Red Soviet Union

Chapter 347: collective property

Southern Uzbekistan, Bukhara Oblast.

A gas truck, driving on kilometers, has a dark green body, which is almost the same as a military vehicle, but the sign hanging on the front hood shows that it is a Turkmenistan civilian truck.

The small cab was a little stuffy. Behind the three-spoke steering wheel was a tall Russian man. He stepped on the accelerator and was in high spirits, and his body was shaking as the car moved forward.

"Kritt, your driving skills are good." In the small cab of the car, there are two people in the right passenger seat, one of them is a tall Cossack with bright eyes, and the other is a young man with great temperament. of the Slavs.

Critter remembered that ten minutes ago, he saw a military jeep breaking down on the side of the road. He kindly stopped and left a person waiting for the car to be repaired. The two came up and said it was 100 kilometers ahead. I went to the Kassan Air Defense Base, and I happened to be on the way, so I took them there.

At that time, these people were all undressed and shirtless, so Crete didn't feel anything special, but when the man was holding the uniform outside, he keenly saw the other side's epaulette, that shining The red star, this is a general!

When the generals go out, they all echo the front and back. There are at least a dozen cars in the convoy. It is very rare for a general to come out in a single car!

He couldn't help but wonder to himself, who is this person? Such a young general!

Hearing the other party's compliment, Crete showed a smile on his face: "I spent three years in the army, I was a car soldier at the time, and then I changed my career, so I went to drive somewhere. In our team, my skills are the best. Yes, so this time, when I came back from the Moscow Radio Factory with a truckload of TVs, the team sent me there."

Your own technology is the best! When Crete thought of this, he was extremely proud, and even the general was praising himself!

"Crench." At this moment, he stepped on the clutch with his left foot, moved out of neutral, and stepped on the brake with his right foot.

At the intersection ahead, several chubby police officers appeared, and when these police officers waved, Crete had to stop.

"What's in the car?" a policeman came up and asked.

"It's a TV," Crete said. "To Ashgabat."

television? Hearing this, the policeman suddenly became interested: "Remove one!"

Take one off? When I heard the three people in the car, I was suddenly surprised. What do you mean?

Just when Critter opened the car door and wanted to make a theory, the policemen behind him had already opened the car door. A tall and thin man brought out a TV from inside, beaming with joy.

"Hey, this is the state! It's collective property!" Crete said quickly.

"We also belong to the country! It's just a donation to us." The tall and thin policeman said: "There is a lack of TV in the police station."

"Move another one and send it to the chief's house!" The fat policeman spoke again.

"Crench." The door on the other side opened, and Andre walked out with a gloomy face.

Since he came to the Turkestan Military Region, he has felt that the atmosphere here is completely different from that of the Far East. He has always maintained restraint. The army does not interfere in local affairs.

Andrei no longer trusts his deputy, deputy commander Nikolanovich. He only brings his own guard captain, Varisi, and a driver. To be able to see the real situation.

As a result, he was very dissatisfied.

Today, I went to inspect a base of the Air Defense Force. The car broke down on the way, leaving the driver behind. He took Varisi to stop a civilian truck. The journey was not bad, but when he got here, he was actually stopped by several policemen.

This kind of scene that only appears in later generations has been staged alive. These guys actually moved the things from the car directly, and they were about to embezzle it!

"You can't move!" Crete was still shouting, and the fat policeman said impatiently: "Don't make a noise! ​​It's your honor to move two TVs! If you make more noise, I'll take you to the police station. Your truck will also be confiscated!"

"Boss, just confiscate it! We happen to have one in each of our homes!"

In the late 1970s, television was still a rarity, and these police officers had no televisions at home.

"No!" cried Crete, "this is the TV in our department store, it's collective property!"

"Get out of your collective property!" The fat policeman slapped Crete in the face, as if he didn't understand his hatred, he drew a baton from his waist and was about to stab Crete in the stomach.

"Crack!" At this moment, a crisp sound came, and there was a wailing from the fat policeman's mouth. His arm has drooped down!

Varissie started, looking at the land of the Soviets, there are such policemen, and there are such domineering practices! Varissie broke the fat policeman's arm with just one blow.

"You are impatient, dare to attack the police, come on!" The tall policeman shouted immediately when he saw it, and rushed towards Varissie.

Varissi didn't even look at it, and with a kick, the guy flew a few meters away.

Three, five and two, a few policemen solved it, and at this moment, the last policeman ran to the policeman quickly, flashed the police lights, and drove away.

"You guys, wait! It's impossible to pass from Bukhara State!" The fat policeman screamed and said to several people.

Due to the inconvenience of transportation, if you want to cross Uzbekistan to reach it is most suitable to take the road of Bukhara, which is almost the only way!

Crete turned pale.

"Pick up the box, let's go." Varisi clapped his hands indifferently, it was too easy to clean up these scumbags, he was completely merciful, or else, kill him!

"Don't be afraid. When you get to the base in front, I will send a team to **** you through Bukhara." Andre said, "They won't do anything to you."

The people did not fight with the officials, which annoyed this group of local snakes. It was quite troublesome. Andrei himself was not afraid, but he could not let Crete be made difficult. This is a good Soviet boy!

Krit didn't speak, but his face was bleak. The accelerator under his feet was stepped to the bottom, and the truck was speeding on the road.

Unfortunately, after 20 minutes of walking, the sound of sirens came from behind, and four police cars were already chasing after them!

"The car in front, stop quickly, or we'll shoot!" With the shouting from behind, the other party actually fired a shot at the sky! (To be continued.):

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