Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1281: Unexpectedly

"All attention, all attention, encounter gravitational fluctuations, encounter gravitational fluctuations." Bella's voice rang throughout the spacecraft, and at the same time, the warning lights flashed in each cabin.

What is the most dangerous thing in a long space flight? It is not a meteorite flying at high speed, because the radar on the spacecraft will accurately scan everything in front of it. If a meteorite is found, it can be avoided in advance, or a laser cannon can be used to blast the meteorite into slag. The appearance of the entire spacecraft is all It is made of sturdy titanium alloy and unique elements. It is quite strong and sturdy and can withstand the impact of some meteorite fragments without any problem!

The most terrifying thing is the inexplicable gravitational fluctuations.

Gravity is one of the four most basic interactions in the universe. As long as there is mass, there will be gravity. However, ordinary two people do not feel attracted to each other because the gravitational constant is too small. For gravity to work, it needs to have a strong mass!

Because the mass of the earth is large enough, the earth can attract everyone on the ground, instead of being thrown out like a washing machine drum due to centrifugal action. Because the mass of the sun is large enough, the sun can attract other planets in the solar system and revolve around it.

These are all visible.

The universe is dark, there is no diffuse reflection of dust, where there are stars, it can shine, and where there are no stars, it is dark, so entering the universe is like looking at the sky in the dark night, on the black curtain , with shining stars, that's all.

All that can emit light are stars, and planets revolving around stars are not easy to see, and in the universe, there are other terrible dark things!

For example, black holes.

Black holes are the end points of the evolution of stars with at least 10 to 15 times the mass of the Sun. After a series of processes, when it finally became a supernova explosion, there was only a burnt-out stellar remnant left. All of its mass would be squeezed towards a point at which time and space would stop.

The center of a black hole is called a singularity. Within a certain distance of the singularity, gravity is so strong that nothing can escape, including light.

If there is a black hole nearby, it will be quite terrifying. Once the spacecraft is sucked into the black hole, there is only one result, destruction!

At the same time, it may be another thing, that is, a wormhole.

In 1935, Einstein and his friend, the Israeli-American physicist Nathan Rosen, discovered when studying the gravitational field equations that for curved space-time, in theory, there can be a connection between two distant objects in the universe. Shortcuts to locations. It's like the two ends of a mountain can be connected by tunnels.

It would be difficult to understand it as usual, this is already in a higher dimensional space. Think of it this way as a bulge in the smooth weave of time and space. If wormholes exist, they might act like time tunnels.

It has two openings, so that the long cosmic distance can be greatly shortened, and the wormhole can become a fast passage in the universe.

However, these are all assumptions and the subject matter of science fiction. Until now, astronomers have not found wormholes in the solar system, nor have they found a time-space tunnel that can travel.

The huge spaceship, as if attracted by something, began to get excited, and the whole spaceship trembled slightly. At this time, everyone on the spaceship realized that there was a special situation during the journey.

If there is a wormhole nearby, it is good to say that it may fly to another world. If there is a black hole nearby, it will be troublesome. If it is sucked in by the black hole, it can only be a dead end!

"Full engine, maximum power!" Bella gave the order from the command tower in the middle.

At the back, four nuclear fusion engines spewed hot flames with a temperature of up to 3000K. In the dark universe, it was like a small candle.

"Adjust your attitude and prepare to rush out!" Now, the central control computer on the spacecraft has also calculated that the spacecraft is deviating from its original orbit! There must be something inexplicable nearby gravitationally attracting them! And what exactly is this?

At this point, the speed of the spacecraft has been increased to the maximum! Adjust the attitude of the nozzle, keep jetting, let the spacecraft change direction, and aim the tail at the terrible thing, so that you can get rid of it at the fastest speed.

This time seems to be very short, but it also seems to be very long. If you can't get rid of it, you will be attracted to it. If you can get rid of it, you can save yourself from danger!

The spaceship is shaking, shaking, but, just can't get rid of it! The speed of the spaceship is getting slower and slower!



Putin, who was in a hurry, came to Andrei's office. The current Putin, although a little old, is still full of energy, and his whole body exudes a unique charm of an adult man.

"General Secretary Andrei, we have caught a Freemason again. This should be the last one, and he is also the only Jew. Before we caught him, this man had been hiding in our ranks. He was a A staff member who supports and manages the radio telescope," Putin said.

Hearing this, Andre's brows suddenly wrinkled: "That means, this person can monitor the radio waves from the universe?"

"Yes, he has been listening, waiting for God from the universe. Unfortunately, now, as God, we will go to other worlds," Putin said.

Encirclement and suppression of Freemasonry, this is the cause that Putin has been tirelessly carrying out for decades. Now, finally, this task can be brought to a successful conclusion!

How can Putin not be happy?

"Putin, do you remember? A few years ago, we received an echo from Proxima Centauri. There was only one word, received." Andrei said to Putin.

At the beginning, after receiving the extraterrestrial radio waves, they were all quite nervous, and there was not much time left for the people of the earth! But after that, there was no news!

"Yes." Putin said: "Of course I remember that our nuclear fusion engine also achieved a breakthrough at that time."

"So, have you ever thought that this radio wave may be fake?" Andre said.

Forged! Hearing Andrei's words, Putin suddenly realized the mistake of his work, yes! The last Freemason who hid in his own team was a monitor at that time!

It is not easy to monitor news from outer space! Therefore, only one radio astronomical telescope received it at that time, and it was received by a listening station on the moon under the complex cosmic background!

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