Red Soviet Union

Chapter 530: Andre's model

Engine, Andre doesn't care. In this era, Maozi's technology is quite powerful. AL-31F is fully mature. With Su-27 equipped with troops, then, after improving on the basis of Al31F, a brand new The AL-41 engine can also be carried out step by step.

After all, historically, the Lurica Design Bureau started the development of the AL41 engine in 1986, and it was also for the Mikoyan Design Bureau's MiG 1.42 project verification machine. This engine uses a lot of composite materials. And advanced materials such as new alloys, the application of full digital control and other methods, the single-crystal blade high-pressure turbine adopts new blade cooling, and finally AL-41 has a great improvement in every aspect compared with AL-31. Turbine temperatures have risen by 12 percent, the thrust-to-weight ratio has increased from 8 to 11 in the AL-31, and the thrust/wind area ratio has also been improved. Also, engine operating costs are reduced by about a quarter.

If it weren't for the disintegration of the Soviet Union, which would be embarrassing for later generations, this engine could have been finalized and produced after a trial run, becoming the same advanced engine as the United States. Unfortunately, the rest of Russia can only afford the old cost, and the later 117S engine was only used. The products of some Al41 technology mixed with AL31 are far from the real Al-41, and with the loss of funds and technology, it is impossible for the Lurica Design Bureau to design the real AL-41.

Now, under the promotion of Andre, the Su-27 has appeared five years earlier, and the development of the engine has also started simultaneously. Therefore, Andre is not worried about the heart disease problem faced by the future Huaxia, and Andre is always worried about the electronic technology.

One of the advanced features of the fourth-generation aircraft is electronic technology. Needless to say, the powerful electronic warfare capability of the entire fighter aircraft, only the radar, is no longer the effect that the flat slot radar can achieve.

In essence, the flat-panel slot radar is different from the original inverted card radar, but the shape of the radar antenna is different, the conversion rate of radiated radar energy is different, and the transmitter and receiver are still similar. In order for the radar beam to reach various places, the antenna needs to be rotated, so that the purpose of observing any airspace at any time cannot be achieved.

The newer generation of radar is a phased array. The radar antenna does not move, and by changing the phase of the radar beam, it automatically radiates to the surrounding airspace. On the MiG-31, Mikoyan engineers stuffed a phased array radar inside.

However, this is a passive phased array radar. The transmitting mechanism is still the same as before. It uses a high-power magnetron to transmit, but only changes the phase of the radar beam through the front ferrite phase shifter. This phased array radar, Can only be a transition.

The future radar will be the era of active phased array radar. This initiative lies in that every point of the radar antenna is a transmitting and receiving unit! Can both transmit and receive. Each unit is a T/R component. In this way, even if the radar antenna fails, some components can continue to work and continue to complete the task. At the same time, by changing the phase of each beam, it can not only scan the entire airspace, but also Ability to focus all beams together to increase the ability to detect stealth aircraft!

And for the Soviet Union, electronic systems have always been lacking!

Hearing Andrei's question, Simonov said: "Our radar development department, together with experts from the island country, has now completed the development of the basic T/R module and is preparing for subsequent integration."

Hearing this, Andrei's face showed a look of joy: "This is a huge progress, I want to report to General Secretary Andropov, these experts should be rewarded! I will advise Andrei General Secretary Pov gave them the title of Hero of the Soviet Union!"

At this time, Andre suddenly remembered that in history, the active phased array radar of the Americans was also developed from the island country!

In the 1990s, the American father saw the T/R components made by the island country of the godson, and he said, bring them here and let us test them to see how much the performance is worse than ours, and then take them back and study them carefully. After a while, they built it, and after all, the American father's technical strength is strong, and the performance of the improved product is better than that of the island country, and then they told the island country's godson, um, yes, continue to work hard, better than ours Almost!

However, that was already the technology of the 1990s, and now, in the 1980s, in Andre's consciousness, he thought that a single T/R component would trouble the Soviets for many years. After all, the Soviets' radar technology, It has just reached the standard of flat-panel gap radar, and it is definitely difficult to engage in active phased array. Who would have guessed that with the cooperation of experts from the island country and strong technical strength, it could be done so quickly!

With all this, what's the difference? As long as you continue to invest money and carry out research and development, the development of fighter jets is the most expensive behavior, and the Soviet state system determines that the Soviets are not afraid of burning money!

"I really hope that our new fighter can be developed quickly and truly surpass the West, surpass the United States, and let our technology lead the whole world." Andre said.

"General Andrei, can you give us a picture of the future fighter plane in your mind?" Simonov asked.

Every suggestion of Andrei is very correct, and some of them are even more proficient than professional designers, which makes Simonov intrigued and at the same time decide to ask Andrei for advice.

What will the future fighter look like? Andre thought for a while: "Is there plasticine?"

In the design bureau there is no shortage of this thing. Many designers also use plasticine to shape shapes when they have inspiration. For Andrei, this is a better performance. form.

After all, it would be absolutely impossible for Andre to draw complex structural diagrams. Andre could only create a few models based on later models.

Familiar, one model, one by one, soon appeared in front of everyone.

The first, the only fourth-generation aircraft in service in later generations, the F-22, the second, the T-50 that Russia has chased after, and the third, the B-2 stealth bomber.

the fourth? Andre thought about it, but pinched the F117.

"These models will be given to you as a souvenir." Andre said: "Butterfly-shaped wings, full-motion flat tail, double vertical tail with high inclination, diamond-shaped nose, built-in weapons, these are the most important features of stealth aircraft. The right choice. Hehe, these are my personal opinions."

Now, it seems it's time to see the aircraft carrier? (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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