grown ups……


This old man was not afraid of death in order to explore the ultimate in magic, which made Bai Ze a little impatient.

The old man hugged Bai Ze's trouser legs tightly and begged.

I have been practicing hard all my life just to explore the mysteries of magic. Sir, please enlighten me!

The corners of Bai Ze's mouth twitched slightly.

Sir, I promise that I will never reveal a single word...

Old Man Luo kept talking, spittle flying everywhere, Bai Ze became more and more annoyed as he listened, and finally kicked him out.

Come on, attack me with your most powerful magic.

He decided to make the old man suffer a little.

To be precise, this guy won't give up unless he learns something. Bai Ze is going to let him feel the despair of the collapse of his faith.


The old man hesitated.

Hurry up, don't dawdle.

Bai Ze urged, how could a sexually blessed time like a honeymoon be wasted on this old man.

I understand.

Ronant realized that the master was testing him, and immediately began to chant his best fire magic with all his concentration.

The fierce wind of hell, the flame that burns all, burns away all sins!

Meteor shower!

A huge fiery red magic circle unfolded from above Ronant's head. Layers of fire elements gathered into clouds and condensed into fiery red comets, falling towards Bai Ze.

So weak?

Bai Ze curled his lips.

It's not weak anymore. This kind of power can already hurt Meira.

Bai Zhi was sensible and offered a word of support for Old Man Luo, but that was all.

However, the magic isn't over yet.

Ronant wanted to show all his abilities, so he integrated the abilities he had secretly learned and used higher-level moves.

Super fire ball, extra fire ball technique, super extra big fire dragon technique...

The magic circle kept lighting up, and all kinds of low-level fire magic were thrown out by Old Man Luo in an instant.

This is a brand new magic technique he developed.

Low-level magic is released quickly, but its power is extremely low.

This view is a common problem among all magicians, because magic needs to be chanted, released, and accumulated. The longer it takes, the more powerful it will be.

But low-level magic does not need it, they have almost no buffer time.

Old Man Luo used secretly learned training methods to constantly injure himself with low-level magic to improve fire damage, resistance, skill proficiency, etc.

Until he increased the power of low-level magic to be comparable to high-level magic, and gave birth to the ability to instantly cast high-level magic.

This shocking method is beyond the imagination of human beings, because this training method is not too painful.

Not just the body, but also the mind and spirit.

If you are not careful, you will die under your own magic, which is no different from committing suicide.

But old man Luo's thinking is different from ordinary people's and he doesn't take the ordinary path.


Ronant kept panting, and his MP was squandered in an instant.

But after seeing the huge fireballs densely packed in the sky, he smiled happily.

Let me ask, it should be easy for such magical power to level an imperial city.

The adults will definitely be impressed by him, and then accept him as a disciple to explore the ultimate in magic together.

Thinking about it makes me a little excited.

The overwhelming flames surged towards Bai Ze. Even Julius and Olelu in the distance felt the scorching temperature and couldn't help but secretly gasp.

Although this old man is a pervert, his magic skills are indeed great.

Olelu sighed sincerely, and Julius beside him nodded in agreement. He was indeed his master.

Regardless of the reason, being able to study this kind of magic to this extent is respectable.

However, Bai Ze was unmoved by this, and an intriguing smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This power can at most threaten Liz. If it is Sophia, she can directly ignore this level A damage.

He stretched out his hand and drew towards the void lightly.

He was going to show Old Man Luo what the scenery was like at the end of magic.

Anti-magic barrier!


As soon as he finished speaking, the familiar green barrier appeared around him.

Bai Zhi, who was holding Bai Ze's arm, was speechless.

It's because you stole Potimas' skills.

Do you want the old man to know the dangers of society?

This annoying barrier had caused the two of them to suffer a lot in the past, and they absolutely hated it.

Especially after the magic field that they are best at is directly blocked, it is so frustrating that it makes people want to go crazy.

The anti-magic barrier formed in an instant, and then continued to expand, covering the sky with magic.

In an instant.

The magic invalidation was activated, the violent fire element in the air instantly dissipated, and countless fireballs collapsed directly.

Ronant's eyes widened and he was speechless.

How can it be!!

The old man screamed.

The magic he was so proud of had no effect in front of that adult!

This is not magic, not magic at all!

Ronant was completely stunned and at a loss.

However, when the barrier extended to his side, all the old man's permanent skills suddenly became ineffective.

Skills, skills cannot be released?!?!

Ronant was shocked again. The magic he had spent his whole life studying couldn't be used!

It's could it be...why is this happening...

He grabbed his wand in disbelief, staring at his hands as if he was seeing a ghost.

Is this really not a dream?


Bai Ze chuckled, This is the ultimate in magic. Remember it clearly.

The end of no magic!

After saying that, Bai Ze turned around and left with Bai Zhi, leaving the dumbfounded old man alone, immersed in shock and unable to extricate himself.

Common sense was overturned, and magical beliefs were shattered like the collapse of the Great Xia.

No magic...

There is no magic...

He muttered to himself, only these four words remained in his mind.

After walking away, Bai Zhi rolled his eyes at him angrily.

You are too naughty.

For a magic fanatic, how much psychological damage this move should cause him.

She couldn't help but feel sympathy for the old man.

Well, neither can we destroy it, nor can we establish it. This old man has a strange mind. Maybe he can help us find a way to restrain the invalidation of magic.

Bai Ze spread his hands and expressed his true thoughts.

Good for you.

Bai Zhi couldn't laugh or cry.

By the way, now that your strength has been restored, does your physique also...

The look on your face now scares me.

Bai Ze took half a step back, feeling a dull pain in his waist.


Hey, don't, let's talk about it when we get back...

Isn't the woods more exciting?

Only if no one is watching.

The next second, the two disappeared and reappeared, already at Blue Star's two-story bungalow.

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