Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 113: Upcoming riots

During the dark winter, the sky was shrouded by nuclear dust. As time passed, the dust dissipated. As the sky regained its brightness, the nuclear dust also left a radiation layer in the sky.

The sky is a restricted area, not only because of flying polluting beasts, but also because of high-intensity radiation.

The higher, the stronger the radiation intensity, and the highest point can even kill humans in an instant.

Raindrops fall from a high altitude, and at the same time they carry the purest pollutants in the clouds. This pollutant is not too corrosive and does not pose much threat to humans, but for polluting beasts, it is relatively mild pollutants. It is their catalyst, enabling them to evolve faster and perfecting the genes of the race.

It's too late for this heavy rain.

On rainy days, all polluting beasts will become very active, and they will do everything possible to accept the baptism of rain.

After being baptized by rain, they will become very hungry, and they will hunt wildly to supplement their body's needs.

When necessary, they will even devour the same kind, in this way to ensure sufficient food, so that the race can evolve perfectly.

The polluting beasts at that time would be very dangerous and would hunt at all costs.

The ruins are dangerous!

Li Meng thought to himself.

Not long ago, the polluting beasts attacked the "ruins", which shows that there is a group of polluting beasts who know the existence of the ruins and also know that the ruins have the food they need.

This also shows that there is not enough food in the woods around the ruins, otherwise, the polluting beasts will not attack the human territory at will.

Although polluting beasts are fierce, they also have wisdom. They know what kind of prey is easier to catch and what kind of prey is not easy to provoke.

Human beings are undoubtedly a type of existence that is not easy to provoke in their hearts.

But when they have to, they can only choose dangerous prey.

After this rain, the ruins can easily become hunting grounds for polluting beasts again.

This time it's no better than before, I'm afraid it's a battle where you die or I live.

"Your Highness! What are you thinking?"

Sakiya's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Sakuya's voice in his ear also made Li Meng wake up from his contemplation.

"It's raining!"

Looking outside, Li Meng said unclearly.

"Yes! It's raining!"

The rain was so heavy that it "cracked" on the glass, so Saya didn't know it was raining outside.

"Your Highness! Have some hot porridge! It won't taste good when it's cold!"

Sakuya holds a plate in his hand. On the plate are a few small dishes. Although the portion is small, the variety is complete. At first glance, it makes people feel that they are very nutritious.


In response, Li Meng turned around.

What happens next to the ruins is not what Li Meng should worry about. Maybe this is a good thing, just for Li Meng.

For the human beings in ruins, they do not have the indifferent mentality of Li Meng.

The sudden arrival of this heavy rain made the ruins that had just been attacked by the polluting beasts nervous again.

Countless humans were worried and their complexions changed drastically. There were also countless people running through the ruins in the heavy rain.

Everyone knows that their biggest test will be after the heavy rain.

At this moment, the sky is already dark, and in the majestic rain, the major forces in the ruins are moving nervously.

In the ruins, there were also countless people who dragged their homes. They were in groups and braved the heavy rain to walk to the middle area of ​​the ruins.

There is the area of ​​the four major forces in the ruins. The four major forces, whether it is the South City, the North City, or the West City, or even the Slave City, have tall walls and strong enough armed forces, only behind the walls. , It is possible for them to avoid this crisis and ensure their own safety.

And the four major forces will not reject these teams or small forces that require refuge, because the four major forces also need more young people who can fight and more fighters with combat experience.

The big groups and small forces came to take refuge, which invisibly increased the strength of the four major forces.

Prepare for the anti-pollution beast in the future.

The rain was falling, and there were lightning and roaring thunder from time to time in the sky.

At the rebel base at the moment, the sound of rain outside the window was "crashing", and squally wind poured in from the cracks between the windows of the wooden planks. Although the cold wind was cold, the six people in the room did not feel the coldness of the wind. Wordless "hot".

The six were silent, their expressions changed, and their faces were very ugly.

"After this heavy rain, the grain on the farm is considered waste. I am afraid that there will not be one grain that can be harvested!"

Monday Leopard said worriedly.

Looking up at Zhou Yibao, Shu Dongdong said gravely: "The food loss is not the most important now! What is important is the catastrophe that comes after the rain!"

Shu Dongdong's words silenced the six again.

Yes, the most important thing now is how to survive the catastrophe after the rain.

In silence, Yu Dongjian raised his head and said: "Looking at the dark clouds in the sky, this heavy rain will not end in a short time. We must think of a countermeasure before the rain stops!"

On Monday, Leopard said again: “The ruins have not rained for several years! The resistance army in the ruins had not been established when it rained last time. The catastrophe after the rain had a great impact. You four should all know that, four The city was breached and the East City was destroyed. Only the East City family, more than 100,000 people survived. If you count the death toll of other forces, there are more than 400,000 people in ruins, nearly half of them!"

Monday Leopard’s eyes turned to Li Lanxin: “Instructor! You must think of a countermeasure. The catastrophe after the rain is no better than the hyenas ravaged the ruins during the day. The polluting beasts after the rain will be extremely crazy, and they will not shrink from being blocked. , Will continue to kill and fight until death!"

Li Lanxin nodded, she didn't know how severe the situation was.

No matter where it is, a rainy day is not something that humans like to think about. A rainy day is like a signal of war given by the polluting beast to humans. Either you die or I die, until one party completely falls.

Looking at the darkness outside the window, in the darkness of the square, there will always be some figures dangling from the darkness.

Ignoring the faint light of the resistance base, they disappeared into the ruins.

Their goal is the city, one of the four major forces, not the resistance army.

"Can't hold it here!"

Looking at the darkness outside the window, Li Lanxin said lightly.

Li Lanxin understood very well that the horror of the polluting beast after the heavy rain could not stand here, and could not hold the offensive of the polluting beast. #####

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