Reincarnated Devil King

Chapter 128: Opening three

For this selection contest, the college deliberately opened a large open space as the venue. The venue is a compacted flat, and after a bit of magic, it is a bit like a rubber stadium on the earth, and then on the edge. After driving in rows of wooden piles, the square small rafters were completed in this way. Each rafter was 30 meters in length and width, and the distance between the two rafters was about 20 meters. The ring also has its own unique number, and the first wave of elections after the match will be held here.

On the left side of the Nine Palace Observatory, there is a large observatory with a length and width of 50 meters. This large platform is two meters above the ground. It is specially prepared for later key matches.

Around the entire Yantai area, there are many high-level seats. Just like the stands of the football stadium of the earth. The number is not many, only for those who have a more status status to rest and watch the war. The North Stand is the main stand, and the organizer is here. Of course, some important positions have also been set up. The King will also be invited, and it will definitely have a place in the North Stand.

South side stands are for the use of family nobles, these people are the largest gold masters of the college.

At least half a day to the west and east will be dazzled by the sun, so it is classified as a secondary area of ​​the advanced area. It is used by people outside the hospital. Nipples has such a great opportunity for publicity. Naturally, many people from outside the college have been invited. For example, some of the large organizations of the Mercenary Guild. Many mercenaries are also willing Come and check, if these young people have good seed that can be absorbed into the mercenary regiment, it is also a good thing for them to add fresh blood, which is like the NBA rookie contest.

Whether it's the grandstand or the grandstand, there are many slogans and crossmen all around. Some are produced by the college, such as welcoming XX, Zhang Xian's status and domineering. There are also students who do it themselves. For example, the Weiss Principal will win, the Weiss Principal is the most handsome, and so on. This Nima is a group of brain residuals.

Because this competition is also open to watching outside the college, many people came here one after another early in the morning.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the college has strengthened its vigilance these days, but it has also opened up to most areas of the competition venue. There are various small stalls outside the college, some selling food, some selling equipment, and People selling pets, etc., and the venue of the competition is already full of people. No matter where they stand in the college, there is a large crowd of people, all kinds of colorful things. It is estimated that the entire Imperial City has one person. Most of them are here.

Mr. Niiples appeared on the podium with a group of college leaders. With the help of the magic loudspeaker, the sound on the podium spread throughout the academy. After a short speech by Nipples, many people were very surprised. I didn't expect it to be so short, and I will start to correct it. Is it a show? All the participants were eager to try, but after Nipples stepped down, Her Majesty King Terena went back to the podium and began to read with a manuscript.

Although the king is carrying a book on the top, many people below do not seem to buy it. At least half of the people are from the wild. Although the imperial power is deterrent to them, they do not understand what the noble rules are. They just want to start quickly. As for what is said above, it is one ear in and one ear out. I talked to myself below. So the venue was still a bit noisy.

"Hehe, this is not the head of Brian of the Iron Sword Mercenary Regiment. Jiu Yang! Jiu Yang! I didn't expect to meet you here, it is really destined!"

"Oh, it turned out to be the leader of the Mercenary Corps Diola and everyone. Fortunately, fortunately!" Brian was calling out with some mercenary friends, and suddenly he heard someone calling himself. A powerful mercenary. The middle-aged man who spoke was almost bald, about forty. Huzhazi with a white flower on his face. There are four people standing behind him, two tall and two short, all with a strength of about 30 levels.

"Captain Brian, what is it and everyone! It seems like we don't know us!" It was a taller man behind Diola, in a robe, he had a bitter face, a mouth and a mouthful Peugeot toothy came out. This is Suarez of the Mercenary Regiment, a 28th-level warlock.

Huh, hey, I just made a mistake! Who does n’t know the famous Hasta, Dinho, Metz and Suaret of the Mercenary Corps! Regardless of the fact that Brian has received a lot of financial support, he has become a newcomer in the mercenary industry in one fell swoop, and his men are no shortage of talents close to level 30, but there is still a little gap compared with the current Mercenary Corps.

The Cosmic Mercenary Regiment is one of the two major mercenary regiments of the original Lordaine. Several cadres have a strength of about 30. Hasta, the deputy head of the element division at level 31, has an exquisite element control, single-handed power, endless range of team battles, and 30 level magician scholar Dinho, another deputy head, knowledgeable, various Wonderful thoughts, always hit opponents in unexpected ways. The last deputy commander, level 30 thief Metz, has disappeared without a trace, and can intelligently appear in every deadly corner of the battlefield. A blow to the fate ~ ~ It is almost a little prince, 28-level Warlock Su Yalei, also can not be underestimated, the control of one-handed rotation can make the opponent die, and the leader Diola It is a 32-level great swordsman who is famous for his fantastic team battle skills.

The Cosmic Mercenary Regiment has been sitting in Luodan for many years and developed here, becoming one of the two mountain bronze mercenary regiments. One of them is, of course, there is still an old enemy, and Lao Dan is competing against him, that is, the Galactic Mercenary Corps. This name is a bit rushing when you hear the name. A self-proclaimed galaxy and a self-proclaimed universe, weird without a fight.

The head of the Galactic Mercenary Corps is a 32-level magician Murio, known as the magic bird, and his title is his big kill. Blowing up a building in one shot is a matter of minutes. Level 30 ghost swordsman Costia, level 31 battle mage Zida, level 29 ice division division Ramo, level 29 gunner Benzei, and characters who can resist the Chamber of the Mercenary Regiment, all are simple roles.

And at this moment, it wasn't that the enemies didn't get together. Murio also brought a group of cadres to the stands that belong to them. Iron Sword, Universe, Galaxy, the stands of the three mercenary groups turned out to be next to each other. I don't know if it was intentional by Nipples.

"Yeah, isn't this the leader of Diola? Which trainee do you fancy today?" Asked Murio with a slight disdain in his eyes.

"Just laughed! How can you fancy even before the game has started?" Don't look at Diola's laughter. In fact, he only looks at the old rival Murio, so he is atmospheric. In fact, I was thinking that if I really wanted to punch a few punches on his face, I would be able to breathe. Because Diola has seen a lot of potential newcomers, but they were robbed by the other side. This makes the opponent's strength soar. The side took the time and energy to pay attention to the result and made a wedding dress for the opponent. The kind of grief and anger was as disgusting as eating a fly.

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