Red Soviet Union

Chapter 200: the truth

The criticized manually-adjusted variable-sweep wing has been improved into a computer-controlled variable-sweep wing. Of course, there is still a gap between the analog computer and the digital computer control of the Tomcat fighter. The single engine at the rear of the fuselage became two engines, with a total thrust of more than 120,000 Newtons, and the rear fuselage was redesigned for this purpose.

After various improvements, the MiG-23 had the number of MiG-23a in 1977, and its combat effectiveness has undergone a reborn change. The close combat ability was not strong at first, but the Mikoyan Design Bureau added the latest model. After the secret helmet scope, the close-quarters fighting ability has also changed a lot.

It can be said that the MiG-23a can compete with the Tomcat fighter in other respects, except that it cannot be compared with the Panda fighter in terms of long-range interception capability.

Moreover, the variable swept wings of the MiG-23 can reduce the required take-off speed during take-off, and have the inherent advantage of being on an aircraft carrier. Maybe the MiG-23 can fly on it.

Unfortunately, at the wrong time, the Soviet aircraft carrier went up and down, and various plans continued to die. When the Kuznetsov aircraft carrier was finally built, the MiG-23 was outdated, and the new MiG-29 and The Su-27 came out, and naturally these two types of aircraft were used to modify the carrier-based aircraft. Finally, the Red Navy chose the Su-27k.

Now, the time is right! There is still hope for the MiG-23 to be on the ship.

"Andre, your proposal will be carefully considered by the Navy." As the commander of the Navy, Gorshkov naturally knew about the MiG-23a carrier-based aircraft. Hearing Andre's mention, he immediately saw a heroic view. slightly the same feeling.

"Report. The Eagle Squad is doing aerial refueling." At this moment, the captain of the aircraft carrier came over and reported to Gorshkov.

Come on in the air! As long as this aerial refueling can be successfully completed, the task of confusing the Yankees this time. Even if it's done.

A big guy like the MiG-25 is inherently not likely to be on a ship. The previous series of actions all confuse Americans!

The leap deck that appeared on the front of the angled deck of the aircraft carrier Kyiv was actually built with scaffolding and covered with a layer of sheet cloth. From outer space, it looked like a leap deck, in fact. Only people can step on it, and the car will collapse when it starts!

Then, before departure, the two scrapped MiG-25s were hoisted to the Kyiv by crane, and they were first hidden in the hangar. When the American reconnaissance satellite passed overhead, they passed the broadside. The lift was hoisted up, and just like that, the Americans were fooled!

Americans for proof. They will make exploratory contacts, so they must find out that the incoming plane is a MiG-25!

Those two MiG-25s. Of course, it did not take off from the Kyiv, but from the Haiyan base more than a thousand kilometers away in the north. It took off when the two fleets were about to come into contact. In order to avoid being discovered by the Americans, they flew all the way at an ultra-low altitude.

Although the maximum combat radius of the MiG-25 is one thousand kilometers, this is high-altitude data. At low altitudes, the dense atmosphere will bring several times the resistance, and the range will be greatly shortened.

so. Americans will never doubt that the two MiG-25s flew from the land, which can only be at high altitudes. Sure to be spotted by their early warning aircraft and warships' radars.

Very low altitude, flew near the Kyiv aircraft carrier. Flying to the US aircraft carrier formation, Americans will take for granted that the two MiG-25s took off from the Kyiv, and want to give the US aircraft carrier formation a "surprise".

Even if the Americans will find out that this is a scam in the future, at least for now, the Americans are being fooled, the American early warning aircraft escaped, and the American aircraft carrier formation retreated!

The Americans did not observe that over the sea more than 400 kilometers away from their formation, two MiG-25s with almost no fuel were being refueled in the air.

The two Tu-16 tankers were flying smoothly at an altitude of 3,000 meters, each with a refueling pipe hanging from the tail.

The Tu-16 was the main bomber of the Soviet Union in the early days. The two turbojet engines were located at the wing root, forming a unique aerodynamic layout. In addition to being equipped with the Soviet Union, this bomber was also exported to many countries. In China, it formed its own The H-6 series bomber.

Because the range of bombers could not meet the needs, the Soviet Union had already begun to study the technology of **** refueling between bombers. One bomber was used as a tanker to refuel another bomber in the air to extend the range. It can be said that the earliest aerial tankers in the Soviet Union were all modified with bombers. It was not until the Il-76 was successfully developed that it was improved on the basis of this transport aircraft to the Il-78 aerial tanker, which was already eighty age thing.

Now, the Tu-16 is old and has been taken over by the Tu-22. There are more and more air tankers improved from this bomber. It's just that this bomber's improved aerial tanker has a limited carrying capacity, which is simply not enough to provide enough fuel for two MiG-25s. At the same time, it is also for backup. In case one Tu-16 fails, there is another one. Oil can be smoothed out.

Just last year, the MiG-25 underwent a mid-cycle improvement with a retractable aerial refueling probe.

At this point, the refueling port at the front of the MiG-25 nose has been opened, and the refueling probe is sticking out of the nose, just above the number 027.

Lieutenant Alexander opened the visor of his helmet and peered through the glass in front of the cramped cockpit to look at the probe outside.

Although I have received aerial refueling training several times, this subject is still very difficult and cannot be successfully completed every And now, there is no way back, if you cannot successfully dock, then Just skydive.

The gloved hand gently pushed the operating lever. Just now, the temperature in the cockpit exceeded 50 degrees. His palms were still sweating. the refueling cone.

The front Tu-16 was flying smoothly. At the rear of the fuselage, a refueling pipe was flying, and the refueling cone at the rear of the refueling pipe was constantly shaking.

The bulky body of the MiG-25 is slowly approaching the refueling cone, twenty meters, ten meters, five meters, three meters...

A gust of crosswind blew the refueling cone to one side, and the first docking failed.

After Lieutenant Alexander exited, he re-entered. Watching the refueling cone gradually approaching, Lieutenant Alexander quickly put the probe inside.

"Successful docking!" Alexander shouted involuntarily.

After the docking, the fuel circuit is automatically opened, and a steady stream of fuel flows into the in-plane fuel tank of the MiG-25. Don't worry about running out of fuel for the return flight! (To be continued.)

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