Red Rebels

Chapter 808: Red Rebel Philosophy

808 Red Rebel Philosophy

"Hello, Denis!"

"Hello, Martin!"

At Manchester Airport, a well-known TV host of the Red Rebel TV, Martin Samuel received the head of the French French [Football] report team, Denis, who is a senior executive of the French football magazine. This trip came to Manchester There is only one purpose, that is, to hope to be able to produce a special album report of the Red Rebels Newton Heath Youth Camp.

"Frankly, Dennis, I'm curious, has the winner of this year's European Golden Globes been announced?" Martin Samuel asked gossip, but he was very happy to get a little inside information so that he could promote it The ratings of your own shows.

Denis shook his head with a smile. "You know, Martin, I can't say too much!"

"But I can guess!" Martin Samuel smiled mischievously. "He must be from the Red Rebels, right?"

Denis smiled. "That's what you guessed!"

Martin Samuel laughed, he knew he was right, but this is not very difficult to guess. In fact, many players of the Red Rebels are hot this year, including the Magic Quartet in the frontcourt. It is almost finalized, and one person must win this award.

The point is, who is it?

The performance of all four players is perfect. Aguero is slightly worse and has the lowest chance of winning. However, Ronaldinho, Messi and Kaka have performed very well. Anyone who won this award is real. Deservedly, especially since this season, the Red Rebels have maintained a victory on all fronts, which puts these three players in the limelight.

From a professional perspective, Kaka ’s awards are even more deserved. After all, the Brazilian ’s role in the Red Rebel Army is very important, and Ronaldinho has shown the peak of two seasons this season. His status has declined slightly, but his strength cannot be underestimated.

As for Messi, he showed a momentum of overwhelming goals. His performance seemed to follow the trajectory of Ronaldinho's ascension. Everyone was optimistic that he would be the next footballer, but this year No one knows if they can go.

"Martin, we have a tight schedule. Are there any better arrangements?" On the car returning to Manchester, Denis asked with concern, but he had to remember to return to France as soon as possible.

"Of course, rest assured, Denis, a Red Rebels match against Manchester City in the u13 age group, a Red Rebels match against Fulham in the Premier League, and an interview with Newton Heath training base, but Mr. Mourinho can't arrange the time, so I can only invite you for the youth camp instructor, Coach Mullenstein according to your requirements! "

Dennis immediately nodded happily when he heard this, which can guarantee that his trip to Manchester is full of return!

"Thank you so much, Martin, when can we start?" Denis asked anxiously.

"Immediately!" Martin Samuel laughed.

The car traveled directly from the high-speed highway around the city. As he passed the Red Rebel Stadium, Dennis took a few visions with his camera, and then marveled at the art of this luxurious stadium and the power of the Red Rebel Stadium. This place has never been captured by an opponent. This is the pride of the Red Rebels.

Shortly after passing the Red Rebel Stadium, Martin Samuel and his party came to the north of the urban area, next to the Manchester City Youth Training Camp next to the city stadium.

Although it was only a game of the u13 age group, it also attracted the attention of many fans. The scene was also crowded. Manchester City also specially arranged staff to maintain order at the scene.

"Don't look dumbfounded in a second!" Martin Samuel reminded.

Dennis didn't know why, and only smiled, but after he approached the stadium, he immediately found the brightest line of sight among the crowd around the stadium.

"Xiao ... Yu ?! Eva ... Snow ?! And ... Beckhams, oh ... Oh!" Denis couldn't believe it, pointing at the distance, Xiao Yu and Beckham were Conversation, but apparently they also noticed Martin Samuel coming in, smiling and nodding at the acquaintance, and then talking to themselves.

Martin Samuel nodded with a smile, "Of course, you should know that there are three very good players in the Red Rebels u13 team, one is the team's number one center, Xiao Yu's adopted son Gao Ren!"

Gao Ren, the name Dennis is no stranger. He is hailed as another rising star in the Red Rebel Youth Training Camp. He has broken almost all the goals and assists records of the Youth Camp. Excellent quality, fast speed, very comprehensive features, is the future forward star of the Red Rebels.

There have been many Premier League teams conspiring to obtain Gao Ren without even knowing it, and even Manchester City once offered up to 15 million pounds, hoping to buy out Gao Ren's apprentice contract directly, but unfortunately, when they learned After Xiao Yu's adopted son, this thought was completely dispelled.

"U13's number one assister, Beckham's eldest son, Brooklyn, a full-time forward, he has excellent technology and a big picture. He was only 10 years old this year and was only promoted to the u13 age group!"

"Ryan Davis, a young rookie who returned to Australia from Australia to serve the Red Rebels, is the number one assaulter of the Red Rebels u13 team. He is 11 years old and has excellent technology. He is known as the Red Rebels' new Messi. "

Listening to Samuel's reading these names one by one, Denis is not surprised. He is no stranger to these names. In the era of such transparent information, young players who perform slightly better will be immediately media. To dig out, especially living in a super-luxury team like the Red Rebels.

Looking at the many reporters and media around the scene, there must be countless scouts and coaches lurking in the crowd. It is absolutely impossible for these young rookies to remain unknown.

"Martin, can you help me arrange it later and ask a few questions about Xiao Yu and Beckham?" Denis asked a little hopefully, but this is the treatment that countless football journalists have dreamed of.

Sure enough, Martin Samuel shook his head. "Sorry, Dennis, it's not that I don't want to help, but that Mr. Xiao Yu is no longer in charge, so he will not be interviewed!"

After listening to Dennis, he couldn't help but regret it, but his attention was quickly attracted by the game.

This is a game without suspense. The Red Rebels have taken advantage from beginning to end. After Gao Ren opened the opening, he took advantage of an indirect free kick and broke the goal of Manchester City's u13 age header. After that, he Another man kicked his head and scored 4 goals for Manchester City.

Ryan Davis and Brooklyn Beckham did not bother. The two young players were also very active in the game. Ryan Davis made two shots and two passes. Brooklyn even staged an assist hat trick. .

The outstanding performance of this group of young teenagers led the Red Rebels u13 to defeat Manchester City u13 2: 8 away!

"If it is a game of the same age, throughout England, Britain, even Europe, and even the world, very few teams can compete with our Red Rebel youth training camp!" Martin Samuel introduced with some pride. Road.

Although Dennis was unwilling to admit it, he had to accept it.

The most obvious example is the beginning of this season's inaugural training. The Red Rebels youth camp chose to camp in France. French football has also followed up on special reports, but the Red Rebels' team has taken some of the young people in France to be most proud of The team played well and achieved a record of victory, which also made people have to accept their strength and lose convincingly.

"They will be the hope of the Red Rebels in the future!" Denis murmured.

As soon as he thought about it, he became more interested. He wanted to find out what kind of environment can train so many football talents for the Red Rebels at the same time.

One hour after the game, Martin Samuel took Denis and his party to the Newton Heath training base, and interviewed the Red Rebel Youth Camp director, the well-known Dutch youth coach Mulenstein. .



"Hello, Rene!"

"Hello, friends from France!" Mulenstein looks very affinity. This is a trait that a youth coach must have. It is difficult for people without affinity to teach this group of children.

The television shot was directed at Mulenstein. The Dutch was obviously a bit unnatural, but he did his best to cooperate.

"According to the momentum of this year's European Golden Globe Awards and the top five of the World Footballer *** announced by FIFA, the Red Rebels occupy the vast majority of places without exception, of which the top three monopolize The possibilities are very high. What is your opinion on this? "

Mullenstein hesitated, "I think, rather than the victory of the players, the victory of the Red Rebels, the system that the Red Rebels have built and persisted for many years, and The triumph of the core concept of youth training. "

"At present, the players who have high voices, Ronaldinho, Aguero and Messi are all players from the Red Rebel Youth Training Camp. They all came to Manchester at the age of 15 and 16 and went through the Red Rebel Youth Training. After the battalion of the battalion, and then entered the first team, and then became the world's chief superstar, what kind of environment can create such a group of stars? "

"Kaka is also a youth training product!" Mulunsting reminded with a smile, "I think there is only one key to youth training, persist! Our Red Rebels invest a lot of financial and material resources in the youth training system every season. "Each of our ages is equipped with professional coaching staff and team doctors who can provide players with the best football knowledge and physical protection."

"Not only that, our training is very scientific, we will teach each player the best and most suitable development path according to their aptitude, and we encourage them to give play to themselves and encourage them to develop their own personality."

Dennis immediately asked, "But the personality of the young players is too obvious, which often leads to an increase in incidents, but in my opinion, the Red Rebels don't seem to have too much trouble in this regard!"

Mullenstein smiled bitterly. "It's all young people. It's impossible without trouble. For example, we often get reports from nearby fans, saying that we saw news of young players going to dance at a certain nightclub. It's guidance, not ***, and we try to make them understand how harmful this move is to them. "

"We attach great importance to cultural courses. This is not only for the future of players, but also the philosophy of our youth training system. Learn to be a person first, then learn good knowledge, and finally play football!"

"You put football at the end?" Denis was a little surprised.

"Of course, compared to life, you will find that football is actually very small, so every 10-year-old child enters the Red Rebel Youth Training Camp. Our first requirement is to learn, just like ordinary children. , I live in a nearby fan ’s home, take the team bus to school every day, and learn like an ordinary person, with no exception. ”

"Including children at the fans' homes nearby?"

"Yes, we have shuttle buses to and from them every day to and from school, training and returning home. These are provided by the club *** and are a big expense in the youth training system!"

"We have always encouraged the parents of players to join the youth training program. After all, family coaching and team education are complementary. The growth of any one person is inseparable from the help of parents. In addition, we are equipped with multiple psychology Home, teachers and staff to help and mentor these children. "

Denis couldn't help but nod in admiration. In this regard, the youth camp of the Red Rebels is indeed more advanced than other teams, but recently many teams have begun to compete to learn the Red Rebels' approach.

"I heard that in the Red Rebels youth training camp, there is an unwritten rule that players who fail their academic performance will not be given the opportunity to play in the game. Is this true?"

"Yes, but instead of failing, it's a marked regression. Cristiano Ronaldo has been banned many times from the beginning. For this reason, he almost ran out of the team, but I'm very glad that he stayed. And understand that we are doing it for his sake. "

"What about Messi? What kind of child was he when he was in youth academy?"

Mullensteen laughed suddenly, "Leo is a very stupid kid, from childhood to most, but when he first came to the team, the situation was really bad, he had some physical problems, the team At that time, it was only a low-level league team, and he spent huge sums of money to treat him. That time was a disaster for him. Fortunately, Mr. Xiao Yu, the team and his family were supporting and encouraging him. "

"The Red Rebel Youth Training Camp also has a very important feature. It is said that they dine together in the restaurant. Is that true?"

"Yes, first team players, youth camp players, coaching staff, staff, and even club executives all dine together. This is to make everyone understand that every player of the Red Rebels is only part of the club. No one is special! "

"But there are many young players who can't help but leave Newton Heath!" Denis grinned.

Murrenstein nodded with a hearty smile, "That's for sure, we have a strong first team. Although the youth academy is excellent, every season we have launched a group of young and promising rookies, but not all of them. The rookies all play for the first team, so some small players can only look for opportunities outside the team, and some even go straight to college. "

"Is the Red Rebel first team clearly stated, how many youth players must be there?"

Mullensteen shook his head. "No, absolutely not, but we pay attention to one thing, that is competition!"

"If the local youth players fail to meet the club's first team requirements, and rashly promote him to the first team in order to meet the target, it is to promote seedlings, which is not a good thing for the team or the players; if, in turn, if The player has enough strength, he can completely threaten the first-line players through his performance, compete with them, and even squeeze them into the bench to win opportunities for himself! "

"Whether it is the first team or the youth training camp, we all emphasize competition, because we are convinced that competition is the driving force for mutual promotion, and at this point, the current situation of our team is very good, most of the first team They are all players from the youth training camp. They are very familiar and acquainted with each other. This is our huge treasure! "

"Then how do you transfer the rookie embryos from the youth academy to Mourinho?"

"It's very simple. The first team coaches such as Mourinho and Kassel, as well as scouting departments such as Boyas, are paying close attention to the youth camp. Our youth camp has many games every year. Famous players can get a lot of exercise opportunities, and as long as they show strength, they will immediately attract the attention of the first team. "

"Is Messi dug up like this?"

"Yes! Mourinho often watched the youth camp games and training. When he first saw Messi, he was convinced by his technology. He was a genius, from childhood to most!"

"When Messi won some awards, he mentioned you in the people he thanked. As a teacher whom Messi admired, what do you think of Messi's current development momentum?"

Mullenstein thought for a while, "He is an incredible player. Like Ronaldinho, Kaka and Aguero, they are all very good. Messi's technology is the most delicate of all people. Few people can guard him, but he still needs to improve his aggressiveness. "

"His character created Messi, but at the same time it became a further stumbling block for Messi. Me, Mourinho, Moniz and others are very clear and have given him a lot of suggestions that he should be more Take the initiative and be more aggressive, and I am very fortunate that he has discovered and is improving this issue. "

"The outbreak of Messi this season and the progress he has made have a lot to do with this. We also believe that with the rise and maturity of Messi, he can bring more help to the team, By then our Red Rebels will become stronger! "

After listening to it, Dennis couldn't help but admire secretly that the trip was rich and fruitful. "The last question, Mr. Mulenstein, the European Golden Globe Award and the World Footballer, will be announced soon. , Who do you think is more eligible for election? "

Mullensting wasn't that equal to letting him make a choice?

The palm of his hand is flesh and the back of his hand is flesh. What makes him do?

Mulenstein is an honest man. He didn't know how to twist and turn, and after bumbling, he blushed and said, "I can't answer this question. In my heart, they are all excellent and worthy of these. honor!"

Denis and everyone on the scene couldn't help laughing.

It is also after this interview that the major awards at the end of the year have also started one after another! 2k novel reading network

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