
Me and Miho were able to come to the crowd soon after. The distance from Henan to the crowd was not so far away, so we could arrive in five days even though we did not use light technology. When Miho entered the crowd, he grabbed the most luxurious guest room and tried to eat the most expensive food in the crowd.

“Where’s the best restaurant in the crowd?”
“… … ”
“Hm? You do not want to buy rice for your daughter? ”
“Can not you eat later? I think I am going to meet Lee Gwanggyeong, so my head hurts. ”

Miho waved his tail and said on the bed.

“Your daughter does not understand you. Is not it a strange life when you die anyway? I will have money. Whenever I walk around, I will eat the most delicious food until I get tired of it. ”
“Then what if you do not have the money when you need it? I will die again and save my money. ”
“… Goodbye. ”

I thought Miho could not help but grumble at me. So he exchanged money with the Dae Ryong Sangju and handed the remaining money to Miho. Miho looked at the money I was paying, and laughed.

“Are you kidding and taking it seriously? If you are a woman, you can deceive humans as much as you can with arthritis. ”

I took a sigh of relief.

“Okay, just pay this. If you get the arthritis, you’ll have trouble afterwards. ”
“Are you really giving it?”
“Hmm, thank you very much.”

Miho took the money and somehow it was refreshing. The most famous dish in the crowded Meiji era seemed to be filled with excitement in the house of Mr.

“You may be able to defeat this light as you wish.”
“I did not mean it by all means.”
“Wuhuuu, I do not want to face the same person Ikkwang. It is annoying because the fascination of my lady does not lead to excellent adepts. ”
“… … ”
“Then I’ll see you later.”


Miho disappeared with the transformation. It seemed like I was going to appear before me when I needed to play. I felt like a storm had passed and lay down on my bed silently. I decided to look at the ceiling for a while.

‘ Yes. Do you want to die more? ”

Even if I die here, I have enough. You can use it in your next life actively, and at that time, you can look for other ways instead of investing in it. Now it was important to shake off my mental anguish.

I got up after a while and headed to Blue Dragon.
There was a brother in the front in front of the blue dragon. I was really looking forward to my face for 10 years. Of course, the first day I saw me.

“What are you?”
“I came to do the errand of the letter.”
“letter? To whom? ”
“Let me tell you that I am going to give you a letter to Chung Ryoung-joo’s third trilogy.”

The day came to me with a snobby.

“Where is this guy … ”


I avoided the hands of the secretly of the night with the brains and passed behind the neck with a hand sword. It seemed that the Japanese had lost consciousness in the control plant, which was connected by almost one motion. As the day went down, I pulled my tongue out.

“It’s a fresh response.”

The other gatekeeper who was watching from the side was trying to get into the blueprint. It seemed like he was trying to sound an intrusion, so I approached him quickly before he made a noise and overpowered his blood.


“… … !! ”

He was quickly overwhelmed with blood and blood, and he stopped in motion and could not move. I put a spit in my arms.

“You’ll be able to move the rear half. Do not worry, it will not be a bad thing. ”

I do not want to be loud and I do not want to be able to go in and talk directly without a star. I climbed over the roof of the building invisible to people, moved quickly to the brain, and soon I could sit down before the door.

I swallowed the spit while looking at the building in front of Wakyongjeon. The only annoying thing to think about is the back of this door. I took a deep breath and said it big.

“I am a white man. I came from afar to do my errands. ”

The answer has not been heard for a while.
And after the silence, I heard a familiar voice.

“Come in.”


I opened the door and went in. As I walked through the faint darkness of Wakyongjeon in a nervous way, a familiar sight appeared. The senior man sitting in front of the table was quietly pouring tea into the tea cup. I did not feel a vast body of experience, but I knew that the old man was one of the scariest people in the world.

Bluegum was the third person to watch me for a while.

“Errand … Who sent you? ”
“General Chang Kyung Ik sent this letter to Lee Kwang.”
“Give it to me.”

I approached and greeted him with a polite letter. I had never opened a letter to avoid suspicion. I did not have to do it because I was brainwashed by Jang Kyoung-kee, who was the party sending the letter anyway and knew everything.

“… … ”

I read the attached map in detail in Lee Kwang Eun who read the contents of the inside for a while after reading the letter. I was quietly municipal until he read the letter. It was not until a long time ago.

“I said it was white. Does your unofficial source look like a thunderstorm?

I was surprised inside. Until now, I have proved myself to be a superhero, but this time I was aware of it just by looking at it. I nodded, knelt on one knee, and took the example of a god of the gods who treated the gods of Sama.

“That’s right. How did you know? ”
“Brain casting has reached a considerable level.”

I have some kind of joy to say. The second, to praise the praise, the praised Lee Yi-kwang praised my technique. But I had a lot of years of suffering with Lee Kwang to rejoice with this, so I felt my heart grow heavy again. Lee Kwang said, beckoning for me to get up and straightening his posture.

“You do not have to be too nervous. If you are a disciple of other Brahmin, you will become a disciple of mine. I have no reason to hurt you. ”
“Where is your teacher doing?”
“You are dead. The disease is getting worse … ”
“Did not you achieve the spirit of the brain? Is it enough to teach you? ”

I sighed.

“The reason I got this was because of the chance I got by accident after wandering the world. I’m sick. ”
“What a feast.”
“I took the millennium (千年 雪 蔘).”
“The millennium … !! Indeed, that’s about as much as possible. ”

It was a light that convinced me with my head. On the other hand, I was surrounded by complicated feelings. I could not help but think that Lee Eun-gwang, who is in front of my eyes, was a different person from the other people who was hating and hating me like he was killing me.

I was standing in front of my eyes, a genius child of the martial arts who was indifferent to everything and interested in his own work. He also seemed to have only the necessary level of interest, rather than hating me. In fact, this was the original look of Lee Kwang I thought inside.

‘Mangyu. You’re right … It was only unique in that time. ”

Although the deposit has not been released yet, it seemed reasonable to some extent. I was quietly calming my feelings, Lee said.

“You seem to have mastered the spirit of the throne to a considerable extent, but how did you get to do errands for Chang Kyung-ik?”

I have decided not to lie to much in here. There was a possibility that an unnecessary lie might catch ankle in the future because it is possible that Lee Yang-kwang would go and check for himself directly.

“While I was wandering around the world, I was heading to Koryu to meet with the signing of the Gwangmyeong Shin Buddhism with the Fahrenheit Sega. During that time, I had a chance to connect with General Chang Kyung Ik and talked with him. So after I went to Koryo, I was taken to the Qing Dynasty and came to the Qing Dynasty. ”
“The sign of the light of God? He is a member of the Senate. I heard that you were bullied with Baekryunggyo … ”
“Yeah. My master went to Koryu to meet me because I was close to Kaizo. ”

Lee Kwang was convinced that my story was detailed and clear. I did not have anything to doubt about because I did not have any parts that I made up for. Lee Kwang, who had been thinking for a while, said.

“Where are you going now?”

I noticed that this is an important passage. So I told him again, equipped with an example of the brain.

“If Lee is the master of the brain spirit, I want to get the teachings from below.”
“I thought you were going to say that.”

Then Lee Gwang was speaking slowly.

“I want to check your unauthorized vision for a while before that.”
“May I use the square?”
“Let’s try it.”

Woo Woong

As I have been doing so many times so far, I ran to the squadron and showed a demonstration of all the races I have known. Of course, all the secrets such as the brain did not know the seal. Lee Kwang, who had been watching until the demonstration was over with the Ming Dynasty, the Brainstorming, and the Thunderbolt.

“A great accomplishment at that age. There is no shortage of license. ”
“Thank you.”
“But why do not you write a pitched window and a man’s quarrel?”

Lee Kwang was saying that he did not write. I pretended that I did not know, but in the eyes of Lee Gwang, the color was visible. I squeezed into it.

“I learned my form, but I thought my material was too poor to show.”
“But let’s unfold once.”

I slowly, but with all my might, began to open the window and the maneuver test. Anyway, when I saw this, Lee Gwang was aware of my talent and I was disappointed.

But something strange happened.

I was feeling a strange feeling that my body was not my body. It seemed as though I was watching my body from outside. It was a different feeling when Yeobin was in control of my body, and I did not know well what the weapon was in my hand.

Boooung …

In that state, I was able to associate with the sword and the sword with ease and speed, and finally passed to the man check. I was surprised to catch a sword and it seemed that the sword became an extension of my arm. And the various prejudices that existed in the pilgrim ‘s sword have been passed from one end of my hand to the other, and I felt that it did not go against the flow.

It flows.
The sword is swimming.

I was spreading a new sword (剣 舞). The body of the world naturally pinched the earth, and the 影影 (剣 影) rose like a petal, and the herbaceous plants that have not been linked until now have been linked. I have noticed that the flow of the Tenmunjung Method is gradually being integrated into the test.

The decades of combat training, the experience of battle with the strong, the emotions of the pentagon, the basics of the dictatorship taught to the kumma, and the wisdom gained from the myriads of innumerable lives have become a lump. I realized now that it is time to cross the ‘wall’.

On the last day, a sword flashed through the air, and the sound of Pokho began to resonate.

I sweat in the whole body and concentrated to build in me the deep sensitivity that I just felt before. I forgot that I was doing a demonstration in front of Lee Kwang.

And after a while, when I went to the top of my head, there was a clear light of excitement.

“To get a mysterious mystery …” !! You’ve seen something precious. ”


Without a bird to answer to me, Lee dragged a window in the squadron with the technique of Hyeonggongsup, and held it in his hand. Then he began to show himself to me as well. I wanted to know what this was, but I did not have to explain it and I could understand why it was doing that.

The extreme of Mu.

It was there to show his enlightenment in return with Lee Eun-gwang, who was thrilled with pure unmanned man. While I was still in the position of reason, I made my eyes wide open and I was able to see each movement of the light. I had seen similar things when I was enthusiastically taught by Lee Yong Kwang in the past, but I did not even understand it at the time.

But now it was different. It seemed to be understandable that it was moving, and I could see what his movements meant. I can understand the meaning of the sword without any obstacles because I am in the state immediately after being enlightened.

Huu Woong

A huge stream went over.

The spear of Leegwang spilled the fog light and wandered in a strange time. The body of this light seemed to be stopping, but it was moving, and when it moved, it stopped again. His spear was neither quick nor quick, but was in unison with the user in pursuit of exactly one movement.

This is art.

It was after the movement already passed where the mind went. The Changgeuk of the person who forgot even the herbivores was doing the best of intimidation toward the intangible enemy. I can not explain the status of Lee Kwang by the classifications of the non – The thunderstorms (雷 实) were dividing the heaven and earth at every moment.

At the same time, I felt shame. How tiny it was to say that I was going to learn a spear under such a haggis!

It was a strange thing, but I felt like I was forgotten about the pain and suffering of the past that I received from Lee. Somehow it seemed to understand whether it was an unmanned versus unmanned whether it was so angry at that time.


Along with the final advance, I finished with the sting.
He looked at me and said.

“There was another mention of the world as well as my disciples … It’s a genius talent. ”
“… … ”

Is that the end?

I saw him trying to convince himself. I wanted to fix things wrong.

“It’s not like that.”

I said firmly.

“I do not have talent.”

It may sound strange.
Maybe this young man learns the martial arts of superpowers and throws off the walls of the superpowers just before, and it may seem like a jerk to say that he is not talented.

But, nevertheless, I have to say. If not, the soul will die.
At first, Lee made an absurd expression and asked whether there was any straw inside.

“… … ”

I said slowly.

“Talent does not mean everything in one word. That is irresponsible. ”

This poor man, ah.
How many people think you are hurt by that one word.

I do not need to go into the Blue Dragon.
I can not help but waste more time.

‘I have to say this.’

I did not think that Ikwang was any more than perfect human being. He was also a person who was angry, bitter, and sometimes mistaken. In order for humans to fix each other’s faults, they had to brave and talk first.

If you are willing to take the other person seriously, you should not be concealing and deceiving yourself. That was my courtesy of the ‘Master’ who has dominated my half-life.

Lee seemed to feel something in my words.
Then he answered with a careful face.

“I know.”

I would have scoffed or ignored my words if it was a usual light. But now that I was talking with myself, it seemed that I accepted my words sincerely.

I do not know.

In just a few words – the years of suffering I have suffered will not be rewarded, but I felt healed nevertheless. I have been teaching nearest for many years, but I have been closing my mind and now it seems a little open.

“How are you crying?”

It was as it was said. There was a tear on my cheek that seemed to wash a bird in my eyes. In essence, the emotions that can not be used are totally down.

“… … ”
“… No, you were wrong. I’m sorry. ”

Lee Gwanghyeol said humbly. Apologizing and apologizing for your mistakes have never been seen for decades. No, I could not have thought of the immense pride of Lee Kwang’s character. So I did not feel any more anger and shrugged my eyes.


With this I have shaved half of the sediment.
It took time, but at the same time it pierced the walls of the grace with the sword – it succeeded in coming back to the blue dragon.

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