Red Soviet Union

Chapter 754: meet the iron lady

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The trip to Germany was not smooth. Reagan wanted to use the Berlin Wall incident to provoke the conflict between the German people and the Soviet Union, and divert their attention. Contacts, and the people of West Germany are more willing to stay in East Berlin!

Considering the rise in living materials in West Germany due to soaring oil prices, and the social security problems caused by refugees in East Germany, East Germany is simply paradise! Moreover, the developed electronic technology of East Germany is also impossible for West Germany! Now, all over Europe, the news that East Germany is a paradise on earth is spreading! This is absolutely unfavorable for the entire Western world!

And with the opening of the channel, East German electronic products have bloomed all over Western Europe, and countless people have rushed to East Germany, and even become second-order dealers. Tariffs are levied on electronic products to protect our own electronics industry!

When American electronic products arrive in Western Europe, they cannot compete with East German electronic products! Moreover, because many electronic products have applied for patents, the United States cannot imitate them. The Soviet Union does not care about patents, but the United States still wants to face, or it will not be able to mix in the Western world. Oriental Novel Reading Network http://%77%77%77%2e%6c%6e%77%6f%77%2e%6e%65%74Pinshu (wWW.VoDtw.coM) (

Reagan didn't stay in Germany too much, because his card was so stinky that the top executives in West Germany were already full of disgust with Reagan's trip. However, Reagan still achieved his goal. After all, Germany was a defeated country and needed to act according to the face of the United States. Under the pressure of the United States, Germany could not express its opposition.

On the other hand, it is also because Reagan promised to export more shale oil to Germany, and Germany has to pay for shale oil from the United States in dollars, right? This can be considered to avoid the impact of paying with Mark.

Next, Reagan went to Paris, but the negotiations with France did not go well.

At that time, with the help of the United States, France was able to restore its country, and with the assistance of the Marshall Plan, France was regarded as restoring its economic strength. However, the Gauls are the most unethical, and wait until France recovers. , began to sing the opposite of the United States. In the eyes of the French, the United States seems to be riding on their heads, and this is unacceptable to the arrogant French.

In particular, after de Gaulle came back to power in 1958, he promoted the "Charles de Gaulle doctrine" with the pursuit of independence and great power status as the core. Therefore, France cannot accept the constraints of the United States. It wants to change the pattern of NATO dominated by the United States and establish three command structures of the United States, France and the United Kingdom. Unfortunately, at this time, the United Kingdom is wearing a pair of pants with the United States, and the French proposal was rejected by the United States and the United Kingdom. reject. As a result, in March 1959, France announced that the Terrestrial Sea Fleet was not under the command of NATO; in June, France refused to allow the United States to set up nuclear weapons in France, and forced the United States to withdraw its nuclear bombs and bombers carrying nuclear weapons in France. In 1962, France exploded its first atomic bomb. In 1963, France announced that the Atlantic Fleet was not under NATO command. In 1964, France recalled all French officers serving in the NATO Naval Command. On July 1, 1966, France withdrew from the NATO Military Integration Agency; in October, France withdrew from the NATO Military Council reads;. NATO headquarters moved from Paris to Brussels.

The French are mavericks, and in the whole of Europe, France is the proudest. Especially now, the United States is losing battles repeatedly in its international strategy, and the influence of the United States has greatly declined. Under such circumstances, France will not buy the battle of the United States!

Therefore, Reagan stayed in Paris for three days and did not reach any intention. For France, the settlement of oil in francs can increase France's international influence and weaken the hegemony of the US dollar. Bow down under the threat!

Reagan, who had a grey nose in Paris, took a special plane again and came to London.

The ruler of Britain is the famous Iron Lady, Margaret Hilda Thatcher.

The UK's first female prime minister is a well-known right-wing politician in the UK. Since 1979, she has been the 49th prime minister of the UK. Before Taiwan, she hated the Soviet Union, but after Taiwan, she was more fearless and opposed gcism in a high-profile manner. Before becoming the prime minister, she once criticized the Soviet Union, "When we put everything in front of the cannon, they put the cannon in butter. The front." This sentence is a satire of the Soviet Union's use of military force and disregard for people's livelihood. In response, the Soviet "Red Star" called her "Iron Lady". As a result, Iron Lady still likes this title and has been using it.

In addition to hating GCism, after the Iron Maiden, she began a new ruling philosophy, she believed in the theory of monetarism, mainly privatization. Beginning in 1979, when the Iron Maiden was just established, the British government sold 19% of the shares of BP, a famous monopoly state-owned enterprise, which opened the prelude to the privatization of the Thatcher era. Then, over a million public housing was sold directly to private individuals at a discounted price.

When Mrs Thatcher came to power for the second time, also in 1984, her privatization was even more liberal and large-scale ********. The shares of monopoly giants such as British Telecom, Aerospace, Gas, Steel, Water, etc. were sold to the public, and even the Royal Armoury Company was sold to the privatized aerospace company.

Privatization has revitalized these state-owned enterprises that were on the verge of bankruptcy, and Thatcher also believed that her concept was correct. She controlled the currency, cut welfare spending, and cracked down on union power. She is also ruthless against the country, a full iron lady.

Of course, for any British ruler, an inevitable result is to maintain friendship with the United States. Since the decline of the empire after World War II, Britain must rely on the United States to maintain its status as a great power. Therefore, after World War II, Britain, Become a follower of the United States, the relationship between the two countries is good enough to wear a pair of pants.

British nuclear weapons do not need to be developed at all. The United States directly gives them. Various British technologies are also directly shared with the United States. For example, the Chobham armor, which the United Kingdom has painstakingly researched, is only given to the United States.

But now, the atmosphere of Reagan's meeting with the Iron Lady is quite friendly, not as oppressive as in France.

"The plan proposed by the Soviet Union to unite the eastern countries to settle oil in other We in the UK also do not approve it. We believe that only the US dollar can play the role of the world currency. Therefore, our British Oil exports will not accept other currencies, only US dollars." Iron Maiden said to Reagan.

Unlike France and Germany, the UK is a pure oil exporter! The production of North Sea oil fields is so high that Britain has already started exporting oil! At the same time, the current international oil price is soaring, which has greatly reversed the economic situation in the United Kingdom. Now that the entire Western Europe is in mourning, all the oil-producing countries along the North Sea coast are making a fortune. Selling to other countries at a low price out of friendship? No one is a fool, only interests are the most important between countries!

Therefore, the current situation in the United Kingdom is not bad. Except for those refugees in the country, which are difficult to manage, the economy is still very rich.

Moreover, the United Kingdom exports oil, why does it still charge pounds? It's good to spend the pound! Only oil importing countries want to settle oil in their own currency, how could exporting countries do such a stupid thing! So, of course, the UK supports the dollar settlement of oil.

Thinking of the situation in Germany and France, Reagan could not help but sigh, it seems that Britain is better, after all, it is a friendship established during World War II!

"Thank you very much for the support of the United Kingdom." Reagan picked up the glass and said to Mrs Thatcher: "Madam, then we have done this."

Reagan came to the United Kingdom, which was the most comfortable. Next, he discussed with the United Kingdom how to continue to increase oil production and suppress the oil-producing countries in the East. At this time, he saw the Secretary of Defense John Knott with a serious face. Come in and say to Mrs Thatcher: "Ma'am, it's not good, our Falkland Islands have been occupied by the Argentines!" (To be continued.)

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