Red Soviet Union

Chapter 687: Lieutenant General

"Our big hero is back." Back in the Kremlin, Defense Minister Ustinov said to Andrei.

"Comrade Ustinov, don't make fun of me. I didn't do anything. It's all because of our strong motherland that I am where I am today." Andrei said.

Andrei said it very modestly, but no matter how humble Andrei was, in this series of actions, Andrei has always been the main planner and implementer, and for the Soviets, the victory in the Middle East, and the Far East have Same great benefit!

The victory in the Far East gave the Soviet Union access to the Pacific Ocean and advanced Western technology, especially electronic technology, while the victory in the Middle East allowed the Soviet Union to seize the economic lifeline of the West!

"Andre, you are too modest. Our victory in the Middle East has allowed us to suppress the West in all aspects. Now, Western European countries are trying to maintain a friendly relationship with us in order to get more from us. Oil share," said Foreign Minister Gromyko.

Oil is the lifeblood of the economy, and the Soviet Union now controls huge oil resources and has a huge say.

For the United States, as a world hegemon, it is absolutely impossible to compromise with the Soviet Union. However, other younger brothers in Western Europe may not necessarily have the same consciousness as the United States. If nothing else, as far as France is concerned, it is now frequently The Soviet Union showed favor.

"Andrei, in view of your outstanding contributions this year, ****** passed the decision to promote you to lieutenant general." Andropov said: "Congratulations, you became our Soviet after World War II, The first lieutenant general under thirty years old."

Andre's original rank of major general belongs to no one before, and no one has come since. After that, he used the rank of major general to preside over various tasks of the Turkish military region. In fact, he was sometimes very passive. Corresponding to the commander of the military region, it should be the middle The rank of general is just right, but Andre is too young after all. Therefore, Andre's military rank has not been promoted upwards, until now, finally, Andre has got a new promotion of his own, Lieutenant General!

In fact, based on Andre's current performance, it is entirely possible to promote the general, but, after all, he is still too young, and the current lieutenant general is unprecedented.

After Andropov finished speaking, there was applause from below. This time it was not an official award, it was just an oral communication from Andropov, and the people around him were extremely supportive of Andropov's decision. of.

"I will definitely live up to the cultivation and expectations of the motherland. The goal of our Soviet existence is to liberate the world and rescue the people who are still enslaved by the capitalists." Andre said.

This sentence was very solemn, and Ustinov on the side couldn't help but patted Andrei on the back: "Andrei, with your rise, it is definitely not a dream for us Soviets to control the whole world, but now , we have to focus on the present, the mess in the Middle East, I am afraid that you still have to clean up."

Seemingly peaceful, in fact, the Middle East is not peaceful. The turmoil in Turkey, the establishment of Kurdistan, the split of Saudi Arabia, there are still many risks in the middle, and the Soviet Union must not take it lightly.

"Yes, in 1982, we will focus on dealing with the current mess." Andre said: "The big war will not happen, and the small war must also be beneficial to us."

Further actions have already been thought of in Andre's mind. As long as they are steadily implemented, there should be no major changes after the withdrawal of the Western forces.

"Among them, the most important one is Turkey." Ustinov said, "It would be great if we could take advantage of the civil strife in Turkey and control the Black Sea Strait in our hands."

Last year, the Soviet Union attacked and beat Turkey hard. On the one hand, the reason was that Turkey wanted to make a fuss in this strait and blocked the passage of the Soviet Union's Black Sea Fleet to the sea. Although this incident ended with the victory of the Soviet Union However, everyone's heart is unhappy, strategically important places must be controlled by oneself!

Hearing Ustinov's words, Andrei also frowned. Indeed, it would be great if he could control the Black Sea Strait. However, the relationship here is intricate. It's hard to say that in other areas, it will be difficult.

"We try our best to complete it." Andrei said: "This goal has to be done from the Turks themselves."

"This year's war ended with our victory. The United States did not launch the third world war with ferocity, frantically **** the crude oil production areas in the Middle East, and stopped at the last minute. Do you know why?" Foreign Minister Gromi Ko said.

The United States is the leader of the Western world and a superpower. The United States will never see the Middle East fall to the Soviet Union! And now, the United States has actually stopped, which is also a mystery.

At the top of the Soviet Union, in fact, a plan was prepared at the beginning. Once the United States is not willing to fail and cause a third world war, the Soviet Union will accompany it to the end! However, such a scene did not appear.

"Why? Gromyko?" Ustinov asked.

"Because the United States has decided to no longer rely on the oil resources in the Middle said: "The United States has found a new mining technology that can produce shale oil on a large scale. Soon, the United States In terms of oil production, it will surpass Saudi Arabia, and even surpass us. At that time, the United States will be able to closely link Western Europe with their oil exports. "

This is the conclusion that the Soviet ambassador to the United States finally came to after careful investigation. If the United States had no alternative, it would rather start the third world war and recapture the energy fields in the Middle East. Now, the Americans are actually Give up because they have found a replacement!

Shale oil! The second revolution in the oil industry!

Hearing Gromyko's words, Andre suddenly felt extremely ridiculous. Isn't this a repeat of history? It's a pity that the two sides have exchanged positions!

In the 1980s in history, the United States controlled the entire Middle East and continuously increased oil production, resulting in a situation of global energy oversupply. From this aspect, the United States attacked the Soviet Union's economy. At that time, the main source of foreign exchange for the Soviet Union was oil exports. With the drop in oil prices, the domestic oil industry in the Soviet Union fell into an embarrassing situation. Exploiting oil for export is losing money. If it is not exploited, the country's industry will have to go bankrupt and a large number of people will lose their jobs.

And now, it's the Soviet Union's turn to play this one out!

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