Red Soviet Union

Chapter 291: Tokyo Riots (2)

"Our island country is a country with a long history. We love our land, and we are all simple people." Shigexin House stood on the high rockery, holding a loudspeaker. Her clear and gentle voice spread throughout the world. the whole square.

"However, in our country, there are always some madmen who are blinded by power and try to dominate the world! During World War II, those madmen brought a heavy disaster to our country, and they tried to rule the whole world! As a result, let our people , most of them died in that war, and each of our families has infinite sadness!" Chongxin House's words were euphemistic, but also carried some painful memories of the past, and the people on the scene were infected.

During World War II, they were fooled by the militarism of the island nation, and every island nation had a mortal determination to be loyal to the emperor. By the end of World War II, they could even launch actions like kamikaze. Unfortunately, fanaticism did not save them, and the island nation still failed.

After World War II, many people came to their senses, just stay in their place with peace of mind, and work honestly, why should they invade? And Huaxia exempted the island nation from war compensation, which made the island nation feel the mistakes of the past.

War is terrifying, war will make the island country re-enter the land of doom! Islanders, absolutely do not want another war!

However, now the war is at hand and the Soviets have taken the entire Hokkaido! The Soviets are about to land across the sea and hit the mainland of the island country! It's all because of Americans!

"We only want to live our own peaceful life! However, our current government is the lackey of the Americans, willing to act as a bridgehead for the Americans! We do not want to be slaves of the Americans!" Shigexin House shouted: "The United States The Cold War confrontation with the Soviet Union has nothing to do with us, we just want to live our own lives! We don't welcome Americans, we don't welcome the attitude of our current government!"

"Our government has been deceiving us and playing with fire all the time! This war was started by our government first! And behind our government are the Americans! They are controlling us!" Looking at the people below, they are all listening quietly, and there is anger in their eyes!

"We are very unfortunate, because of our geographic location, the Americans have seen our value. They stationed troops in our country, treated us as inferior people, and often ravaged our people! Everyone knows that not long ago, Mieko Ohashi's death They died, and those American soldiers were acquitted after being tried in the United States!" Shigenobu House said: "As long as our current government does not step down, as long as our country is still stationed by the United States, our pain will not be affected. It will stop! So that our people will no longer suffer, so that our daughters will no longer be defiled by the Americans, and so that we have a better tomorrow, we demand that the present government step down! We demand that a new independent government be formed! We demand that the Americans Get out!"

Americans get out! This slogan has become popular in the island country! With the last incident of Mieko Ohashi as the fuse, and with the continuous propaganda of the Chi army, the disgust of the islanders against the United States is getting stronger and stronger! Especially now! Every islander feels that the country is holding them down, the country collects more taxes, prices start to rise, and at the same time, they are still losing battles!

In particular, this war had nothing to do with the island nation! The island country is unfortunately used as a gun by the Americans! Such a powerful polar bear in the Soviet Union, whoever touches it will die!

Now, the bad intentions of the Americans, the people of the island countries have seen it, the Soviets have come, and the US Army has also come, so they can't go to Tokyo, tarnish Tokyo, and go to the battlefield! It is the Americans who bring pain to the island nation!

Now, the islanders are out of anger. Under the instigation of the Chi army, they held this huge parade. During the parade, just outside the prime minister's residence, a young woman from the Chi army stood up. Come out and publicize justice for everyone, and make everyone indignant!

"Explosion-proof police are here!" Someone shouted.

Standing high, the red queen glanced at the distance. Indeed, one after another, the explosion-proof police cars of the Metropolitan Police Department have already started!

With just these few cars, do you want to disperse the demonstrators? Seeing Osamu Maruoka asking her for instructions on whether to let out the soldiers of the Chi army who had mixed in with the demonstrators, Shigenobu House shook his head, and the rioting crowd could kill those police officers without the need for his own soldiers to be dispatched. !

"The government wants to use violence to force us to obey! Our government is so shameless! Kneeling and licking the United States, suppressing us! We can no longer compromise, we must rise up and overthrow our government!" Chongxin house shouted loudly Shouting: "We are not slaves to subjugation! Our island nation is peace-loving! We don't want to be manipulated by US imperialism!"

Kneeling and licking America, but came to suppress us! Hearing that, everyone was furious. Facing the police cars, they didn't have any fear and rushed up.

The backbone of the Chi army is mixed with it. Although it is not yet time to use weapons, just relying on fists can solve the problem!

"Squeak." The police car stopped. After all, it was just a riot. They couldn't run over people. Otherwise, when public opinion came out, they would be in big trouble!

But just when the police car stopped, before opening the door, they felt bad.

"One, two, one, two, one, two, three!" With the sound of shouting slogans, more than a dozen young men bent over and carried the side of the police car. After shaking it back and forth a few times, the police car shook. As soon as the last slogan was issued, as more people joined in, the police car was overturned!

"Boom!" The people inside were caught off guard, and they were all beaten to pieces. They had never encountered such a situation before.

The people in the second car behind, just opened the door and wanted to jump down, but they were overturned, and followed, the third car, the fourth car... The policemen in the police car in the back hurriedly got down and took Wearing rubber sticks and explosion-proof shields, unfortunately, they did not form an organized line, and they were already separated by the angry crowd.

The strength of unity is great. Once these police officers fall into the crowd, they will be beaten badly.

"Prime Minister, we have no choice. We must call our Self-Defense Forces!" In the Prime Minister's Office, he clearly saw that the policemen of the Metropolitan Police Department who had just been transferred were beaten up, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Tian Yuanzhi said. (To be continued.):

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