Episode 108

Much more time passed.

At some point, Allen couldn’t remember how much time had passed.

Was it ahh? Or ten days? I do not know. Maybe you need to know.

I just grabbed my sword and stared at my opponent.

Allen’s mind was clearer than expected. Or maybe you have developed a tolerance. Have you ever done something similar this time? Persevering was the field in which he was most confident.

Persevere, persevere, and wait for one round of reversal.

‘Cause that’s what I’ve been doing

“Why don’t you do it any more?”

Got dirt on your neck? Perhaps because he hadn’t drank a sip of water, the sound coming out of his throat was loud.

do you want to move again? Know your opponent’s movements. I’ve seen it hundreds and thousands of times already, so I can predict it now. had to be

“Yeah, I have to admit it.”

What I felt in Gaion’s tone was an unexpected feeling.


“My little one, you have to admit that stubborn mentality.”

Can you go on fighting for ten days without a break, with both sleep and appetite suppressed?

Gaion acknowledged only that one mental head that was close to madness.

“compliment? Heh, a compliment is a compliment.”

Allen raised his vigilance at Gaion’s voice, which he couldn’t believe had ever pushed Allen.

“Because it means that your stubbornness exceeded the old man’s expectations.”

catch the bestla to be able to respond at any time.

Is your body in good shape? Not good. However, the body that seemed to have been made by God recovered its state even with minimal rest.

So the battle can continue.

“Originally, I was thinking of looking at my skills until I surrender. After that, I tried to get rid of the stubbornness that was close to that belief. By the way… .”

The fine fluff on the back of his neck grew stronger as he continued to speak.

Instantly, my hands trembled. Other objects began to be erased from Allen’s pupils. The floor disappears, the wall disappears. The ceiling disappeared, and the space around it was erased.

In the end, there was only one left.

He alone sat in Allen’s pupil. He smiled a savage beast.

“I do not know. Looking at your condition, I don’t know how long you will last. migration? one month? Maybe even more ridiculously than that. So.”

The space around Gaion began to burn. It was a literal sight. Due to his presence, the space around him was shaken and refracted.

I got goosebumps.

The current Ga-on was incomparable to the one he had faced over the past ten days.

Wasn’t that showing all of his skills? I knew he was watching. However, he never imagined that he would be left with this much power.

“Don’t slay me properly. It won’t take long.”

one day to go Even if I endure it, two days will be the maximum.

“Before that, I ask again, do you understand why I am doing this?”

Allen clenched his teeth and gave strength to both hands holding the sword.

“… Is it to show off my skills?”

Gaion smiled with a face that he knew it would.

“It was wrong this time too.”

The sword fell from Allen’s hand.

“Hey, Byron! Get it right!”

“Sir, I see!”

Byron sighed as he grabbed the three-headed rabbit as he ran.

Currently, Julius and his party were divided into several groups and scattered to obtain additional rewards and hidden pieces.

As a result of the lottery, Julius was able to act alone with Byron after a long time.

“How are you, did you spit anything?”

“I’ll check.”

Byron cut the three-headed rabbit’s stomach with the dagger he was carrying. Inside the ship was a small box.

“I will open it. Step back, my lord!”

Byron was excited to be going with Julius after a long time.

After seeing him in the Fern Territory, he served Julius as his lord.

Although he was a knight who used magic and could not use prana, he was convinced that he could go further by following Julius.

“It’s okay… .”

Julius knew what was in that box.

[Lucky Rabbit Ring (C)]

once a day! Good luck!

A ring that brings up trivial luck once a day, such as picking up money on the way or accidentally buying a lottery ticket and winning 4th place.

Personally, Julius thinks that there are no uncertain variables such as luck, so he had to get as many items as possible that increase his luck-related stats.

Byron opened the box.

In an instant, a bright light flashed in front of her eyes.

“I will stop you! Back off!”

He cried out, and threw the box under his stomach and fell on his face.

Julius stared blankly at the funny scene. No, it’s not even a grenade… . When I first saw him, I thought he was a reliable knight.

‘It was famous in the original.’

How easy is it to join the Berserk Knights, led by Douglas Abel, the spear of mankind, with the body of a mana knight.

However, seeing them do this with weakness and over-loyalty to women, only sighs came out.

“… I’m Byron, so give me a box.”

“Oh, yep! All right.”

Julius took the box he was holding out and took out the ring inside.

A ring adorned with three rabbit heads.

Personally, I wondered who came up with this bizarre design.

Not Cerberus, but three rabbit heads.

“Let’s go somewhere else quickly, we have to move as fast as we can before the practical exam is over.”

Byron’s loyalty was burdensome, but it wasn’t bad.

It means that you believe in yourself.

The end of the practical exam, which took a total of 14 days, came to an end.

Allen was confused.

No, it wasn’t just the mind.

The body and mind were all in shreds.

It’s the first time I’ve been like this since I was tortured to make a dragon core at the giant’s ruins.

Allen knelt helplessly.

The black power in his hand loosened and he let go. Vestla had already flowed near his knees and fell to the floor.

The vitality that had been circulating in the muscles of his body could not be found as if it had disappeared, and the core, which ran wildly, was weak as if it had ever been.

The mental power was probably, for the first time, lost through an action other than magic.

He stretched his senses to follow the movement of the arms, even a little, but in the end, he could not predict it even once.

Rather, it confirmed the essence of the technology to deceive the detection range.

‘Sensing power sends information about the movement of the opponent’s muscles within the sensing range. So, when the sensory power touches the body, it gives a momentary force to the muscle and sends the wrong information.’

Truly insane technology.

The reason he predicted Allen would run even when he was standing still the last time was that he applied strength to the muscles he used to run even at the moment he stood.

Gaion was seen. One of the strongest among the three fingers. beast king. A living myth.

I can’t get an answer from him.

The hazy mind did not look at what was in front of him in the dreamy reality.

Through such a being, he descends back to himself and further into the depths. Outside, you can’t find an answer from Gaion, so you have no choice but to find the answer yourself.

‘Why did he become like this?’

At first, I was just thinking of sorting out my emotions.

You can’t abandon your relationship with Julius. So, if he is patient, there will be no conflicts where everything seems to be outwardly.

When Julius disappeared and was trying to sort out his emotions.

did you guys show up?

Mark, Louie, and Noah.

Yes, they were the reason Allen had this fight with Gaion.

Allen did not know them.

However, by meeting them and learning the circumstances, Allen faced his own contradictions.

He felt uncomfortable seeing them dead because he did not save them.

Seeing Noah resenting him for not helping, he couldn’t say anything.

said to remember him. He was trying to remember.

‘However, I didn’t know that he had been sacrificed to the devil until I came face to face with him.’

It was really funny.

His promises were also ridiculous.

Even so, it was funny to gather those who had revenge on Julius.

In the end, it was nothing but anger at Gaion who stabbed his contradiction.

If he had made up his mind, he would have died in an instant.

Just as he finished organizing his thoughts like that, Gaion opened his mouth.

“Do you know why I did that?”

“… Just, are you?”

At Allen’s answer, Gaion responded with a vicious smile as if he was satisfied.

“Yes, there is no reason.”

Ga-on sat down in front of him, who barely reached the correct answer.

“You think too much. You just have to act, you take too much into consideration in doing that one action.”

“That is the nobility.”

To always agonize, anticipate the consequences of a choice, and put meaning in every action and word.

That’s what I’ve learned so far, and that’s how I’ve lived my life.

“No, it’s just a coward. I can’t handle the future, so I’m only doing things within my scope.”

Allen looked at him in disbelief.

“Then you mean to act without thinking? That doesn’t give good results… .”

“Is it that important?”

Then what is important? What’s wrong with getting the maximum benefit with the least amount of action and the sweet fruit with a brief patience?

“Then, what did you gain by thinking so much this time?”

Allen couldn’t say anything. Seeing that, Gaion opened his mouth lightly.

“This suicide incident is probably why you are like this.”

At those words, Allen paused as if stabbed in the head.

“It’s that period that you didn’t focus on, and that’s the only reason. I don’t care what you have with them. I don’t want to know, I just don’t like what you’re doing.”

Gaion asked, tilting his head crookedly.

“Why are you worrying?”

“Isn’t that the reason? I could have stopped it, but I couldn’t, that it was my fault that they died.”

Allen said nothing to his exact analysis.

“In the end, you didn’t do anything while thinking about it.”

Ga-on smiled as he looked at him, unable to say a word.

“Life is surprisingly simple.”

“What… ”

“Do you know why I attacked you in the first place?”

“Didn’t you say there was no reason?”

Gaion smiled mischievously at Allen’s answer and shook his head.

“No, I was angry at first. How can you not get angry when you dare to explain your anger to an elderly person on the subject of a child? However… .”

He burst out laughing and immediately denied his statement.

“Did it even last three days? Do you think the old man will be really angry with the kid? It’s just been a long time since I’ve warmed up, so I wanted to fight.”

Allen was taken aback by the way he spoke casually.

“Sometimes you need to do what you want, not what you think.”

“… I don’t know what the consequences would be, wouldn’t it?”

“Then it means you weren’t ready. Did you plan so poorly that you couldn’t afford it?”

It wasn’t. What Allen had built up until now was not so lax.

“Then what is it, what are you asking for? There is nothing perfect in the world.”

“After all, what’s the difference between saying that you should act improvised in every situation… .”

“Is that again? ha ha ha.”

Allen looked at him smiling and opened his mouth without context.

“There is something I want to do.”

“Then why not do it?”

“But, I don’t know what the future holds.”

“Sometimes you have to let it flow.”

He smiled and tapped Allen on the shoulder a couple of times.

“It is your choice. Do as you please.”

Allen asked him briefly as he was about to get up.

“Why are you living such a life?”

Allen’s answer to his question was simple.

“It’s brightly hot, but it’s getting tired.”

he got up from his seat. A wide back filled Allen’s field of vision.

“Like a flame.”

Gaion looked back at Allen for a moment, grinned and moved on.

“That’s grassland life.”

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