Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1243: torn face

Canadian troops, invaded their borders! They are divided into three groups. The east road starts from Terrell and has reached Kettle Falls, the middle road reaches Tonascuit, and the west road, which is even more terrifying, runs along the highway, and goes straight to Seattle. come!

Canadian troops, all-out attack on Washington State! It's only a matter of time before it falls!

When receiving this news, the commander of the National Guard of Washington State, Holt, was extremely nervous. He dispatched various National Guards to resist it, but at the same time, he knew that it was only a drop in the bucket!

Canadians, it's definitely premeditated! They took advantage of the emptiness in the north of their own side, and suddenly invaded their own side here! Canadians, what do you want? Could it be that they are so willing to be the lackeys of the Soviets?

Reports of calls for help, one after another, were sent to the surrounding states, as well as to the Pentagon.

At the same time, the US ambassador to Canada expressed a strong protest to Canada in Ottawa!

When he got this news, Martin's face changed instantly, no, the Soviets are too cunning!

Canadian troops, fed up, invade Washington state in the US? Canada is so vast, and it's already enough for people to live in such a large area. Does it need to eat the territory of the United States? There is absolutely no need for Canada to claim new territories over the years!

This is definitely a conspiracy of the Soviets! Because now the Soviets are forcing Canada to make a deal with them to send troops on Canadian soil!

Recently, a lot of Soviet military vehicles have passed by. They are covered with tarpaulins, and they have no idea what equipment is being transported inside. These days, Canada has been trembling with fear. They know that the Soviet Union is going to The United States has launched an attack. They only hope that no matter who wins or loses, it will not affect Canada. It is absolutely impossible for Canada to be like Mexico. Mexico is a small country, and Canada, after all, is a big capitalist country!

Besides, Canada is not so stupid. Now it is the biggest concession. If possible, Canada still wants to have a good relationship with the United States!

However, who would have thought that the Soviets would actually play this trick and frame the blame!

"Prime Minister Martin, we want to know whether your behavior means that war has been declared against the United States." The American ambassador's face was as cold as ice.

"Of course not." Martin said, "I can guarantee that our Canadian troops are still in their original positions and have not been mobilized at all! You should know that our Canadian troops are already very weak. If we want to attack America, that would have to be a national call-up, but right now, we're doing nothing. Besides, why are we invading America? It doesn't do us any good!"

Martin argues, Americans, are you all idiots? Can't you see it so simple? It is clear that the Soviets framed and framed it!

The Leopard 1 tank, not only in Canada, but also in the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union annexed Germany. What tank does it have? Bring West German tanks, paint them, and send them over here, pretending to be Canadian troops, that's all!

"Even if it is the Soviet army, how can they pass through Canada?" the American ambassador continued: "Could it be that Canada has already joined the Soviet Union?"

When he heard this, Martin finally understood that the American ambassador was here to persecute Canada.

Under the pressure of the Soviet Union, Canada had to let go of its own path and let the Soviet troops pass through, only to ask the Soviets not to come to Canada for trouble, and the Americans, of course, were very upset about this! Now, since the Canadian army has crossed the border and launched an attack on the United States, of course the United States will also oppress the Canadians!

Canada, must not let the Soviet army pass through, otherwise, it is the enemy of the United States!

Now, the United States has no other way, they really can't handle it! The Soviet tanks rushed to Washington State. Only by cutting off the support of the Soviets and preventing the Soviets from continuing to pass through Canada can the current Soviets be driven away!

This is to put pressure on Canada!

Martin thought of this, his face was red and white, and he looked at the American opposite, maintaining a high-level attitude as always, which made him very disgusted. In the past, the United States was a big country, and it could still be so high-profile, but now, the decline of the United States is inevitable. I really did not expect that they are still so domineering!

"If this is the case, don't blame us in the United States." The American ambassador saw that Martin did not express his position, and decided to continue to put pressure on him: "Don't look at the current high-level turmoil in the United States, but the determination of the military to maintain national sovereignty will not change. Yes, if Canada goes its own way, then our military will never see an unstable Canada!"

An unstable Canada! The meaning is even more obvious! If Canada does not agree to then the United States will dispatch the army at any time and destroy Canada! Although the United States is declining, destroying Canada is still a matter of minutes!

"I'm sorry, I've already said it, this has nothing to do with our Canadian army!" Martin said: "Please don't limit us with your thinking, we, Canada, will not fear any force!"

"Really? Then how could you give in to the force of the Soviets, aren't you afraid of the force of our United States?" The American ambassador was also enraged. Since Canada was not ready to agree, he would have to tear his face!

"This is the general trend of the world!" At this moment, a voice came from outside, the Soviet ambassador, came in!

The American ambassador was stunned for a moment. The Soviet ambassador was able to enter here without any notification! The privilege of the Soviets is really too great!

"Prime Minister Martin, please rest assured that since we have signed an agreement, our Soviets will definitely protect Canada's security!" the Soviet ambassador said, his eyes looking at the American ambassador, aggressive.

Americans, what a fool! Want to come to oppress Canada! If it was in the past, Canada would definitely have to pucker up, waiting for the great baton of the US emperor, holding back the tears in the corners of his eyes, who would let a wicked young man suffer!

However, now it's different! The United States has declined, and the Soviet Union borders Canada. Canada wants to have both sides, but when it really doesn't work, they must turn to the Soviet Union!

The strength of Bibi's forces will be known! Now, the United States can only do so, can only let Canada fall into the arms of the Soviet Union!

The Soviet ambassador continued: "We support the Canadian army's reconquest! This is the Canadian army, a just war!"

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