Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1282: fake news

At that time, after multiple verifications, it was determined that it was the radio wave from Proxima Centauri! That is, from that time on, Proxima Centauri was the final destination. Teana "Fiction"⒉

But now, most likely, it's fake news! If there are Freemasons in that listening post!

If it's fake news, why? Fraudsters always have motives, right?

"Set up a task force to re-examine everything about the extraterrestrial radio waves, and continue to interrogate the Jew. No matter what method is used, let him tell the story of the extraterrestrial radio waves!" Andre said.

Now, the technology has been quite advanced. Interrogating prisoners does not require torture. There are many plans that will allow the prisoner to tell everything he knows.

The premise is that there are still these things deep in this person's brain!

"Squeak." The door made of a special titanium alloy was opened. This is a prison used by the KGB to detain the most heinous prisoners to prevent the other party from escaping. Even a laser can't burn a hole.

Hearing the voices outside, the prisoner turned his eyes to the outside. At this time, the prisoner was already an old man with gray hair, but he was still in good spirits.

"Aldrin, we meet again." Putin walked in and said to the old man opposite: "As an agent leader who has been engaged in for decades, I feel very ashamed. Until now, I have only uncovered you. true face."

This time, Putin continued to conduct an in-depth investigation. Although the other party did not reveal any flaws, Putin still compared him with the famous person in history.

Yes, it's Aldrin! The second American astronaut to step on the moon, one of the top people in the Freemason pyramid! Moreover, he is a very long-lived person!

Aldrin, who was born in the 1930s, is now ninety years old!

Ordinary people, at this age, can walk freely, it is quite remarkable, and Aldrin, still alive and kicking, just like a person in his fifties!

In the history of later generations, in 2oo9, when Aldrin came out of the hotel, he met the conspiracy theorist Bartsibre1, this guy has been claiming the falsehood of the moon landing, and even ran to interview Aldrin, claiming that it was for education Teenager, make the world a better place, but keeps calling Aldrin a coward, a liar, and a thief. As a result, Aldrin, who was furious, responded with a punch to Sibre1.

Aldrin at the time was already eighty years old, and he still looked quite tough.

And now, Aldrin's appearance has changed a lot. His nose is higher and his eyes are a little deep. He has undergone plastic surgery and has a new identity. As an old man, he is cared for of. That's why he was able to hide for a long time.

Now that he was recognized, Aldrin knew that he could no longer hide it. Over the years, Freemasonry had become more and more sluggish, old members kept dying, and new members were almost non-existent, and he knew that Freemasonry was about to die.

And Aldrin has always been alive, and his belief in living is actually waiting for the coming of God. In their eyes, those who left the earth and went to the universe in the last civilization are their God.

He must be able to last until then.

"Your imaginary God will not appear." Putin said: "We have conducted a thorough investigation. The alien message we received decades ago was actually false, Alder. Lin, don't say that this matter has nothing to do with you."

That alien radio wave was finally proven to be fake! Using current technology and re-investigating, we can find that the radio wave is synthesized. The method at that time was very clever!

"Are you doing this to encourage your members?" Putin continued, which seemed to be the only explanation he could think of.

For Freemasonry to exist, they need belief, and their belief is that God will come!

"Yes." Aldrin actually admitted happily: "In order to give us belief, we must have belief to exist. At that time, it was indeed a scam, but you Soviets also did such a scam. Not a lot, right? If you hadn't deceived the whole world, how could the whole world be unified?"

Everything is a conspiracy! Harness the alien threat and unify the resources of the entire planet! This is an earth-shattering thing done by the Soviets! At that time, there were many people who shouted that this was a scam, but these people were sent to mental hospitals! The Soviets relied on coercive means and their force to suppress different voices!

After that, the sound kept decreasing.

After that, people got used to it. When they realized that the economy of the whole world under the control of the Soviets has not declined, on the contrary, the living standards of the people of various countries have been greatly improved, and they have gradually adapted to the current pattern~ The reason is simple, countries have drastically cut their troops! Except for the police force to maintain law and order, almost all countries have no regular army. For a country, the defense budget will account for about 10% of the national income. Now, without this expenditure, the economic development will be too much. normal now!

The whole world is working hard for a goal and to defeat the aliens, and all kinds of disputes and defenses around the world are handed over to the Soviets, who will preside over justice.

Even now, almost all the world uses the ruble as the only currency!

"We didn't deceive the world, our Soviets exist to maintain justice in the world." Putin said: "Aldrin, you will not die, you can live well, when you live to a few hundred When we are old, we can see how we conquered the universe, and we are God."

"You are a lunatic." Aldrin said, "However, after so many years, I have lived enough. You Soviets, wanting to conquer the sea of ​​stars has nothing to do with us. Our ancestors have already conquered it. I think, I can actually go down and accompany them."

"No!" Putin shouted, he had already realized that when Aldrin was talking, his spirit had already started to lose his mind! He swallowed poison!

As an experienced veteran agent, this kind of mistake should never be made! I just saw that Aldrin was wiping the sweat with his cuff. In fact, when he was wiping the sweat, he had already put a button on the cuff in his mouth!

Aldrin's face showed the last smile: "We have not failed. When God returns with the fleet, it will be your time to perish! This is the end of being an enemy of our Jews!"

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