are!"


Chinese zombies are not suitable for being little brothers. They don’t know how to think and are difficult to command.

Vampires still retain consciousness, which makes them suitable for control.

Xu Dashuai, who has completely retained his human thoughts, has a traitorous nature. How can he endure a zombie pressing on top of his head when he is used to being a local emperor?

Therefore, after Marshal Xu issued the order, he was easily beheaded by He Cheng. The appearance of being executed in public was extremely tragic.

He Feng and Chu Liu were imprisoned, and they were freed only when He Cheng arrived.

"One person is missing, it seems he ran away overnight!"

"Who?" He Cheng sat on the main seat of the hall with the windows closed and only one door left. Four handsome ladies stood aside, wanting to serve, but too afraid to step forward.

"number of days!"

"Let him go, no need to chase him."

This kid was clever and escaped time and time again, but now is not the time to send people to kill him. In order to deal with the outside world, Xu Mansion still needs to take some actions.

Have some communication with the outside world.

It's strange to say that Xu Mansion has been buying less vegetables and more live livestock recently.

Three cows are brought in a day.

Countless chickens and ducks.

The townspeople and farmers were surprised, but they didn't dare to gossip about the Xu Mansion. Who didn't know that Marshal Xu was the local emperor and had a gun in his hand!

Having learned from the past, He Cheng strictly prohibited biting people and sucking blood.

If the whole town turns into vampires, and if Marshal Ru Xu joins forces to resist, he will flee in disgrace. An elephant cannot bear the number of ants.

Fortunately, Marshal Xu imprisoned Chu Liu and He Feng that night. He Cheng was afraid of the authentic Buddhism and Taoism, otherwise buying dozens or hundreds of scriptures would have been enough to deal with him.

Now he just wants to use Marshal Xu's troops to find zombie bacteria.

It's noon,

Wrapped in a black robe, Chu Liu opened the door and entered a room.

There are antique treasures displayed in this house, which is Dashuai Xu's treasure house.

To the north, on a tablecloth embroidered with nasturtiums and lotus leaves, there is a small golden Buddha, as big as a watermelon.

On the antique shelf directly opposite, there are porcelain vases, jade buckets, and soapstone koi displayed below.

Placed in the center is a three-legged golden toad that attracts wealth.

The three-legged toad is also called a toad. It is said that it can spit out money and is a treasure that brings wealth. There is a folk legend that "the bangs play with the golden toad and catch money every step of the way."

Above are four porcelain cups, which can only be considered green leaves in this pile of treasures.

After looking around, Chu Liu raised his hand and picked up a porcelain cup and walked out of the house.

As soon as I left the house, the porcelain cup trembled like a boiling kettle. It seemed as if something alive was about to jump out, but as Chu Liu stepped into the sunlight, the porcelain cup calmed down.

Following the sunshine, Chu Liu opened the hall door and entered the hall. Sitting on the main seat with his eyes closed was He Cheng.

Napping on the left and right were Dashuai Xu's fourth wife and his fourth concubine's cousin.

Their mission was to go shopping every now and then, buy shoes, rouge, and gouache, and tell outsiders that there were still people alive in Xu Mansion.

Every time they go shopping, they have to grind their teeth with a file. They also suffer from headaches, but after leaving the Xu Mansion, it is not easy to be a vampire. There is a disobedient maid who goes out to steal food in the middle of the night. After being caught, she is burned to death in front of everyone. Burn to death.

Since then all the ghosts have been at peace.

"Master, brought it"

"Smash it"

He Cheng opened his eyes when he heard the sound and gave instructions.

On the sixth day of the sixth day, he nodded and smashed the porcelain cup, and the demon fetus flew out with a "wow".

Just after it was freed, it wanted to find a woman with a big belly. When it looked around, it found that the whole house was full of dead people, and there was a white-haired zombie.

The sun was scorching outside, and the yang energy was as hot as fire, so the demon fetus did not dare to go out.

Zombies and ghosts are both negative creatures. Whether they are ghost kings or generals, they will turn into ashes when exposed to sunlight.

He Cheng is different from other zombies. Although his strength is greatly reduced in that he can move during the day, it would be difficult for this demon fetus to kill someone without a big belly. At this time, during the day, the yang energy was extremely strong and he had no ability to struggle at all. He Cheng was caught by He Cheng. Easily pops into mouth.

The violent Yin Qi exploded in his body, and he watched the experience bar overflow.

[Level: lv15 (experience: 2800/2300)]

He Cheng sat on the main seat with his eyes closed and ordered: "On the sixth day of the lunar month, get another one!"

Chu Liu nodded and went down.

The four handsome ladies looked at each other in confusion. They had only been transformed into vampires for a few days, and they were in conflict with ghosts.

Following the same pattern, the remaining three demon fetuses all entered He Cheng's belly, turned into violent Yin Qi, and were completely absorbed.

to night,

All the servants, housekeepers, and wives of the Xu Mansion stood in line in the courtyard holding candles.

The candle flame flickered on and off, illuminating the person's face in a very miserable way.

Chu Liu and He Feng dragged a live cow to the front. The expressionless people suddenly showed their corpse teeth, bloodthirsty and thirsty like hungry mad dogs, but there was an invisible dog chain tied around their necks, making them They dare not act rashly.

Just because he was wearing a military uniform and sitting upright with his eyes closed, anyone who dared to break the rules would be beaten to a pulp. During this period, there was no shortage of people who tested him and came to a conclusion.

Dashuai Xu's family has more than a million dollars of wealth, which can support these vampires drinking animal blood until the 21st century!

Regardless of their identities during the day, the biggest ones at night are Chu Liu and He Feng, who are He Cheng's confidants.

The cow's mouth was tied up with straw ropes in circles. As if aware of its fate, the cow kept swinging its hooves in an attempt to break free. Chu Liu had sharp eyes and quick hands, and stabbed the cow in the neck with a knife!

"Moo!" Shut up and mutter.

The cow's blood gurgled and fell into the bucket below.

Vampires line up to share the food.

"Steward, are there no news yet about the soldiers sent out?"

The butler, who was holding the chicken's neck and chewing it, paused and said in panic, "Return to the master, no!"

He Cheng gently tapped his finger on the armrest of the Grand Master's chair and asked, "How many soldiers does Marshal Xu have? I remember it was two thousand?"

"Imaginary numbers, imaginary numbers"

The butler wiped the cold sweat from his head. After turning into a vampire, the cold and heat could not invade him. The cold sweat on his head was just from fright. It was precisely because he knew how ferocious the monster in front of him was that he was afraid of being angered.

Lying about quantities and defrauding armament materials is a common measurement method used by people below in this era.

The Yemenlu warlord liked to learn from the Beiyang Army, and he also used "division, brigade, regiment, battalion, company, platoon, and squad". He lied about the number of people starting from the squad, then lied about the number of squads, and so on. Marshal Xu had only a third of two thousand. The second one is about 1,300 people.

Excluding those who died in battle and were still receiving food and wages, cooks, logistics, and generals, the combat strength was probably less than a thousand.

Moreover, it was difficult to equip them with all the firearms. Marshal Xu was a man who was content to be a local emperor. He never led troops to fight. He did not buy or seize armaments, so he could never fill the vacancies.

Therefore, in addition to uniform military uniforms, one person and one gun cannot be achieved, and the combat effectiveness will be further reduced.

"After you finish investigating the zombie forest, turn this army into vampires. An army is always easier to use than a rebellious guy."

He Cheng glanced at the housekeeper. Chu Liu had reported that the housekeeper wanted to get close to the Golden Buddha several times. I'm afraid this guy also figured out the reason why He Cheng didn't go to the treasure room.

He still lacked someone who could help him convey the message. If Marshal Xu hadn't been patient, the housekeeper wouldn't have been of much use to him until now.

Thanks ¤Ming★Zun¤ for the reward

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