Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 673: Recruitment of arms

It turned out to be so, Jevrich knew it.

The connection between the commander and the world of "Ayre" is not with the help of some instruments, but a more magical and peculiar method. No matter where, the commander can contact "Ayre", so and so, they only need to use the command Officials can transmit orders to soldiers who will come to this world.

In this way, things are much simpler.

However, is three days too short?

No matter how fast the speed of the ship, it is impossible to reach Bentley in three days, unless it sails day and night...

Day and night?

Thinking of this, Jevrich is twilight. Compared with the tense battle situation, the threat of sea navigation at night can be ignored. The big deal is to increase the power of **** and install some equipment to deal with sea beasts.

Thinking of this, Jevric said to Natasha: "General! Do you have ideas about the choice of arms?"

Taking a portable data terminal from the command platform, Natasha pointed on the big screen.

On one side of the command room, blue gloomy lights flickered, and a huge three-dimensional image panel appeared, showing the three types of arms, land, and air units of the Sovel Empire.

The air force was ignored by Natasha. With the existing conditions of the First Army and the lack of information technology, it is not the time when the First Army has an air force.

Natasha opened the Navy page.

The battleship was ignored by Natasha, and the existing battleships were enough for the First Army.

Natasha opened the logistic ship page, and several large ships suddenly appeared.

Choosing one of these categories, Natasha said: "In this war, logistics is the most important thing. If the logistics cannot keep up, this war cannot be fought. The "Duoxiang-class" combat support supply ship, it It is big enough and fast enough. With a body of more than 70,000 tons, it has a huge space and load capacity. Only two ships are enough to meet the logistics needs of this war!"

The page changes, and the screen shows another type of ship.

"This is the "H51" class tank landing ship. The armored unit recruited this time must have a ship with a larger load. Only the tank landing ship is the best time!"

Yevrich nodded lightly, and General Natasha's choice was undoubtedly wise.

As the modern combat support and supply ship of the Suvir Empire, the "Duoxiang class" is a very good ship that can meet the logistics needs of the First Army.

It goes without saying that the tank landing ship is mainly used to transport armored units. It is an indispensable auxiliary ship. Although the H51 tank landing ship has a displacement of only 6,000 tons, the space for loading armored units is more than that of amphibious. There are many landing ships. Although the models are somewhat old, as auxiliary ships, tank landing ships do not need to be too advanced. They are very suitable for the First Army with financial difficulties.

After closing the Navy page, Natasha opened the Army page. Compared with the two sea and air units, which are scarce, the army units are more complicated.

However, as a senior officer in the Suville Empire, with a long military career, Natasha knew better than anyone about the military system of the Suville Empire. Natasha knew what she needed in this war.

The fingertip operation did not stop, and Natasha selected several units from the complicated arms.

this is……

The units displayed on the three-dimensional images are very familiar to Jevrich.

The first type is a small vehicle, an all-terrain combat vehicle, which is a type of military off-road vehicle. It has four huge wheels and a simple car basket. It is much smaller than the Allied Bison armed assault vehicle. , But it’s also closed. The entire basket has very few metal brackets and most of them are glass. This allows the personnel in the car to have a good line of sight. There is also a weapon station on the roof to install various types of weapons. , Which gives it a certain amount of fire support capability.

Its full name is the "Mouse" all-terrain assault vehicle, and it is the most commonly used military vehicle in the Sauville Empire in modern times.

The second type of vehicle is significantly larger, with bloated metal and a thick and long barrel. At first glance, Jevric knows what it is, although it has been eliminated. Decades, but its name was like a thunderbolt in World War III.

It is the 2A1 self-propelled artillery of the Suvir Empire, commonly known as "2A". It has a very powerful firepower and has a 205mm howitzer. It is the king of artillery on land.

The third type is relatively common. It is a 2C1 type ammunition delivery vehicle that matches the 2A1 type self-propelled artillery. Its main function is to transport ammunition to the 2A1 type self-propelled artillery.

Carrying that huge howitzer, the interior space of the 2A1 self-propelled artillery is not much left. Coupled with the oversized shells, the interior cannot be loaded with too many shells and can only rely on auxiliary vehicles.

The fourth type is hammer tanks. The existing hammer tanks are not enough to cope with this war, and their number must be increased.

The fifth type is the Sickle Mech. Like the Hammer Tank, the number of Sickle Mech must be increased in order to obtain better combat effects.

The sixth type is the "mobilization force", the basic arms of the Sauville Empire, and the matching power combat uniforms, as well as the large-caliber ADK-99 automatic rifle.

The seventh type is a large transport vehicle. It looks very large and bloated, like a rectangular metal box. It is a military transport vehicle, a 9A1 type 16-wheel large military transport vehicle.

The eighth type is more complicated. It is a variety of auxiliary vehicles, including tank trucks, road wreckers, and military construction machinery. There are many types, at a glance, there are more than a dozen types.

There are a total of eight categories, and the number of each is: 2 "Duoxiang-class" support combat supply ships, each with 50 million energy points, and 2 H51-class tank landing ships, each with 25 million energy points. 120 "Mouse" all-terrain assault vehicles, each with 8,000 energy points, 20 2A1 self-propelled artillery, each with 200,000 energy points, 20 2C1 ammunition transport vehicles, each with 100,000 energy points, hammer tank 30 vehicles, 150,000 energy points per vehicle, 50 sickle mechas, 130,000 energy points per vehicle, 15,000 mobilized troops, 60 9A1 transport vehicles, 12 energy points per vehicle, 50 auxiliary vehicles, The total energy point is one million.

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