
I thought I had no reason to notice in this fight. I decided to put out all the cards I have, because it is almost over when I actually knock that guy down.

‘Young Dong Bin. You think so too? ‘

The tentacles monster, which was the goddess above the gold that was transformed into a magic spell, pukes in front of the eyes. Still, Yeobin did not think of coming down yet. It means that my opponent in front of me was able to cope enough with me alone.


I was pulled up to my body by the blink of a brain. At the same time, the white crowd, which facilitated the movement and calculation of the fringes, revived, and suddenly my power suddenly multiplied when the two synergies were combined.



The tentacles monster, which I was shouting and riding at the same time, was thrown into a sword and flew away. The alchemist who looked at me from side looked around with a startled face, and at that time my sword was aiming at his throat swiftly.


‘ Teleportation?’

I was struck by the sudden disappearance of the alchemist’s appearance. However, as soon as he felt his position elsewhere, he noticed that he had the ability to move in a short space, unlike a space movement using boiling. Continuously tracked the alchemist to the ground again.


“Ugh … Take it … ”

The alchemist recalled a huge wand from his hand and pulled it out, condensing the flame. And dozens of flames of beads circled in the air. It was a defense rather than an attack, and it seemed that I would not be able to approach it. I had to make an instant judgment.

‘Let’s shoot the flame ball once.’


As he flashed the flame ball, he flashed in the air as though the flame ball seemed to flourish for a while. The range of the explosion seemed to be considerable, about one radius. I escaped the attack of the tentacle monster that followed me from the back of the brains to the centenary of the brains, and then, at a medium distance, I ran a squadron over the pile of flame beads.


There was a foggy smoke, and there was an alchemist who recalled flaming beads. He was ashamed to think it was safe now.

“Do you think I’ll be harmed by my magic?”

It was an annoying magic. The low flame beads exploded in response to the approaching player, and seemed to be a defense that did not hurt the caster. No matter how many explosions I had, I was sure to get a fatal injury.

Come on.


The tentacles monster has been attacking me again. This time, it seemed to recognize me as ‘enemy’ surely attacking tentacles. I made an instant judgment by avoiding the attack of the tentacles monster.

‘Do you get rid of the tentacle monster first?’

If so, choose the former. It would be better if you try to defeat the flame defensive magic quickly and get rid of the fate rather than the fatal injury. I decided to do so, and retreated to the back to become a brainsman (雷 影) after casting a brains for a thousand years.

Then he ran like a spider on the pillars in the dark with skillful craftsmen, and slowly trimmed them. I took a saliva from one of my new breeds and raised my concentration more. The alchemist’s laughter was heard.

“Ha ha ha! I do not want to get rid of it. ”

I did not care about his ridiculousness but calmly looked at my gyeongmaek and his blood. And I stabbed three places in the nostalgia that further activated the lightning pole. At the same time, my inner self, which had not been used yet and was latent in Dainan, started to rise.


In addition to the brain and the white horse, there is a further increase in the Ki. I jumped out of the pillar and exited. There was only one goal in my eye, the tentacles of hanging tentacles.

“It’s me!”

Manseok Sword
The secret
A thousand miles (thousand 萬 萬)

The white light was broken. My body flashed like a whirlwind and spewed a crescent moon like a sequel, and its speed increased tremendously. The reality was merely a continuous sword, with the sword of the brain, which can be used only after fully realizing the result of illusion, change.


The speed seemed to be broken. In fact, the speed of my sword exceeded the limit, and the white light was submerged into the red sea bream, and even the sound was sucking and it was going to process continuously. The speed of the animal seeming to cry while screaming screamed in the presence. The white spots emerge more intensely, and they cut dozens of tentacles per second.


It was an instant until three hundred chants. White light was transformed into a new lightning, and the whole body of the tentacle monster that reached O Zhang seemed to be covered with light. The alchemist, who was at that low level, stood blankly as if he could not understand the sudden situation, and I focused on the telegraph only to the 刀, without regard to him.


Seven hundred Charms
Eight hundred (80 million)
Nine hundred


The swirling scintillation seemed like a cloud bursting out of the brain.

Get off!

It is finished.
I turned my back on the tentacles monster, whose body was a pantheon, with the sword.

The tentacles monster reaches the tentacles with the last vigor.
The eyes were half-opened and concentrated. The tendon of the forearm wriggles.
I muttered.

“It is a thousand miles.”


I turned my back on the back of the light was pouring. In fact, it collects the motive power of the gauntlet that has been cut so far and slams the gauntlet with the finish. At the same time, the body of the tentacles monster, which has survived to the nines, has been greatly divided.

Kwang !!!

The tentacles of the tentacles of the tentacles burst into tens of thousands of pieces in the light. The enemy who was piled up at the same time was blown away. I was so excited to think that I had used the first time in my life that I had been practicing dying.

The larynx …

As the tentacle monster burst, the alchemist who was looking at the distant feet seemed to be perplexed. And I cried out.

“Unbelievable… How much strength do you have? ”
“Why not?”

I took out the dagger from my bracelet, pouring out a decent living. Then he flared like a flare.

쓔 uk – bang !!

“Great aaaaaaaaaaaaa!”

As a result of my inner work, the dagger, who had the strength to work, cut off his arm and put the body of the alchemist on the wall. Without the defense of numerous fireballs, I have thrown in a few more than a dozen streets in anticipation of weakness. It was as though the defenders were weak at ranged throws.

The alchemist was stuck in the wall, puffing out his blood. After a while, the stranglehold began to disappear. I watched the splash and saw the sword.

‘You do not need to give a break. Let’s put it on his neck. ”

I did not take the information to the alchemist tactfully. He was such a dangerous opponent. I had no choice but to allow the reverse, so I kept shut my mouth without saying anything.

He was already half-hearted and seemed unconscious.

“Get lost!”

Can – !!

That was the moment. When I was trying to finish the alchemist, something suddenly stood in front of me. He was wearing a belly button in his body, but it seemed to me that his attack on my heart was blocked by it. I checked my opponent’s figure and asked him a bad question.

“The … !! ”
“In the end, I make the crowd.”

The Zechariah was in some of the new palaces. As soon as he heard my words, he moved near and came to the room of the throne. Zegal used his fingering technique, which I had pre-casted, and I felt like I was getting crushed again.



When I punched my foot again, this time the technique was flying without trace. Zegal took the alchemist with a surprised face and moved away from the scene, avoiding it. He was quite surprised at the distance.

“Great … I just shake off the advanced technique with a good mood. ”

I took a short breath. Then he asked the Zegal department to raise the sword to get the information.

“Jegal Department. Why are you trying to save him? Is not it all right to knock him down? ”

Then he said, throwing the alchemist who was holding in one hand to the ground.

“You do not know anything. This guy is just the end. ”
“If you kill this guy, the forces of darkness will not hit you outside. And they will reach out to the world more lethally and secretly. ”
“But I can not let the alchemist do it myself.”

I roared as I stared at the part of Jegal.

“Get out of there!”
“… … ”

He looked at me with his submerged eyes and said.

“You can teach me. Follow me. ”


The Zegal department headed to the village where the Imperial Palace was deeply deeper than ever. I looked at the back of the Zegal Department, and I approached the alchemist and forbidden the whole body by immersion. Though I tried to kill him in the first place, I thought that it was better to learn the information by engaging in the enchantment of Miho because he was compromising. I completely suppressed the spirit of the alchemist with the immersion method, and then put it in my armor.


I went to the deep darkness of the Imperial Palace along the Jegal department. I thought I was strange as I was going to the Imperial Palace to follow my followers.

‘ What? Is this the house of the LORD so great?

Now I have turned off my brainpower to prevent unnecessary consumption, but my craft is quite fast. It is normal that a proper palace should show its end when it ran this much. But still going down to the basement, it was huge.

However, I could see that the imperial palace was composed of a “bigger” technique than the outside. It is like a tactic spreading in a twelve-yard residence. In the darkness there were two or three giant gates, and I followed the way that the gate of Jegal first opened its doors.

Soon there was a huge space like the abyss, and a long stairway leading to a circular spiral along the abyss. Also, there were lots of unknown bubbles and strange buildings throughout. Zegal said in a distant place.

[This way.]

For a while I jumped down along the stairs. And when I wanted to come down a few dozen, I saw the light slowly, and it seemed to be the bottom of this abyss. He was standing on the floor and looking up at the altar.


Weighing …


I was struck by the huge green light crystal floating on the altar. The size of the crystal was as much as one sheet, and it was as if it were alive. I never thought that there was such a huge modification. In addition, it seemed as if magical latent magical powers were present, as if it were deceiving humans.

Said the government.

“This is the stone of the sage that the alchemist was making.”
“The Stone of Sage?”
“You do not know.”

The Zegal Department fixed its gaze on the stone of the wise with an ancient eye.

“Exactly this is a monument with a way of making wisdom stone. The alchemist brought it from the West. The alchemist, after being recalled from the land of the bishop, has been constantly interpreting the contents of this monument and only making the stone of the sage ”

I frowned. The person who was aware of the enemy began to explain without a sudden, and was not able to adapt.

“So what are you going to do? What happens when a stone of sage is made? ”
“Basically there are three.”

Zegal was slowly speaking.

“First, the fire is immortal.”
“… … !! ”
“Second, infinite power (power). The stone of wisdom can be an endless source of power. ”
“The last third … The creation of all things. You can create anything through the Stone of the Sage, and change it to anything. It is a dream of the Western Magisters. ”

I shed a silent voice. The stone of the wise man is something of a huge fraudulent thing. Unlike the first summoned Bishops, this summoned Alchemist explained why he only stood for the Scepter’s stone.

‘Is not that the sound that ordinary stone can turn into gold if it is said?’

But somehow it was not just that. So, the emperor who owns all the wealth and power of the world is not the reason to cooperate with the alchemist. I was making a suspicious look, and Zegal laughed.

“You must have noticed. Yes, in fact the first fire is nothing. Because most of the Yi are basically uninhabited by fire, they can be easily accomplished by transplanting a magic body like gold above. The emperor also easily obtained the fire by the help of the alchemist. However, it was not expected that the soul was absorbed without a sudden death. ”
“What is the second contract?”
“… … ”

In the eyes of the. And then he said.

“Maybe you are a lot smarter than I thought.”

When I was worried about it because I did not know whether it was praise or profanity, he replied.

“Yes. The emperor wanted to dominate all of this world without ending his greed. So I helped to build the stone of the wise, and collected seven days. If only the power of the chileo is enough, the stone of the wise man will be made easily. ”
“What is the relation between the stone and the conquest of the world of Sylar?
“Do you know that in the past, Chung Hwa (Jeong) has traveled all over the world for seven times?”
“… … ? ”

I do not know. When I looked up, my head was talking.

“At that time, the forces of darkness have already made doors to all over the world. The purge ‘s expedition was also sent from the beginning for that purpose. It was the purpose of easily transferring the military of Daemyung Empire and conquering the land of the ethnic group. ”
“The stone of wisdom is a power source of infinity, and it also has the power to open and close its doors freely. In other words, the completion of the Stone of the Sage is like the establishment of a dynasty empire that rules the world. ”

I got bored.
What is the story like this is huge?
It was such a big story that I could not sense how the story progressed. I heard it blankly and realized one fact.

‘Infinite power source … Did the shaman who performed the first human sacrifice sacrifice human beings to make a wish to the evil to gain the power to open and close the door? ”

It can be enough. I looked at the part of the.

“Have you ever tried to summon a clan once and fail?”
“How did you know that?”
“… Right. So the second time the alchemist was called. ”

I frowned upon the impression. And he told the.

“You are waiting for the Alchemist to complete the Scepter’s stone.”
“When you’re finished, you’re going to have it.”

I could see what he was thinking.

Unlike the technique of Zegal, it is only magic that can make wise stones, and that is what only alchemists can do. So, when the algebra was finished with the stone of Sage, he stayed in the Imperial Palace to rob it.

Until now, he was watching the liver against Hwang Yeon – gun. It would have been better to cooperate with the alchemist to see if it would be better to maintain his position by helping Hwang ‘s army and to personally complete the stone of the wise man.

I set my soul on my throat.

“Damn !! I do not know what these guys are, so I sat down thinking about you ?! You do not know how these guys are going to slaughter and torment Mincho? Until now, I could not stop you, I was just hanging around! ”
“Of course I knew … ”

Zegal replied that it was nothing.

“Can I not stop after I have acquired the Stone of the Sage? It’s just such a problem. ”
“You do not care much about humans.”

I could see what a sense of heterogeneity I felt when I first encountered the.

This guy has no interest in humans. I have no feelings.
Other than self, it is treated only as an object that can be used as a whole.
It was a way of thinking closer to an alien, and I was able to sense the tendency of the person instinctively because I met a lot with the Byi.

When I was in a hurry, the Zegar broke down and laughed.

“But… I guess you’ll be fine. ”

In the proposal of the Department, I repeatedly asked my mouth.

“Now, I will unlock the Imperial Palace and hand over the world to Chief of the Order. But instead, we will take out the alchemist and complete the stone of this sage, both of us. ”
“… … ”
“I can help you perfectly. Then you will acquire the stone of the wise and become the master of the world. ”

It was a fascinating offer.
Acquisition of Stone of Sage!
Although the compromise with the Zegal government was presupposed, a great opportunity came to me as a former student.

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