Not a good person, but not a bad person either?

Carefully using the afterglow of his eyes, German glanced at the revolver placed on the table.

Then he glanced at the scar on John’s face.

Not a good person, he was sure of that.

But not the bad guys?

Well, he believed.

For the sake of Revolver’s face, he believed it.

“Several … What business do you want to talk about, sir? ”

Geman trembled, and said with a trembling voice.

He looked nervously at the gate.

It’s not that he wants someone to notice something is wrong in the grocery store.

He preferred that no one would be able to bother.

After all, the revolver on the table completely broke his courage.

God knows if these ruthless people, if they are discovered, will they take him hostage, or shoot him in anger.

“Take it easy man, I said it, we’re just here to talk to you about business.” Chen Xu put the revolver away and patted Geman’s shoulder with a smile.

Then he took out a ten-dollar bill from his backpack.

“Now, can you show us to your workshop?” Chen Xu’s smile was still the same.

“When … Of course. German nodded repeatedly, giving way and opening the basement partition.

As for the beautiful knife in Chen Xu’s hand, he didn’t dare to take it.

After all, he opened the basement and saw not the face of the beautiful knife, but the face of Colt Revolver.

Take David, Charles, and John down, while Sadie stays on it and lets the wind go.

“It’s better to take that sentence light, we won’t hurt you.” Chen Xu looked at Geman, whose tense legs had been shaking, and still smiled and soothed, and at the same time put the ten beautiful knife into the pocket of Geman’s jacket.

Entering the basement, a strong choking smell of alcohol comes to your face.

It is not an intoxicating aroma, but it is very pungent.

Chen Xu knew that this was the taste of high alcohol.

As a small private workshop, if you want to brew distilled liquor, you generally distill high-grade sake repeatedly.

Otherwise, the methanol contained in it will kill people.

That’s why a lot of moonshine kills.

In order to save time, safety and hygiene are not in place, and more importantly, the temperature is not high enough, resulting in too much methanol in the wine.

There are even some moonshiners, in order to make higher profits, directly use industrial alcohol for blending.

As for the bad taste?

For those workers who work all day, there are only two things they care about.

Cheap and the ability to get them drunk.

Something other than these two, they don’t bother to think about.

“Nice little workshop, clean and… Advanced. Chen Xu looked at the environment in the cellar and was a little surprised.

Although there is still some dust, most of the utensils used in winemaking are all isolated with bags to avoid contamination by insects and dust.

Including the brewing vats, all of them are sealed with lids during fermentation.

Of course, if it was just the environment, it was not enough to surprise Chen Xu.

What really surprised Chen Xu was the still used by Geman.

It is not a traditional pot-shaped still, but a pagoda-like still.

“Sir, you know?” German asked cautiously and tentatively.

Continuous comfort, coupled with Fang Cai Chen Xu stuffing the banknote into his pocket.

This made Geman understand more or less what Chen Xu meant, as long as he didn’t die too much, then his little life should be saved.

Knowing that his life was not in danger, this also made German’s courage come back a little.

“Just call me Matthew, tower still, the brewed wine is safer.” Chen Xu nodded.

For this aspect, he is not a professional, but he has learned about it from some popular science videos in his previous life.

High-grade liquor brewed by yourself using a still without passing industrial procedures will generally have a large amount of methanol.

After drinking these wines, there will be a certain fatality rate.

However, by redistillation and tower distillation, the methanol in it can be reduced compared to other modes.

The only drawback is that the wine brewed using this model is too high and needs to be blended twice to maintain the taste and be drinkable.

“My name is Geman, sir, as you said, this way the wine will be safer, after all, I usually only sell to acquaintances in the town.” Geman nodded repeatedly, he knew that Matthew was most likely a fake name, but he didn’t care.

After all, what if you know your real name?

“Is there such a thing?” Standing behind Chen Xu, John couldn’t help but say.

People who wander in the west, let alone these bandits, including ordinary workers and cowboys, which is not addicted to alcohol?

Including them, who dares to say that they have not drunk moonshine.

As a result, now tell them that these wines are actually poisonous?

Drinking too much is easy to die?

“Yes, I once learned about moonshine brewing with Maggie, and few of the other moonshiners in the west know about it.” Geman straightened his chest.

“Maggie? That legendary moonshiner? Didn’t she already stop? David looked at German suspiciously.

“Well… All right…… I just saved a man who had been bitten by a poisonous snake who had done things with Maggie before, and I learned the craft of making wine, including the equipment he helped me get. German was a little embarrassed and said truthfully.

“In fact, even if those people knew, they wouldn’t do it.” Chen Xu said bluntly.

With higher brewing time and costs, and more complex procedures, moonshiners don’t do it for the sake of so-called safety and taste.

“So now Mr. Gorman, I want to ask you a question, do you want to make money? Make good money! ”

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