Red Soviet Union

Chapter 209: Daisetsuzan Meeting

The reason is simple, the location here is unfortunately on the Kushiro-Rumoi line. first time oh dear

The land in the north has become the land of the Soviets, and the land in the south is still the island country. It was originally a place for people to enjoy the beautiful scenery, but now conflicts can break out at any time.

The terrain of Hokkaido is the highest in the central part, and the Daisetsu Mountain is more than 2,000 meters above sea level, which is the highest place in Hokkaido.

There are mountains everywhere, limiting the deployment of the armored forces on both sides. Generally speaking, the possibility of a large-scale war breaking out here is not too great, so the two sides did not arrange too many troops.

The Soviet Union has set up a mountain division here, and the island country has also set up an infantry division. It is not easy for both sides to defend the long border.

In many places, it is no man's land.

At this time, on one of the unnamed peaks, several islanders, pretending to be tourists, rested in the shade outside a cave.

"Leader, this meeting with the Soviets is all about us. You don't have to come all the way from the Middle East, and maybe the Soviets will have a conspiracy." A small islander, facing the middle said the woman sitting.

The woman is in her thirties, and her short hair is fluttering in the wind, brushing across her young face. Due to the strong sunlight in the Middle East all year round, her skin is a little dark, but she is in good spirits.

"This is an important meeting." The woman said: "Our career has been at a low point in recent years, especially in the past few years, Nixon's visit to China has made many of us lose their fighting spirit. We oppose the US empire. The ideological actions have also been oppressed for several years, and now, finally, we have waited for this opportunity, and we cannot give up!"

"Someone is coming!" Just then. Several other people stood up nervously, their hands involuntarily touching their waists, where the pistols were hidden.

over the mountain road. Several tall and burly Soviet people are coming with vigorous steps. The person in the lead is very young.

"Don't worry, the Soviet Union needs our strength and will not be dangerous to us." The woman stood up and walked towards the opposite crowd.

"Hello, comrades, I have kept you waiting." The young Soviet man said, "My name is Andrei."

"Re-trust the house." The woman stretched out her hand and shook it with the other. When the name was uttered, the islanders behind him were all nervous. If something went wrong, the woman would be in danger.

Trust the house! In later generations, this is also a famous figure. When Andre was idle and bored reading online novels at first, he learned that in the history of the island country, there is still an organization called the Chi Army, yearning for the red *!

Time goes back ten years, in 1968. French students set off a "May storm" that swept the country. From opposing school rules to opposing the Vietnam War, from demanding absolute freedom to attacking the capitalist system, the storm nearly brought down the French Fifth Republic. Students protest. The campus was occupied, the police fought, and the workers went on strike. If de Gaulle was still alive at the time, he would not be able to hold it for anyone else.

The storm crossed the ocean and reached the island nation. The new generation of students born after World War II do not have the kind of determination to be loyal to the Emperor, nor the yearning for the common prosperity of Greater East Asia. They only see the ills and emptiness of society and feel lost about their future. And sympathize with the catastrophe of the people of developing countries. The U.S. military presence in the island countries affects the normal life of the islanders. There are also various hooligan acts of the garrison, which makes the islanders angry.

then. Under the influence of the May storm, a vigorous new terrorism movement has arisen again in the Japanese archipelago. It started with student demonstrations, and later, it developed into a "Red Flag Army" organization composed of radical ultra-left students, referred to as the Chi Army.

The woman in front of me, Shigeobu House, is one of the founders of the Chi army, the current black-haired beauty leader of the Chi army, and the main person in charge of the "Political Committee", the leading organization of the Chi army. Subordinate military, organizational and logistical committees to implement.

After the movement turned to a low ebb, the Chi army went to the Middle East and participated in the war in the Arab world there. Moreover, their wars were all aimed at the Western world.

Shigenobuya does not want to return to the island country all the time. Originally, the chi army activities on the island country turned to a low point, and they had absolutely no chance of success. But now, they see hope again.

The goal of the Chi army is to establish a state in the island country and establish a red country. The Chi army opposes the United States and believes in China. In 1972, China and the United States came together!

Who should the chi army believe? Maybe it's time to come together with the Soviet Union! If the Soviet Union can liberate the entire island country, the Chi army may be the most important political force in the island country, stepping on the stage of the island country!

Because of this, after receiving the news from the Soviet Union through the Middle East, Shigexin House embarked on the road to return to the island country. It was here that he met the head of the Soviet Union in Hokkaido, General Andrei!

Last year, Shigenobu House had already read about Andrei's deeds in the newspaper. Such a young soldier, in a short period of time, had planted a red flag on half of the land of Hokkaido, an island country, and rebuilt his house. I trust and adore Andre.

At the same time, Andrei is also looking at the house of heavy trust. Such a young and harmless woman is actually a left-wing leader who has turned the island country upside down and caused headaches for the rulers of the island country. She is simply a Marxist. give yourself a gift!

"I'm very happy to meet Andrei said: "We in the Soviet Union very much hope to see the Chi army flourish in the island country, gain the support of the people of the island country, become a political force ruling the island country, and then join We Soviet, become a Union Republic. "

As soon as he came up, Andre put forward the conditions. He supported the Chi army to step up to the position of the ruler of the island country, and the Chi army also wanted to repay the Soviet Union, that is, to join the Soviet Union and become a republic!

KGB Major Joseph, who was beside him, couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

In the past, Joseph worked in Vladivostok and assisted Andrei in the case of the theft of state property by the ground staff at the Sokolovka base. After that, he rose all the way to become a major, and now, when the Soviet Union occupied After the northern part of Hokkaido, the KGB organization was also established in Hokkaido at the same time, and Joseph became the person in charge here.

Connecting with the people of the Chi army is the task that Andre gave Joseph. Originally, Joseph wanted to meet these people himself, but Andre had to come in person, and, as soon as he came up, he did this Promise of.

Will the chi army agree? Will Moscow agree? (To be continued.)

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