Red Soviet Union

Chapter 682: The Iraqi issue has turned sharply

"We abstained," said George. After weighing the pros and cons, George still abstained from voting. This time, I can't blame the United States, but Israel for the death. It exploded a nuclear bomb at the first sign of disagreement. Israel is really too bold!

"We agree," said the French representative.

France is a maverick and sings against the United States in many things. In this case, it is obvious that Israel violated the rules, and France cannot protect it.

"We abstain." The representative of the United Kingdom said that the United Kingdom and the United States have always been on a united front. Since the United States abstained, the United Kingdom also abstained.

Two abstentions, two votes passed, and the final decisive vote is in the hands of Huaxia representatives, and in the spirit of Huaxia, the possibility of abstention is very high. At that time, three abstentions will be made, and those who agree will not be in the majority. , there is still a turnaround.

"We agree that the nuclear non-proliferation treaty is the cornerstone of maintaining peace and stability in the entire world, and no new country can have nuclear weapons, which will greatly increase the instability of the world, especially in the Middle East, in such a world of powder keg, if The introduction of nuclear bombs will make the Middle East even less peaceful. To maintain stability in the Middle East and maintain world energy security, we must maintain the denuclearization of the Middle East world, and Israel must destroy their nuclear weapons." The representative of Huaxia made a speech.

George was stunned. Since Huaxia joined the Soviet Union, he has become more and more confident in his words!

In this way, the UN conference passed the sanctions decision on Israel. Israel must sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, accept the inspection of UN nuclear experts, and destroy all their nuclear weapons. Otherwise, they will face UN sanctions and military strikes. , Destroy Israel's nuclear facilities!

What a failure again and again! George was sitting on the return plane, still extremely frustrated. The situation in the entire Middle East was completely out of control. The plan to use Israel to contain the Syrian army went bankrupt. Is there still a chance for the United States?

With mixed feelings, George, who returned to the White House, saw the other think tanks, all with pale faces.

how? Do they already know the results of the United Nations?

"Don't worry too much, Israel won't involve us, it's their choice," George said.

"George, you don't know, two hours ago, Iraq launched a massive counterattack, and our army was divided and surrounded by Iraq." Defense Minister Weinberg said: "Now, in Mosul, mentioning Creek and Baghdad, our troops are surrounded by three encirclement circles, a total of more than 300,000 troops, including logisticians, other coalition forces, and Kurdish armed forces, are all at risk."

Iraq, actually launched a large-scale counter-offensive! In the past, the U.S. military was progressing smoothly, but it was actually an illusion! The Iraqis lured the US troops to keep advancing, the fronts were stretched, the supply lines were stretched, and they even used Baghdad as bait! And the Iraqis have secretly gathered a huge force to counterattack in one fell swoop!

I originally thought that the Iraqis were at the end of the game. As long as the United States worked harder, they would be able to wipe out all the Iraqis, but what about now? The Iraqis turned out to be accumulating stamina and gaining momentum!

The timing of the Iraqis' counter-offensive was very ingenious. Because of the Kurdish turmoil in Turkey and the hydropower war in Syria, the logistical supply of the United States has become extremely difficult. Although the Kurds will not blatantly cut off the road, the occasional guerrilla attacks will make it difficult for the United States. The United States is struggling to cope, and the Syrians are not so good at talking. The places the Syrians control, the United States is absolutely unable to pass.

Originally, as a superpower, it is not difficult for the United States to deal with an Iraq. However, the problem is that it is impossible for the United States to mobilize all its troops. It is definitely a limit to be able to dispatch 300,000 troops. In the case of war, the Soviet Union can drive straight in, interspersed with weak defenses, and hit the English Channel!

The United States only dispatched part of its troops, and what about Iraq? Now in Iraq, almost all the people are soldiers! Iraq already has millions of troops, with 9 main armored divisions, 5 mechanized divisions, 18 motorized infantry divisions, and 31 infantry divisions. The size of the Iraqi army can be said to be among the top five in the world!

In this way, Iraq, relying on the advantage of the number of people, besieged the US troops, especially in the periphery of Baghdad. Iraq used more than 400,000 troops to besiege the 200,000 coalition troops inside!

Although Iraq has a lot of Soviet-made equipment and its combat effectiveness is very strong, the combat effectiveness of the US army is not bad. It is not a big deal to be able to compete with the genuine Soviet army and deal with an Iraqi army.

However, now the American army is short of supplies! Food can still be solved on the spot, but weapons and equipment must be transported through the rear. Under the current situation, many infantrymen of the American army can have a complete magazine left on their bodies! No That's a birdie! The mechanized forces of the United States are highly dependent on logistics supplies. Once the logistics lines are cut off, the Americans will have no combat effectiveness!

Hearing this, George immediately knew that the situation was quite critical!

How to do? Among all the people present, Vice President Bush has the most voice. This veteran who has experienced World War II has a unique hobby in combat.

It is a pity that Bush Sr. has no tricks either. Now it seems that the military solution to the Iraqi problem is finally going to go bankrupt!

"Perhaps, we can launch a counteroffensive in Saudi Arabia and transport supplies from Saudi Arabia to Iraq," said the national security adviser.

At the beginning, the biggest advantage of attacking from Turkey was that they could get the Kurds as guides, go straight to the point, and solve the problem quickly. There was no danger at that time, but the Soviets seized a series of opportunities to completely turmoil Turkey, breaking the American logistical supplies!

"No, Saudi Arabia now has Soviet troops, and we regain control of Saudi Arabia, then we have to go to war with the Soviet Union. Are we ready for a third world war?" George said.

Although judging from the current situation, the Soviet Union invaded Saudi Arabia just to seize oil, but once the U.S. military really attacks the east, it will definitely face the risk of direct confrontation with the Soviet Union.

The third world war will definitely evolve into a nuclear war! The United States is far behind in space technology. At present, the United States does not have any anti-missile means, and the Soviet s-300 has shown the ability to intercept short-range ballistic missiles in actual combat! The United States knows that this missile of the Soviets is definitely not intercepted with a nuclear warhead, but a conventional interception!

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