Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 692: The beginning of everything

No one expected that the battle against the city of Bally would go so smoothly, occupying the city of Bally in less than a day.

When night fell again, Love also completed his mission.

The original crystals raided in Bally City have been sent to the "Emperor". After obtaining these original crystals, Li Meng on the top deck of the "Emperor" also received a message.

"It seems that the battle on the front line is going well, Natasha should be in Bally City now!"

In the pavilion, Li Meng was sitting on the recliner leisurely, communicating with the mastermind in his heart.

1.7 billion energy points, this is the profit gained from the capture of Pali City, not long ago, the mastermind informed him.

The speed of the capture of Bally City is indeed amazing, but the benefits are still far worse than Limon expected.

In Li Meng's consciousness, a city rich in primordial crystals would bring at least tens of billions of energy points to the First Army once captured.

Now it seems that I still think something is taken for granted. This money is not so easy to make, and the original crystal is not dung. If you have it, you can have it. Even if you have it, it will not be too much in terms of "quantity".

"Why? Miss your little lover? She should be very busy now. It is not easy to stand up in the city of Bally. Don't even think about seeing her these days!"

Yes, after all, the First Army is an outsider and an intruder. A city is easy to fall, and the management after the fall is the most troublesome thing. Some things are difficult to grasp, and they are the most troublesome.

Lightly tapping the guard in his hand, Li Meng thought through his face and said in his heart: "According to the current progress of the war, the war against Bentley is probably a protracted battle. This battle is worth fighting!"

"The foundation of the First Army is too weak. There is no complete capital chain. It relies on war to gain income. If the war is deadlocked, the capital chain of the First Army will be interrupted. Without new capital injection, the capital chain cannot be maintained. The collapse of the capital chain will greatly affect the logistics of the army, and the logistics will be affected, and this war cannot continue, Master! You must find a way to solve the current dilemma of the First Army!"

How can things be so simple, the money is not just talking about it.

Whether it is the arms trade with the Resistance Army or business development, the benefits earned in a short period of time are just a drop in the bucket for the First Army, and it will not improve the financial problems of the First Army.

The war against Bentley is still a bit hasty. If the First Army is given a few more months, the war against Bentley will be much easier, at least there will be no shortage of funds.

However, the outbreak of the war did not have the final say in the First Army. During the trip to Yelin Island, the son of Kenofer was killed, which annoyed Bentley. Bentley sent a fleet to Nanlin Island. Can respond to it.

It's just that the response was a bit strong, and the First Army directly attacked Bentley's homeland.

"There is no need to worry. At least it seems that the war is going well. If you can conquer one city, you can conquer two cities. If Natasha can guarantee the speed of conquering the city, the capital chain of the First Army will not be interrupted. It will even turn the First Army into a giant in this war!"


Li Meng does not have the idea of ​​a mastermind. Once he becomes a soldier, the military scale of the First Army will be extremely astonishing. Once the size of the army is large, some troubles will be plagued. Although Bentley is a rich country The country, but it can't bear too much pressure, after all, the original crystal is not unlimited, and there will always be a day when it is mined.

And the army’s consumption of funds is endless, and there will be no one-second pause. At that time, in order to maintain a weak capital chain, the First Army may have to fight for war. By then, more problems will plague the first. A legion.

The current First Army Corps is like a dilapidated house. If the foundation is not well laid, there is the possibility of collapse at any time.

Now is not an easy time!

Sitting leisurely on the recliner, looking at the garden outside the pavilion unconsciously, Li Meng was thinking.

As the supreme commander of the First Army, some duties and responsibilities must be borne by Li Meng himself.

At this point, Li Meng would never escape.

"Master! Are you worried?"

Wendy on the side seemed to be aware of something and asked softly.

Because the "dead" is full of inertia, in Wendy's cognition, in normal times, the owner closes his eyes to pass the boring time. If he is not disturbed, he can stay dormant for a day.

Today, the owner seems to have something on his mind, Wendy can feel this in his eyes and expression.

Shaking his head lightly, Li Meng said, "Too leisurely life will be bald and disheartening. It seems that I must find something to do!"

Looking for something to do?

Wendy didn't understand.

Looking at the master, Wendy said in a puzzled manner: "Master! You own the First Legion and own us. What else do you need to do yourself?"

Reaching out his hand, Li Meng took Wendy's little hand, and gently, Wendy's petite body sat in Li Meng's arms.

Feeling the softness of the tender body in his arms, holding Wendy's gripping waist with both hands, in Wendy's puzzled eyes, Li Meng said softly: "The war in Bentley must end as soon as possible. It is not suitable for a protracted battle. For this, we must use the power that the First Army can use, including me!"

Master is going to join the war in person?

Wendy understood this from the words of the master.

"Master! If you want to use the high-end power of the First Army, our guards, as well as the nuns, and even General Natasha can do it. Why does the master need to do it himself?"

Facing Wendy’s puzzled gaze, Li Meng stretched out his hand to caress the little white face, and whispered: “Although your strength is good, you still don’t have the ability to “face the city”. Facing modern artillery, you have the body. The power of the “dead” is still very weak, and cannot be lost in the small place of Bentley, and it’s time to let the world know the “god” of our First Legion, and the glory of the death doctrine is coming. This world is over, let Bentley be the beginning of all this!"

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