Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1266: Otsukabun

Although it blocked the nuclear bomb and did not cause a nuclear explosion, it is still dangerous if it is just radioactive dust.

Although it is possible to let the soldiers continue to stay there regardless of these dangers, as soldiers, it is necessary to have the consciousness of sacrifice, but this is still an order that Andre is unwilling to give.

"Leave a few elite personnel, wear a full set of radiation protection equipment, and continue to search inside. The rest of the soldiers leave with all the base personnel temporarily." After thinking about it, Andre gave the order.

There will always be sacrifices. Area 51 obviously hides deeper secrets. These secrets will affect the life and death of the entire Soviet Union, and even the entire human race! So, even though the order was impersonal, Andre would still give it like this. Leave some people behind and continue to search, and the rest of the large army must be evacuated!

"General Secretary, the Bush administration has just released a message." At this moment, Dobrynin hurried in and said to Andre and the others.

Bush Administration! Now, this government is almost forgotten, even in the hearts of Americans, the balance has already been tilted towards the current White House government, only one official election is missing!

At such a time, the Bush administration must jump to show their presence, so as not to be drowned in the long river of history!

"American citizens, I was not surprised when I heard the news, because I had long expected that the Soviets would invade our country!" Bush in the TV camera was aggressive, but he couldn't hide it. A tiredness, Bush's hair, now all gray.

"From the very beginning, the Soviets have been maliciously manipulating behind their backs, they have targeted all the Jews, destroyed the relationship between us and the Jews, and used the Jews to attack us, and even more, by manipulating the oil, to hit our economy. , to disintegrate our fighting spirit, and when all this is successful, the Soviets will begin to truly invade us!"

"Right now, the United States is in turmoil. In the south, there are Soviet-controlled Mexico, South Africa and Argentina, and the Cuban coalition is attacking our state of Texas. In the north, there is a direct invasion of the Soviets, who are pretending to be Canada. In the name of the army, we have occupied our Washington state and are still advancing south! All this shows the ambition of the Soviets, they want to destroy our America!"

"At a time like this, we, the United States, must unite! Let us drive out the aggressors together! I hope all citizens will see clearly that all the separatist forces are funded by the Soviets, and they just want to completely disintegrate our United States! We, It has come to the point of life and death! What is even more terrifying is that we are still divided! I hope that the separatists in the White House will recognize the status quo. If it continues, America has no other choice but to perish! As the president of the United States, now, I made a statement that we are willing to temporarily cooperate with the separatists in the White House, and let us work together to drive out the Soviets and save our country. After that, we can hold an election to determine the next leader of the United States. "

"At the same time, I also hope that all citizens in front of the TV will pick up your weapons and report to the nearest recruiting office. At this time, we can only fight, either to die or to live, please choose for yourself! I firmly believe that , When the banner of freedom and democracy seems to be flying on the American soil, when the gunshots of Cressington proclaim the birth of America, we will never be enslaved by others again!"

It can be said that Bush's speech is still powerful. He revealed two signals. First, he is willing to cooperate with the capitalists in the White House and extend an olive branch. Second, he calls on the American people to revolt and fully resist the Soviet invasion!

The United States is the only country in the world that allows private ownership of guns. One of the most important purposes is to hide soldiers from the people! If the United States really faces life and death, the United States can recruit tens of millions of qualified soldiers in an instant! That's a scary number! No matter how advanced the Soviets have weapons, they will fall into the ocean of people's war!

Just like Iraq in later generations, it took less than a month to conquer Iraq, and few people died, and stationing in Iraq was the beginning of the American nightmare! The number of casualties has skyrocketed!

Therefore, when they saw this statement made by Bush, everyone's face was solemn, and they had already had a hunch.

At the beginning, the Soviet Union had been hesitant and did not send troops directly, based on this consideration, but now, the Americans have indeed done so! Don't look at the rapid progress of the Soviet Union now. Once the American people make trouble, it will be a serious challenge for the Soviet Union!

"Americans, you're not stupid, Bush Sr. came up with this solution so quickly." Andre said from the side: "It seems that we can only move forward with the flow."

This remark made everyone happy. Sure enough, the general secretary is the most powerful. Did you think of a solution so quickly?

"Americans, some time ago, they announced that there are aliens in their bases. Now, why don't we make a big fuss about this matter and exaggerate the crisis of our entire human race?" Andre said.

When all mankind is facing a crisis, what choice should Americans make? Is it necessary to settle the internal struggle first, or temporarily abandon the internal struggle and agree to the external?

I believe the American people will make the right choice! In this way, continue to divide them, kill some, assimilate some, that's enough!

Otherwise, what better way?

"Got it." Putin on the side instantly understood Andre's intention, and he said to Andre: "General Secretary, we will arrange it right now, and in two hours, we, the Soviet, will announce the world's Shocking news."

Americans, they wanted to die in the first place, they had to show off that their Area 51 had alien spaceships and aliens! Now, we have just given ourselves the opportunity to take these facts into account, and then put the **** pot on their heads, let the American people lose confidence in them, and let the whole world know that because the Jewish government headed by Bush Sr. Crazy practice, the whole world, is suffering a huge crisis! In the face of these crises, any contradictions within human beings are insignificant and insignificant!

In the past, there was no evidence, and now, with the Soviets occupying Area 51, just intercepting some videos is enough to kill the Americans!

Moreover, this is an excuse for the Soviets to gain further control over the world! Of course, only Andre knows this purpose now, and other people have not thought of it so much.

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