Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 568: Opo Alon City

early morning!

The trace of the recovery of everything!

But for the sea, the arrival of early morning has not changed much except for the departure of night.

The blue water is gently rippling, and the sea is endless. At a glance, the distance is gray and there is no end in sight.

In the vast ocean, there is a city on the water.

It was not a city floating on water, but a fleet of Broken Sword Pirates.

When night fell and there were no islands around to avoid the storm, the Broken Sword Pirate Group would connect all the ships with ropes, turn off the lights and turn off the fire, and let a series of rope-connected ships drift on the sea.

As the boats are so close to each other, at first glance, it looks like a cottage floating on the water.

When the night faded and the light fell, there was movement on the ship that had been silent.

On an iron-clad ship, Chen Nannan walked out of the cabin and came to the deck.

"Order to go down, let the brethren hurry to eat breakfast, we will leave immediately after breakfast!"

Coming to the ship's gunwale, looking at the continuous boats on both sides, Chen Nannan said to Chen Hui beside him.

Chen Hui nodded without saying much, turned and left, and entered the cabin again.

Soon after, the ships moored at sea boiled, and smoke floated from the ships.

There is also a fragrance in the air, which is the fragrance of rice.

"Sister! Let's eat something!"

Chen Jing walked out of the cabin with an iron plate and came to Chen Nannan's side.

Taking the iron plate from the third brother's hand, Chen Nannan sat on the ship's gunwale to eat the food on the plate.

The breakfast food is very simple, just a few rice **** in the iron plate, and a few half-slap-sized pieces of meat.

Chen Nannan wears tight leather armor, and the posture of sitting on the ship's side reveals her perfect figure. No matter where it is, it is uneven and exudes the atmosphere of a mature woman.

Seeing such an alluring "big sister" sitting on the side of the ship, Chen Jing touched her nose in embarrassment without saying anything. He turned his head and looked at the rolling boats on the side of the iron-clad ship.

The small boat is undoubtedly very stuffy, and many people have left the cabin to eat on the deck.

Looking to the side, Chen Jing could see the many dining figures on the deck.


Chen Jing's attention was caught by a splash of water from an unknown source.

With a slightly stunned expression, Chen Jing bent slightly and peeked out of the ship!

The sound of splash seems to be coming from below.

Looking at the sea under the ship's side, Chen Jing was stunned.

Fish, a lot of fish!

A huge school of fish is clinging to the surface of the water, quickly passing down the bottom of the boat.

From time to time, there are fish jumping out of the water and then falling into the water with a "puff".

That's how the splash sound comes.


A fish jumping from the water hit the ship's wall. When it fell into the water, it swayed its tail fiercely and swam away quickly.

Their swimming seems to be very panic!

The abnormal movements in the water also attracted the attention of people on other ships, and they lay on the side of the ship to watch the abnormal movements in the sea.

As if thinking of something, Chen Jing's expression changed.

When Chen Jing turned around and was about to say something to the eldest sister beside him, he went to find that the eldest sister beside him was no longer there, standing on the deck of the bow at some point.

Taking a step forward, Chen Jing walked quickly to the bow.

At this moment, a figure walked out of the cabin, and it was Chen Hui, the second brother of Chen Nannan.

When I saw my third brother who was rushing towards the bow of the ship, he asked, "Third brother! I heard abnormal noises in the water in the cabin, but what happened!"

After a pause in his footsteps, Chen Jing looked solemn and said, "I am afraid there is something "foul" in the nearby sea. The fish in the sea are fleeing frantically!"

Chen Hui was taken aback for a moment, then his face changed drastically.

The two were speechless, and walked quickly towards the figure in the bow of the ship.

"Sister! The big thing is not good..."

Before getting close, Chen Jing said loudly to the eldest sister who was standing at the bow of the ship. Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Chen Nannan's wave!

Standing at the bow of the ship, Chen Nannan was patrolling the distance. The energy in the "strength pulse" had already flowed out and poured into his eyes, enhancing Chen Nannan's vision.

What she was looking for was not a threat in the sea, but a place to avoid threats.

For a long time, Chen Nannan withdrew his sight from a distance.

Then he turned around and said to the two of them: "Don't say anything, the fleet set off immediately! There is a small island in the far sea at three o'clock in front of us! Move the fleet to the shallow water area beside the island immediately. Only in this way can we escape this crisis!"

Chen Hui, Chen Jing's face condensed, and turned away silently.

In a moment, the fleet moored at sea suddenly rioted.

"Quick! Untie the rope!"

"Muzi! Go and start the boiler!"

"Don't worry about the rope, let it fall!"

"All enter the cabin, don't run around!"

Countless figures rushed onto the deck, untied the ropes connecting the ship and the ship amidst the roar, and started the boiler.

Amid the "roaring" sound of power furnace operation, billowing white smoke rose into the air, filling a large area of ​​the sky in the fleet.

The sea is rippling, white waves are rolling, and the outermost ships move slowly amidst the "roar".

One, two, three, when all the ships moved, the water village had disappeared, forming a fleet of ships riding the wind and waves on the sea.

In that far away, there is an island, which is the goal of the fleet.



Port of Opo Alon!

As the capital in the territory of Commander Masco, Opo Alon is undoubtedly huge. Not only is it guarded by a wall that is 100 meters high like a dyke, but besides the port, there is also a guard wall that guards the port.

Although the guard wall is not as tall as the city wall, it is no less than 50 meters above the water surface, and it is undoubtedly a giant.

Just like a bridge, the guard wall surrounds the port in a protruding crescent shape and is connected to a 100-meter-high city wall.

Under the guard wall, there are two huge gates, which are the only entrance and exit of the port.

As one of the few port cities in Bentley, the port of Opo Alon City is prosperous. Soon after dawn, there were countless ships coming and going.

Among the ships that entered and exited were iron-clad ships, wooden ships, natives, and foreign merchants.

The boats entering and leaving Luoyi are endless, some appear from the distant sea, and some are leaving.

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