Red Soviet Union

Chapter 265: F-15J

The wingman pilot graduated from the aviation school last year and joined the 47th regiment. He is a good young man with a strong sense of combat, but unfortunately he is still in a hurry. Although he went around the back of the islander this time, he still did not find an opportunity to attack, and the islander's When the lead pilot found that his wingman had been attacked, he immediately dived down to fight Kuturiv.

Here comes the best! Kuturiv turned on the afterburner, pulled the lever, and his MiG-23 began to climb at a high angle. At the same time, the wings were easily retracted to the back, and everything was perfect.

"Baga!" Koizumi, who swooped down from high altitude, immediately noticed the unusualness of this Soviet plane. It was different from the MiG-23 encountered in previous confrontations. This MiG-23 was obviously capable of Quickly change the angle of the wing sweep, just like the F-14 is perfect!

what happened? Koizumi had seen the F-14, and it was quite a loss to fight against such a variable-sweep-wing fighter. At this moment, he had the intention to retreat, and he also knew that there must be another one behind him. A Soviet plane!

Climb, pull up! The characteristics of the F-4 fighter are still the characteristics of the second-generation aircraft, high-altitude and high-speed, pulling the opponent into the airspace that they are good at!

Thanks to the advanced J79 turbojet engine, the two afterburning thrust is nearly 160 kN, and after the consumption just now, the engine is already half oil, and the thrust-to-weight ratio of the whole machine exceeds 1! In this way, the F-4 fighter at this time can climb vertically without any effort!

The Soviet MiG-23, with its bulky body and outdated engine, simply cannot compete with itself in vertical maneuvers. If it is a lightweight MiG-21, Koizumi has to be more careful.

really. Seeing that the American fighter planes began to climb vertically, Kuturiv gave up following and entered the attack. If followed by the climb. Then it just fell into the trap of the opponent. A fighter with excellent vertical climbing performance will lure the opponent into a vertical scissor maneuver. When a fighter with insufficient vertical performance is climbing, the speed will continue to drop. When the speed is insufficient. Had to give up the attack, putt dive, and this time, the fighter above. Just a few seconds late to dive down. In this way, it was originally pursued, but in a blink of an eye, it became the pursuit of the opponent and regained the advantage.

It's a pity it's not a Navy variant, which uses two engines. You can climb vertically without any hassle! Kuturif looked at the American fighter jet that was leaping upward like a monkey in the sky. He could only wait on the level. If the other party rushed down, he would have a chance. If the other party climbed high and returned, then he would also Just follow back.

With this time difference, the helicopter he was trying to cover must have disappeared. Kuturif looked into the distance and saw that his wingman had caught up with the wounded F-4 fighter. The other party was in the air. exploded.

"063, 064, pay attention, a large number of fighter planes are found in the direction of 027, return immediately, return immediately." After circling twice, the F-4 that rushed down from the sky was not found. It is estimated that the other party must have slipped away. , Kuturiv heard the ground CGI in the headset.

Return flight? Hearing that another large number of planes were coming, although Kuturif wanted to rush to fight, he still shouted on the radio: "Understood." He pushed the nose of the plane, and the fighter plane began to return.

In the waters south of Kushiro, one of our fighter jets and the Soviet fighter jets exchanged fire and was shot down! The defected helicopter has escaped! Such a result cannot satisfy the US military!

The eight F-15J fighter jets of the 2nd Air Force that took off from the Chitose base were the most advanced fighter jets exported by the United States to island countries! In order for the island nation to be able to fight the Soviet Union, the Americans also invested their blood!

Historically, although the island country also got the F-15 fighter aircraft very early, but that was after the 1980s, and now, the most advanced fighter jets in the United States have been equipped in the air self-defense force of the island country! Although the island country costs a lot of money, it is a must!

"Attention, use radar to search for enemy planes and prepare to launch Sparrow missiles!" Yuji Ikeda, the captain of the 203 flight team, shouted in the radio, he turned on his AN/APG-63 pulse Doppler radar, and searched in a long-range search method. front airspace.

In the radio, they reported that one of their two F-4 fighters was shot down and the other was withdrawn from the battle, which made Yuji Ikeda quite angry. As long as it was not a MiG-25, no fighter could be able to fight against him! Even if it is MiG-25, I have to compete with them!

Take down the Soviet planes! Now that the Soviets first broke the peace and attacked their own fighter planes, they would have to pay the same price!

In the rear, an E-2 early warning aircraft that took off from the Yokota base in Honshu was also quickly catching up. Although it was still hundreds of kilometers away from here, it had already begun to take over the command.

"203 flight team, 203 flight team, pay attention, eight targets, two high-altitude, six hollow. 030 direction, a distance of one hundred and eighty." E-2 early warning aircraft scanned the airspace in the north, and immediately found the problem, the Soviets took off A new fleet has come to fight!

A year later, the two sides clashed again, a medium-scale air battle is about to happen!

"Received!" Ikeda Yuji shouted on the radio: "The target has been found!"

APG-63 radar, UU reading In terms of performance, it seems to be inferior to AWG-9. For example, in terms of maximum detection distance, AWG-9 has more than 200 kilometers, while APG-63 is only 185 kilometers, and , there is no multi-target attack capability. However, in fact, the performance of the APG-63 radar is better than that of the AWG-9, such as the most important reliability, such as the complexity of the system, such as the fully digital processing method, which makes the performance of the APG-63 outstanding.

Now, at the maximum distance of 180 kilometers, Yuji Ikeda's radar has accurately locked on the opponent, and the advanced on-board computer begins to calculate, preparing to give the fire control system the most suitable interception command.

One hundred and eighty kilometers, you must know that the detection distance of the Soviet fighters and airborne radars is no more than 100 kilometers! Moreover, the performance of their air-to-air missiles is also backward, and in fact, almost no missiles have been found thirty kilometers away! You can be the first to discover the enemy, and the enemy to open fire!

Unfortunately, he seems to have forgotten that last year, there was only one case in which the Soviet MiG fighter jets fired missiles at the Tomcat fleet at a distance of 80 kilometers! (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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