Red Alert: Calamity Era

Chapter 694: Atmosphere of Bali City


Li Meng remembered the energy points obtained this time, and then said: "This time the income is about 1.7 billion energy points. Tell me how you want to use it as soon as possible. The war in Bentley will not end in a short time. Stay here for a long time, and I will set off to return to Nanlin Island in a few days. By then, it will be more troublesome for you to pass on your needs to "Al"!"

Master is leaving now?

Natasha's expression was stunned again, but when she thought about it, she was relieved.

Nanlin Island is the root of the "First Army". Although Nanlin Island is only a small place, but with the existence of a "temple", this small place will become the most important place of the First Army. The construction of Nanlin Island, And many things are inseparable from the owner's sitting, it is indeed inappropriate to be out for a long time.

Nodding lightly, Natasha said: "I see!"

The so-called business, it can be said that it is over here.

Regarding this war, Li Meng has promised to completely let Natasha decide. Since he said what he said, Li Meng will of course do it. Li Meng will not express any opinions on the current situation of the war, and Natasha has the final say.

"the host!"

Natasha whispered suddenly.


Li Meng looked at the person in his arms in confusion.

Facing the master's gaze, Natasha lowered her head slightly and whispered: "There is a bedroom in the office, where the master can rest for a night!"

Is this an invitation?

It seems impossible to return to the "Emperor" tonight.

How could Li Meng refuse the beauty invitation?

Standing up, holding Natasha, Limon responded to Natasha with actions and walked to the bedroom.

It was late at night, and people were exhausted, and the joyful things were not mentioned.

No words for a night!

Time is passing, and the long darkness will always be alternated by light.

When the morning came, on the soft bed, when Li Meng opened his eyes, Natasha beside him had already left.

Li Meng didn't know where he went, and Natasha was not in the office.

Natasha was not disturbed anymore, as quietly as she came, and as quietly as she left when she left.

Today, the weather is very good and the sun is shining. For the "dead", the dazzling sun will not make people comfortable.

However, Li Meng is not in this list. For the weak "dead", the hot sun is enough to make them disappear, but for Li Meng, no matter how hot the sun is, it is just a sun bath.

When Li Meng quietly returned to the "Emperor", the early morning had passed, and for Bentley, they ushered in a new day.

When Li Meng's figure appeared in the pavilion, Li Meng was rather surprised that Wendy was not found in the pavilion.

Sitting on the recliner, Li Meng asked the guards in the pavilion, "Where did Wendy go?"

Seeing the owner asked Wendy where she was going, Renee on the side whispered: "Not long ago, Chief Guard Wendy received a message from the medical room. It should be in the medical room now!"

Medical room?

Li Meng remembered the mermaid that he picked up from the sea not long ago. Could it be that something happened to her?

Probably not. For the treatment of mermaid, Li Meng has been paying attention to the treatment. The treatment is very smooth, and there will never be any unexpected changes.

Li Meng was not worried about this, but waited with peace of mind.

Wendy didn't let Li Meng wait for a long time. After waiting less than a quarter of an hour, Wendy came back and walked into the pavilion with a slim body.

"How? No accident happened, right!"

Seeing Wendy returning to her side, Li Meng asked.

Wendy shook her head slightly, and said, "The treatment of "Mermaid" went well. As the virus disappeared successfully, she seemed to have signs of waking up not long ago! But soon she fell silent again!"

It seems that the treatment time is too short, and the mermaid has not completely recovered.

This matter can't be rushed, and can only take it slowly.

Lying leisurely on the seat, Li Meng comfortably closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Today, the war against Bentley is fairly smooth. Although there are many factors affecting the direction of the war, the general direction will not change. Li Meng is still very confident.

Now, in Bentley, the protagonist is not Li Meng, but Natasha.

Li Meng is just a bystander of this war, the only thing that needs to be done is to make the final finishing touches.

There is still a long time to the end. Before that, Li Meng still needs to return to "Nanlin Island."

It has been nearly half a month since I left Nanlin Island. This period of time is not short. Although Li Meng is not worried about the order on Nanlin Island, Li Meng needs to sit down in some matters. .

Although there are plans to return to "Nanlin Island", the matter is not in a hurry. The "Emperor" will stay for a few days again to relieve Natasha from some trouble.

Natasha in Bally City was quite busy when Li Meng was comfortably sleeping with her eyes closed.

As a general, there are some trivial things that Natasha doesn't need to worry about, but there are some things that Natasha needs to take care of.

Ever since the First Army occupied the city of Bali, everything in the city seemed calm. The civilians were still doing their own thing as before, but in the city of Bali, one could also feel an unusual atmosphere.

Silence, a kind of silence that cannot be implied.

Whenever they see the mobilized soldiers patrolling the streets, the civilians of Bali City will always hide away. The mobilized squads patrolling the streets are always empty and empty.

When she learned of this situation, Natasha didn't care.

Ignore the best, as long as the city of Bali remains stable, it will be the greatest help to the First Army.

Bally City is a good place. It is close enough to the coast. It is not only a good material storage point, but also a front line connecting Bentley's inland. The First Army can completely use Bally City as a transit station for materials. Provide high-quality logistics services.

Natasha plans to do the same.

The owner had already left, and when he returned to the office, the bedroom was empty.

Thinking of the craziness last night, even Natasha couldn't help but blush.

The owner was too bad and kept bullying her until late at night. In the early hours of the morning, the two hugged each other and fell asleep.

On the seat behind the desk, Natasha was sitting upright, holding a portable data terminal in her hand.

The arrival of the master let Natasha know about the funds of the First Legion.

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