Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1233: lure the enemy deep

Mexico, the border city of Laredo.

"Boom!" The 125mm tank gun fired again, and an m1 tank was instantly blown up and a fire started.

Tanks were destroyed one by one! Among them, there are American tanks, and there are old-fashioned Mexican t-54s!

This battle, no one expected, would become the largest battle in the entire South! As for the troops that were initially invested, their fate was almost doomed!

Crosius is hiding behind an m1 tank, which has been destroyed, but they don't have any more tanks, all tanks have been destroyed!

Now, they can only use the destroyed tanks as bunkers, hold on, and wait.

"Hold on, Major General George will definitely send troops to rescue us!" Crosius shouted: "We still have the Air Force, and the Air Force's fighter planes will arrive soon!"

"Commander, Commander." At this moment, despite the sound of chirp bullets, a signal soldier crawled over and said, "Our plane can't take off."

The plane cannot take off, as long as it takes off, it is the fate of being destroyed!

Now, the Soviets are actually referees, and neither side can use the air force!

Mexico, there is no decent air force, their fighter jets are extremely old, and at the same time, even if the Soviet Union provides Mexico with new fighter jets, their pilots can't fly, and the modification training can not be completed in an hour and a half.

If it was a mercenary pilot directly, it would be too ostentatious. Moreover, this battle should be a low-cost battle.

The Soviet MiG-33 easily pulled the two sides to a tie, without relying on the air force, just a pure ground contest!

Air Force, no more! For the Mexican army, it doesn't matter. Anyway, they have never relied on the Air Force at all, but for the American army, it is different. When encountering a tough bone, the first thing they think of is to call the Air Force!

Looking at the Mexican army coming in like a tide, Crosius knew that now, there is only one way to avoid all of his own being wiped out.


The 12th Cavalry Regiment, plus the 36th Texas National Guard Regiment, now, there are less than 300 people left! They suffered heavy casualties.

Even if it is the oldest t-54, these infantrymen who have no tanks on their side cannot win. Since there is no hope of victory, it is not shameful to surrender. This is the creed of the US military, because they are democratic countries. , they have to be people-oriented.

It's just that I am a little unwilling to surrender to these Mexicans! In particular, there are Argentines! What the **** are these South American guys doing here?

"Boom, boom!" At this moment, a huge explosion sounded from behind, and with the sound, the surrounding Mexican camp suddenly became chaotic!

Reinforcement, reinforcements are here! Seeing the Soviet tanks retreating like a tide, Crosius finally breathed a sigh of relief!

At this critical moment, the other units of the 2nd Cavalry Brigade, the two cavalry battalions of the 5th and 8th Cavalry Regiments, came up!

At this time, seeing the arrival of the m1 tank, their mood is quite complicated, brothers, if you come earlier, we will not have to suffer such a large number of casualties!

"Crosius, it looks like you are not good." Colonel Locke, who had just come up, said to Crosius.

"We were in an ambush, not only the Mexicans, but the Argentine army also came up, and they had t-72s!" Crosius said.


"We were ordered to support. Now, you have been rescued, let's rush out together!" Colonel Locke said.

"Of course not!" Crosius said. "Now, we've been beaten so badly, we're going to pursue it! We're going to beat the Mexicans to the bottom of their ass!"

"Yes, we are going to hit the capital of Mexico! These guys should be wiped out by us!"

"Everyone, please remember that our mission now is to defend our motherland. We cannot cross the border. Now, we have to go back!"

"Bah!" Crosius spat fiercely: "I don't care about his **** orders, I just want to beat these Mexicans hard!"

"Pay attention to discipline, resist orders on the battlefield, I can shoot you directly." Colonel Locke said.

Crosius is just complaining, he will not really disobey the military order, but he is not reconciled after so many people died!

Just as the two troops converged and were about to leave, Crosius again heard the terrifying scream that cut through the air.

No, it's a hit!

The armed forces of the Mexicans, after receiving foreign aid, are still very effective. Just now, after their reinforcements came up, the Mexicans retreated, definitely not to be afraid of their own side, but to surround themselves!

They let in their let their forces join forces, and then bombard them with artillery, and then come up to surround them again!

Those **** Mexicans!

Sure enough, with a whizzing sound, one rocket after another shot at the US military position here.

More than a dozen kilometers away, in an ordinary field tent, a large number of senior commanders were studying the situation on the battlefield and commanding the army. At the same time, among all the people, the Soviet general wearing a red five-star appeared a little Unique.

Major General Choibalsan! The army general who came from the war step by step. He secretly came here from the Soviet Union to command the entire northward campaign. Although he only brought a few dozen guards, no one dared to despise his authority, because, Behind him is the Soviet!

At the same time, Choibalsan's command has also won the respect of others. Originally, they planned to hit Texas in a swarm, but now, Choibalsan defied all opinions and decided to withdraw the troops. First of all, he showed weakness. As a result, the Americans really got in the way!

Now, the 2nd Brigade of the main US 1st Cavalry Division in the encirclement can be easily eaten by them. Of course, Choibalsan has a bigger appetite!

"The 2nd Cavalry Brigade is now a bait. We have to wait for the main force of the 1st Cavalry Division to arrive, and then eat them all!" Choibalsan said: "The 28th Mexican Brigade, which has suffered heavy losses, will come down, and the 7th Brigade will go up. ."

The strength of the Mexican army is not strong in the first place. For example, they do not even have a division-level organization. The main force is the brigade. With the support of the Soviet Union and the training of Cuban instructors, their ordinary infantry brigade has become a mechanized brigade. , Now, the combat effectiveness of these brigades is also slag, and it is all supported by the Argentine armored forces.

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