Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 522: Pay the ransom

And in the corner of the beach, the camp established by the Broken Sword Pirate Group.

The pirates are recovering the camp, and the returning Chen Nannan is discussing matters with his two younger brothers.

When Chen Nannan told her two brothers what she wanted in her heart, she was opposed by one of them.

"Sister! Have you ever thought about it, although we are pirates, living on the edge of a knife, but we at least have freedom? Do you want to give up your identity as a "pirate" and go to Nanlin Island to be an ordinary resident, sister, Do you think there will be freedom?"

Chen Jing's emotions were very fierce, and he firmly opposed the decision of the eldest sister.

Looking at the eldest sister, Chen Jing persuaded painfully: "Elder sister! Brothers have been "pirates" for a long time and are used to the life of licking blood on the blade. Will they adapt to that kind of stable life?"

Not only did Chen Nannan listen to Chen Jing's words, she asked Chen Hui, who had been silent on the side, "Second brother! What do you think?"

"This one……"

In Chen Jing's "Xiyi" gaze, Chen Hui still bit his head and said: "I think it is feasible. If you can get rid of the status of "pirate", they will also have a place for the weak and old women and children on Broken Sword Island. place!"

Chen Nannan was still very pleased that his second brother could approve of his decision.

Turning around, Chen Nannan walked to the beach.

Taking a look at the back of the eldest sister, Chen Hui looked at his younger brother again in Chen Jing’s disappointed eyes, and said: "Third brother! I know your temperament, but the sky in Nanhai has changed. I have a hunch. Soon there will be a war in the South China Sea. There is no hope for "pirates" in this war, so! We can only make arrangements early!"

"I hope you don't ruin the lives of brothers for your own selfish desires!"

In Chen Hui's compelling gaze, Chen Jing remained silent.

Even the second brother said so, he is weak, what else can he say.

Looking at the unwilling third brother, Chen Hui patted his brother on the shoulder, and comforted: "The eldest sister is a woman, no better than us men. If she resolutely abandons her identity as a "pirate", can we leave her! Don't forget The vow we made when we were young, we swear together to protect "her" forever!"

Chen Jing was slightly startled, because of the words of the second brother, the memory of the past flooded in his mind.

At this time! The eldest sister's back is gone.

Looking at the slender figure on the beach, Chen Jing recovered from his memory and hurriedly ran after him.

Seeing the third brother chasing after him, Chen Hui breathed a sigh of relief. In any case, the three of them couldn't leave.

No matter where you go, you must be together. This is not just a vow, but also the death that his father said to the two brothers before his death. Although he was still young, Chen Hui clearly remembered his father's words.

Men must protect women, they must protect eldest sister, and live together in this "disaster" world.

Whether it is a pirate or a businessman, it is very clear at this moment that Yelin Island is probably the last time they have arrived, and they will not come here again in the future.

With the merchants and pirates cleaning up, the beach was quickly cleared.

All that was left was black ashes and some food waste.

When everyone left Yelin Island one by one in a small boat, Yelin Island returned to calm again.

There was no one on the beach.

The merchants and pirates have all returned to the big ship.

Under the deterrence of the fleet in the distance, none of the large offshore ships dared to leave without authorization, they were all waiting patiently.

At this time, from the fleet, a smaller warship left the fleet and approached the offshore area where the ship was anchored.

The destroyer sailed on the vast sea, riding the wind and waves, tearing the waves coming forward, the bow hit the sea, and the water splashed high and splashed on both sides of the bow. It passed all the way, leaving a long on the sea. Long white trail.

Less than one mile from the offshore area where the ship was docked, the destroyer stopped on the sea and dropped its anchor.

At this time, the offshore ships began to move, one after another, lined up towards the destroyer.

They will undergo boarding inspection by the First Legion, and then pay the ransom before they can leave.

More than fifty ships, it takes a lot of time.

The first ship to be inspected was a pirate ship.

When the pirate piloted the ship and the destroyer close to each other, the pirates on the ship marveled at the huge twin turrets on the destroyer's deck, and their expressions were full of helplessness.

While the pirates watched, mobilized soldiers armed with guns began to board the ship, counted one by one, and calculated the value of the ship.

It took about half an hour before the first ship was counted.

He took the ransom handed over from the pirate chief, a large bag full of "Original Crystal", weighed it in his hand, and mobilized the troops to say, "You can go! If you plan to "Congliang", you can go to Nanlin Island. At that time, these ransoms will be returned to you together!"

After that, the mobilizer did not pay attention to the changing look of the pirate leader, but turned and left.

"let's go!"

Under orders, the mobilized men who boarded the ship and searched returned to the destroyer.

The first pirate ship to pay the ransom, sailed into the vast sea amidst the complex expressions of the pirate leader, and the hull was moving away.

The second ship is a merchant ship.

Merchant ships are no better than pirate ships. The mobilization of soldiers who boarded the ship and counted their belongings took an hour to calculate the value of the entire ship.

In the painful expression on the merchant's face, the mobilizer received a large bag of ransom.

The original crystal, like the rough stone, has seven colors.

Red is the lowest in purity, orange is the second, and purple is the highest quality "protocrystal".

The higher the quality, the more precious.

In the human world, rough stones and crystals are both universal currencies.

It's just that the value of the rough stone is a little higher than that of the original crystal.

Generally speaking, raw crystals above green quality are rare.

Currency in circulation is generally the original crystals of the four qualities of red, orange, blue and green.

The ransom paid by the merchant to the mobilizers, although the bag containing the original crystals is not big, the original crystals inside are all blue.

The ratio of red to blue is 1:1000. Although the weight of the bag in the hand is very light, its value is very high.

In the same painful look, the owner of the second merchant ship drove the ship away.

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