Reborn Zombie Supreme

Chapter 76 It turns out to be you


The rooster raises his head and crows, and the sun rises three poles high.

Zhang boldly scratched his face and sat up from the straw mat, rubbing his eyes that were covered with eye drops.

"Its daybreak?"

Then he got angry and punched the stone floor hard: "That horse-faced weirdo lied to me! There are ghosts, he wants to kill people! Bah!"

In his mind, the horse-faced weirdo and the bettor were definitely the same group.

Zhang Dadan just came home and saw someone lying on the crack of his door watching a show. He opened the door in anger, only to find blood stains all over the room!

His wife is gone!

Just like at a squatting camp, when Zhang DaDa was panicking, the yamen's head catcher led a team and rushed in to punish him for murder.

"No, I didn't!"

Zhang boldly waved his hand feebly, and suddenly a government servant trotted over and said to the head catcher, "Boss Tan and his family are all dead, and they died in a terrible way!"

The head catcher was shocked: "What!"

Boss Tan is the key to keeping the yamen. If Boss Tan dies and the provincial police station sends police down, his former yamen will have to get out and stay wherever it is cool!

"Let's go! Go to Tan Mansion!"

"This, Zhang DaDa?"

"Take them with you!"

When the group arrived at Boss Tan's house, a group of people had already gathered at the door. Seeing the officials coming, they all retreated and squeezed a way out.

Boss Tan's head was smashed open, his legs were strangled to death, and the worst thing was the woman whose chest was penetrated and nailed to the ground.

Zhang’s bold wife!

"My wife!"

Zhang boldly broke away from the government servant who was escorting him and rushed to his wife.

When my wife died, her eyes were still open.

"what happened?"

The head catcher asked the yamen officials who had investigated.

"The back room has not been turned over, and there are no other conditions except for the dead people."

"anything else?"

"Look at the soles of the feet. The killer must be at least six feet tall! It's very powerful, and there should be a fat man's dead body here, but it's gone now."

"Weird thing!"

The catcher frowned, but saw Zhang boldly grabbing a shoe and putting it on the dead boss Qian's foot.

"It's really you! It's really you!"

The shoes fit right in, neither too big nor too small!

Zhang boldly kicked Boss Tan's feet like crazy, turned around and ran towards his wife's body, slapping him several times.

"I know you stole men! You died at Boss Tan's house at night! Damn it! Damn it!"

The catcher frowned slightly, waved his hand and said, "Stop him!"

Several yamen servants were obviously no match for the angry Zhang DaDa, and they were knocked to the ground by him with three punches and two kicks. Not only that, Zhang DaDa shouted to the neighbors: "The yamen and Boss Tan are colluding with each other, and they asked my wife to hide. You want to trick me into committing murder and make me confess! Haha, I didn’t expect that I was killed at home!”

"Shut up!"

The catcher raised his palm and put his palm in front of his mouth. Unexpectedly, the two of them were evenly matched.

After fighting for a while, Zhang boldly turned around and ran away.

The catcher obviously had no intention of taking care of Zhang Bingdao. Now he should think about how to solve the trouble in front of him.

Zhang DaDa fled day and night, traveling over mountains and ridges, sleeping in the open air, getting further and further away from his sad place.

Let’s talk about the other side,

Xu Zhenren, who was guarding the coffin in the righteous village, took two puffs of smoke and saw his nephew running in crawling.

"Uncle! Master! Master was bitten to death by a zombie!"


Xu Zhenren stood up in a hurry and helped his nephew on the ground: "Speak slowly, what's going on!"

"Last night, the master cast a spell to deal with Zhang DaDa, and suddenly a black man fell from the sky and killed the master!"

"Anyone who commits unjust acts will be punished by his own death, senior brother..."

Xu Zhenren sighed: "Where is senior brother's body?"

The nephew shook his head and said with a grimace: "I don't know, I saw the zombie didn't see me, so I ran away."

"That zombie can walk instead of jumping, and it can also talk, uncle!"

"Talking zombies!"

Xu Zhenren broke his pipe without realizing it. It is said that as for the legendary flying zombie, very few zombies can speak. How could it be possible for the black zombie?

"Are you sure that's a zombie?"

The nephew nodded vigorously, moving his head up and down like a kowtow, "It's really a zombie. It sounds like the master knows him!"

If it were his apprentice Afa who was still alive, Xu Zhenren would definitely think that he was making up the story, but the nephew in front of him was different. He was dull and dull. If he wrote a manuscript and asked him to read the lie according to it, he would probably not be able to speak it smoothly.

"Okay, come with me! Kill the devil!"

The sun sets over the western mountains,

On the hillside, the nephew was pushing a small wooden cart, and Master Xu was walking in front holding a peach wood sword.

"Since that zombie is smart, he will never let you go, so I believe he is using you as bait to lure me out, so we will use our tricks and set up a dragnet to wait for him to come!"

"Uncle Master, what if that zombie doesn't come?"

"I will set up a large formation and all the monsters and monsters within a few miles will be attracted to it. If he is really smart, he will definitely come!"

Speaking of wisdom, Master Xu remembered that when his surname was Qian, his junior brother fought tooth and nail to protect the white-haired man he met, and he knew how to hold an umbrella and walk in the daytime!

"The only zombies I want to kill in my life are zombies!"

The sun sets and the moon rises.

The stars in the night sky were dim, and only a bright moon lowered its beam of light and hit the top of the mountain. From a distance, it looks like the Great Sage Qitian stabbed the Dinghai Shenzhen Iron from under the Guanghan Palace and propped it up on the mountain.


As soon as Xu Zhenren burned the yellow paper, he muttered something:

"The sky is clear and the earth is bright. Please ask the gods to come down to the altar to illuminate the sky. The Great Sage Qitian will quickly appear. Leave it to the front of the altar to transform into gods. The gods will transform into the sun and the moon to illuminate the sky. The Great Sage Qitian invites you sincerely. The divine soldiers are in urgent need. , be as urgent as the law!"

Wearing a red bellyband, meditating and sitting cross-legged in front of the altar, the nephew heard Master Xu reciting a mantra and jumped up, grinning like a monkey and shouting into the open space.

Xu Zhenren, who was well prepared, raised his toes, and a solid iron rod spun around and fell into the palm of his nephew's hand. The solid iron rod dances into a stick flower, and it really looks like a monkey king.

Thin ropes.

A ball of green fire entered their eyes, and then they saw a pair of white embroidered shoes.

The sweet-faced, mellow woman met the two of them and made a blessing: "My name is Xiaocui. I strayed into the mountains. It's dark and the mountains are sloping. Please take me back~"

The iron rod was whipped up by the wind and smashed the woman's head, causing her head to disappear. She screamed "ah" and disappeared immediately.

What's the difference between using a honey trap on a monkey and a female monkey tickling a human? The aesthetics of species are not on the same level.

"Zhizhi! Hey-!!"

The nephew scratched his head, jumped on the iron rod and looked into the distance. He had hit him very hard with the stick just now.

Suddenly, there was another movement.

Wearing a robe with red flowing cloud sleeves, loose white leggings, and hot silver Xiangyun cowhide boots.

Walking is like skipping, leaping ten feet away.

The person who came was none other than zombie He Cheng.

As soon as they met, the nephew held a stick, imitated a spear and stabbed him, hitting the visitor's heart exactly.

"National Skills Grand View": "Zhongzhi is the master of the stick path. Zhongping is upright. No matter whether it is a large or small door, the body and the weapon must be in a straight line, which is the so-called Ziwu."

Poke the stick, strong and urgent, use the strength of twisting the waist/arm to hit a stick, just in line with the middle straight of the Ziwu stick!

The zombie blocked the blow without panicking.

Under the moonlight, Xu Zhenren finally saw clearly the appearance of the zombie that killed his senior brother.

"Oh it's you!"

His teeth were itching with anger and his face was red.

The nephew who was in a stalemate paused. Is this zombie a big deal? Why do my master and uncle know him?

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