Red Soviet Union

Chapter 242: participate in the military parade

"Originally, the general secretary's body has recovered, but it started to deteriorate a few days ago. Now, the general secretary needs to rest, and it is best not to go out for activities, especially from the cold." Brezhnev's personal The doctor said to the senior officials who were inquiring at the door.

A few days ago, he looked good, but when he heard the news that General Zweigon was killed by his **** son, Brezhnev was furious, and then he suffered from heart disease and high blood pressure.

"The general secretary should rest." Chernenko said.

"However, the military parade of the October Revolution will start in two hours. At this time, the general secretary must not be there!" Andropov said firmly: "Otherwise, the West will attack us with disrespectful public opinion. ."

Now, the Red Square outside has already begun preparations. The annual October Revolution military parade is unstoppable, and this year, it is the same.

However, at this time, the high-level leaders of the Red Empire were not in the Kremlin, but in a nearby hospital, and a fierce debate was being launched.

Originally, the general secretary's body had begun to improve, but new things happened, but the general secretary's body began to fall ill again, and the military parade is about to begin!

"Even if Western reporters distort our military parade, so what? Anyway, the West has always been vilifying us, especially after we occupied northern Hokkaido, the Western world led by the United States has been accusing us of being an aggressor. Western public opinion, the health of our general secretary is the most important thing, if the general secretary's illness is aggravated because of this military parade, who will take the responsibility?" Chernenko argued.

"Yes, the body of the general secretary is the most important." Behind Chernenko, the first secretary of the Ukrainian republic, Serbitsky, said.

"October Revolution. The revolution of the armed uprising led by the Bolsheviks under the leadership of our great revolutionary mentors Lenin and Trotsky is the most important commemoration in the country. Even during World War II, the Nazis had already moved to the outskirts of Moscow. Our military parade here is still going on as normal. The general secretary of the country has never been absent! Ladies and gentlemen, from the establishment of our great Soviet Union until now, we have never been absent from the general secretary. Now, our general secretary has never been absent. If the secretary does not go, how will he explain it to our people? How will he explain it to our motherland?" Andropov gave the impression of being very quiet. Wearing glasses, he looks like an old scholar, but now, he is sharp-edged and impassioned.

After speaking, Andropov said to Gromyko, who was hiding behind him: "Gromiko, what do you think? If the general secretary does not attend our military parade, how will our foreign affairs department explain this reason? , If our general secretary does not stand on the reviewing stand. Then who should stand in that position? Do you have your own ideas to stop the general secretary from reviewing the army?"

At this moment, the look in Andropov's eyes. It's been pretty tough. His words were like a bolt from the blue, making everyone unable to refute.

If the general secretary does not go to the inspection, who will inspect the army instead of the general secretary? Doesn't this mean that you want to be the successor to the general secretary? Now, although the general secretary is ill, it is not too ill, who dares to come forward?

Andropov's eyes swept across Chernenko, over Sierbitsky, over the faces of the people who prevented the general secretary from inspecting the army, as if asking them. is it you? Are you trying to replace the general secretary?

Everyone who was looked at by him felt a shudder in their hearts. Before you know it, the KGB has developed to the point where people are daunting!

KGB. It is a gun of the general secretary of the Soviet Union. It checks and balances the Western world externally and supervises all officials internally. It has considerable power, and the chairman of the KGB must be a person trusted by the general secretary.

Andropov has been in the position of chairman of the KGB for ten years! He was the core team who initially supported Brezhnev's coup to seize power. He was deeply trusted by Brezhnev and had Tsvigon as an assistant. Brezhnev never thought of checking and balancing Andropov. , And later, the power of the KGB has also become larger and larger. Until now, it has unknowingly developed into a behemoth. The power of Andropov is almost the same as that of Beria at that time!

Gromyko's mouth trembled. As the most outstanding diplomat of the Soviet Union, Gromyko has a tongue that is not rotten, but now, Gromyko knows that he can't say anything.

Psychologically speaking, he also does not want the general secretary to inspect the army. The general secretary's body is the most important thing. If the general secretary's body fails, the whole Soviet will be in chaos again. Who can be like Breege How about General Secretary Nev, who is deeply loved by his subordinates? In particular, the tenure-track cadre was cheered by almost everyone.

However, he can't support Chernenko and Sierbitsky now, because he knows that these two people are staring at the position of general secretary, especially Sierbitsky. As a latecomer, he is more popular General Secretary Brezhnev's favorite. Andropov asked a very sharp question, if the general secretary does not go, who will occupy the position of general secretary? If the result of the negotiation is that the general secretary does not go, there will definitely be a war of words for this position.

The scene cooled down for a while.

"Gazhizhi." At this moment, the door inside opened, and everyone looked over with astonished and saw that General Secretary Brezhnev was dressed neatly, the medal on his chest, hanging It was full, shining brightly under the light.

"General Secretary..." Gromyko asked Brezhnev.

"The military parade of the October Revolution is the most sacred moment of our Soviet. As the general secretary, I must not be absent!" At this moment, Brezhnev seemed to be back when he just came to power, his tone was full of pride, and his face was full of pride. , but still pale.

"Go, take part in the military parade!" Brezhnev said, stepping forward.

Everyone could only follow behind, left the hospital, got into the car, and went straight to Red Square.

Here, it is already a lively scene, a sea of ​​people, and in the distance, a team lined up in squares is waiting to be reviewed.

The cold wind blew whistlingly, blowing on the face as if it was cut by a knife. November 1977 was the coldest November in history!

People who grow up in the cold land will never be afraid of this bad weather! The Soviet people are invincible! (To be continued.)

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